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Who are you and What do you believe in? Writing the Successful College Application Essay (Personal Narrative)

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Presentation on theme: "Who are you and What do you believe in? Writing the Successful College Application Essay (Personal Narrative)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are you and What do you believe in? Writing the Successful College Application Essay (Personal Narrative)

2 Not everyone plans on attending college, but it is important to know who you are and what you believe in. This lesson is designed for you to tell us who you are while also providing you with a personal narrative that you can use if you choose to enroll in college.

3 The Personal Narrative Only 500 words Why are you different from everyone else? How are you exceptional? It’s time to stand up straight and believe in yourself

4 3 Steps to a Great Personal Narrative Pre-Writing Selecting the Topic Writing the Narrative

5 Pre-Writing Brainstorm Discover Your Strengths Create a Self-Outline Find Patterns and Connections

6 Brainstorming Consider: Major accomplishments Attributes, qualities or skills Favorite books, movies, works of art Difficult time in life Struggles and success Struggles and failure Moment of epiphany Most unwavering personality trait Extra-curriculars or community service Dreams of the future

7 Help I’m Blocked!!! Finding a topic can be difficult, especially one you really want to write on. If you have trouble coming up with a topic from the consider list, try the following: Ask friends and parents about the personality trait they most see or strengths they think you have Consider your childhood Consider your role models Read sample essays Determine your goals

8 Create a Self-Outline Look for patterns or connections of activities/ideas that you can use as specific support for your topic.

9 Types of Essays Standard Essay---take 2-3 points from your self- outline and provide evidence that supports those ideas. Less-Is-More Essay---focus on a single interesting point about yourself and support it (usually a paragraph or ½ pg) Narrative Essay---tells a short and vivid story. (Omit the introduction, write one or two narrative paragraphs that grab and engage the reader’s attention, then explain what this little tale reveals about you)

10 Selecting a Topic Synthesize personal characteristics and experiences as a whole WHILE addressing your desire to attend a certain college or get a certain job. For college essays – BE sure to address the question asked of you –Look at the college’s website, admissions catalog, and have an understanding of the institution’s strengths

11 Selecting a Topic Make sure to use vivid personal experiences Avoid the gimmick. Not looking for a poem or sarcasm, just an interesting read Don’t repeat yourself (ie: if you have your GPA on the college application, there is no need to write about it. No one likes a braggart) Make the topic interesting and truthful Stay away from controversial topics like religion, politics, or controversial opinions Don’t use expensive words just because you know them and don’t use cheap words either

12 Sample Questions for College Essays or Personal Narratives The “You” Question –Personal Statement –Describe Self The “Why Us” Question –Why is _____ school the choice for you? The “Creative” Question –Do you believe there is a generation gap? –Person who influenced you

13 Your Main Goals in Writing the College Essay or Personal Narrative Address your personal qualities Explain the unexplained and avoid the obvious Show your diversity Address your strengths not weaknesses Be truthful…there is no need to invent hardship…you are interesting. Persuade the admissions officer you are worthy of admission to the college Make people believe you are a real-life, intriguing personality

14 Tips for writing the college essay or personal narrative Answer the Question Be Original Be Yourself Don’t “Thesaurize” your Composition Use Imagery and Clear, Vivid Prose

15 Spend the Most Time on your Introduction –Don’t summarize yourself in your intro. –Create intrigue and mystery Examples must support your topic –Don’t just list a bunch of stuff you’ve done! BORING!!! Use TRANSITIONS –Repeat key words, ideas. Not just limited to phrases like “as a result, in addition, while…, since…”

16 The Conclusion Avoid summarizing in your conclusion. Use this as a time reinforce your qualities. Don’t not use “In conclusion” or “In summary” Try these –What are the implications of your topic? –Link conclusion to introduction by reiterating a key phrase from the intro. –Redefine a term you used elsewhere in the paper

17 I’m done, now what? LET IT SIT Give your draft to others to read Revise, revise, revise

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