FIDA Diagnostic Diagnostic for FAST IONS : it measures the vertical component of perpendicular energy Processes generating fast ions –Beam –ICRH heating.

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Presentation on theme: "FIDA Diagnostic Diagnostic for FAST IONS : it measures the vertical component of perpendicular energy Processes generating fast ions –Beam –ICRH heating."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIDA Diagnostic Diagnostic for FAST IONS : it measures the vertical component of perpendicular energy Processes generating fast ions –Beam –ICRH heating –Nuclear reaction

2 Beam-Plasma Interaction 2 Collisional ionization beam + plasma e plasma neutrals (halo neutrals) CXRS beam + plasma ions beam ion Re- neutrals CXRS + beam

3 D  emission from neutrals Neutral population EnergyAtomic ProcessesHH Beam80 KeVElectron collision Doppler shift (60A) + Stark splitting (10A) Edge plasma 10 eVElectron collision unshifted Halo neutrals Plasma energy CXRS (plasma ions-beam) shift Doppler (15 A? for 5keV) Re- neutrals Energetic ions No Mawelliana CXRS ( ions beam- beam) Broad + shift Doppler (max 60 A)

4 Radiation signal Undesired Signal Signal substruction D  spectral line Beam(Doppler shift canceled by View at 90) Edge plasma Halo neutrals putting a mask in front of CCD Background visible Bremsstrahlung impurity spectral lines Working with a modulated beam D  from Re-neutrals ONLY signal to analyze

5 LENS COLLECTION f/number: f/4.4 OPTICAL FIBERS 1.5 mm core diameter SPECTROMETER SP-2356 CZERNY- TURNER f/number: f/4 300 mm focal lenght 1800 grooves/mm grating CCD VELOCICAM VC105A rate readout: 2.2 MHz 14 bits chip: 8*6 mm 2 area image chip: 652 vertical columns with 488 pixel Wavelenght range is  = 6470 - 6630 Å Spectral Resolution: 5 Å PROTOTYPE INSTRUMENT 5

6 CONTAMINANTS IN THE SPECTRUM Lines Impurity OriginElimination B V C VI Excited by charge exchange By beam modulation and time slice subtraction O V C II O IV Noncharge exchange lines By fitting a theoretical response function

7 Fitting of a theoretical response function The theoretical response function radiated by the impurity is the convolution of: the Gaussian line shape radiated by the impurity the instrumental response (taken by illuminating the fibers with a neon lamp and represented by the sum of three Gaussians)

8 Spectrum from re-neutrals Born by CXRS fast ions-beam Not Maxwellain distribution function D  spectrum much broader with a non- Gaussian shape

9 Rotational velocity Measurement vector with parallel and orthogonal direction to magnetic field Doppler shift Ion energy con For view line orthogonal to B

10 For v z = 2.4 10 6 m/s --> E z = 60 KeV a) b) Any value of Any ion with energy B vzvz Fast ion B vzvz a)b) 

11 The success of FIDA is based on Vertical views ( Doppler shift only due to gyromotion of fast ions) Blocking bar ( avoiding CCD saturation) Beam modulation ( for substructing background) High quantum efficiency CCD ( for good S/N)

12 Spectrometers + CCD: characteristics OMAHRSFIDA Focal (mm)500300 F#834.4 grating2400-1200-150300 g/mm (echelle) 1800 1/D(A/mm)7-13-1332.814 Spectral resolution(A) 0.015 - 0.06 - 0.50.055 Slit aperture 20  40  100  CCD pixels1340 x 400760 - 290652 x 488 Pixel size 20  17 x 34  12 

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