WHAT’S NEW 2012 PRESENTED BY. A new series of early compact large flowering anagallis A full sun plant, perfect for combos, pots, baskets and a stunning.

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2 A new series of early compact large flowering anagallis A full sun plant, perfect for combos, pots, baskets and a stunning addition to any color Flowers attract bees, birds & butterflies. ANAGALLIS Wildcat Orange A H: 6-12” W:10-14”

3 Also known as the kangaroo paw An upright plant, produces flower stems with masses of small colorful flowers Flowers occur in clusters on stalks which emerge from the bases of the leaves A perfect plant for a patio pot or the garden in a sunny location ANIGOZANTHOS BUSH BALLAD & BUSH PEARL Bush Ballad Bush Pearl A H: 23” W: 19”

4 BACOPA Flowers are large, dark pink, five lobed & yellow throated Great used in hanging baskets as a trailing flower Great as a filler in bare spots in flower beds Has a fragrant smell & attracts butterflies Great Rose A H: 6” W: 15-18”

5 BEGONIA MILLION KISSES DEVOTIONELEGANCE Most Vigorous trailing begonia This type of begonia is easy to grow with better branching & early large flowers Has a gorgeous appeal in baskets & containers Best in partial to full shade A H: 10-12” W: 30-36”

6 BEGONIA DRAGONE CHAMPAGNE Produces double blooms resembling roses Used best in hanging baskets, window boxes or in patio pots. Also used great as centerpieces Planted best in full to partial shade Deer resistant A H: 10-14” w: 8-10”

7 Also known as swan river daisy Small blue flowers on compact & upright mounded plants Great In mixed containers and garden beds Plant in full sun to partial shade BRACHYSCOME ENDURING BLUE A H: 4-6” W: 8-12”

8 CALIBRACHOA ALOHA Canary Yellow Hot Orange Red Becoming some of the most popular bedding plants Creates more of a mounding plant rather than the spreading one Grows best in full sun Perfect for containers, hanging baskets & border edges Attracts hummingbirds A

9 CALIBRACHOA SUPERBELLS TRAILING Coralberry Punch Grape Punch This plant stays compact & bushy Cascades over hanging baskets, containers and spreads nicely through garden beds These plants are vigor, heat tolerant and have resistant to diseases No deadheading or pinching necessary Attracts hummingbirds and birds Plant in full sun A

10 AGASTACHE Plant in full sun to part shade The plant can be used as an herb or fresh in salads or with fruit Attracts hummingbirds and birds Its powder-blue, long- lasting flowers contrast nicely with its leaves The tough plant performs well even in high heat and humidity Golden Jubilee P5 H 2-3ft W 20-24”

11 AJUGA Forms a low spreading mat of soft mint green with short bubblegum pink spikes that are produced in mid – late spring Can be grown in the shade of large trees where grass won’t grow Deer resistant Pink Lightning P5 H 4-6” W 8-12”

12 ASTILBE Prefers to be planted in part sun- part shade Can be used in shade gardens or as borders, also works well in containers for patios and decks Works well in gardens with hostas and ferns Astary rose Fireberry P4 H 16” W 8-12”

13 DELOSPERMA Known as ice plant A fast growing ground cover Use in rock gardens, along walkways and in planters Prefers hot, dry, sunny weather Fire Spinner P5 H & W 2-3”

14 DELPHINIUM MILLENNIUM Large florets, often double, have dark blue & deep purple petal combinations Occasionally a white can pop up in the mix Attracts hummingbirds The plant can also be used as a cut flower Pagan Purple P3 H 47-70” W 18-23”

15 Large double cranberry coloured petals It is short & wide, makes for a perfect garden plant Blooms July to September Flowers should be deadheaded to prolong bloom Can be used as a cut flower Deer resistant Drought tolerant & heat tolerant Fragrant Plant in full sun ECHINACEA Cranberry Cupcake P4 H & W 22”

16 ECHINACEA Elton Knight New selection has vibrant pink flowers on busy compact plants Multiple flowers produced on each branched stem Blooms mid summer to fall Non-drooping petals Can be used as a cut flower Deer resistant Drought tolerant & heat tolerant Fragrant Plant in full sun P3 H 24” W 18”

17 ECHINACEA Pure white flowers with a golden yellow cone with overlapping reflexed petals Flowers early to late summer Pow wow Echinacea's are more floriferous, faster to flower, and genetically shorter than any other Can be used as a cut flower Deer resistant Drought tolerant & heat tolerant Fragrant Plant in full sun Pow wow white P3 H 18-24” W 12-16”

18 Looks best planted in full sun Heat tolerant Disease resistant Non-fading color all season Deer resistant Attracts butterflies GAILLARDIA Arizona Apricot Bright Bicolor P3 H 16-18” W 20-22” H 12” W 12-15”

19 GERANIUM Dragon Heart Lakwijk Star Long blooming and adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions Bloom heavily in late spring to early summer Deer resistant Plant In full sun to part shade P5 H 2ft W 18-24” H 16” W 18”

20 Very drought & heat tolerant once established Plant in full to part sun Attracts butterflies & birds Makes for a very nice cut flower HEMEROCALLIS Flamboyant Edges Little miss manners P2 P4 H 24-36” W 18-24” H 14-18” W 20-30”

21 HEUCHERA Cherry Cola Berry Smoothie A clumping perennial All grow well in partial shade Deer resistant Attracts butterflies & hummingbirds They tolerate more sun with sufficient moisture Bloom early to mid summer P4 H 18” W 14” H 18-25” W 12-18”

22 HOSTA Wide dark green margins with green jetting into the narrow yellow center which brightens the ivory white Bell shaped lavender flowers are produced in summer Vigorous grower, divide frequently for best appearance Plants remain attractive from spring till frost Most prefer partial shade although a few varieties will tolerate sun with adequate moisture Use as ground covers or edging in garden beds Ann Kulpa P3 H 20” W 24”

23 HOSTA Fast growing, dense mounding hosta with long thin leaves Blooms purple striped flowers in July Plants stay attractive from spring until first frost Most prefer partial shade although a few varieties will tolerate sun with adequate moisture Stiletto P2 H 6-8” W 12-18”

24 Pie crust edges enhances the large shiny gold leaves with deeply impressed veins Leaves are held out horizontally creating a wide clump Near white flowers appear in early summer Most prefer partial shade although a few varieties will tolerate sun with adequate moisture HOSTA Jimmy Crack Corn P3 H 26” W 48”

25 Cool temperatures help prolong its colour Bright golden leaves in spring with a rippled green margin A lavender flower is produced Use as ground covers or edging in garden beds HOSTA War Paint P3 H 26” W 48”

26 IRIS Drama Queen Again & Again Great spring blooming perennials Drought tolerant Plant in full sun Deer resistant Attracts hummingbirds Again n’ again never stops reblooming, soft yellow blooms with a sweet smell P3

27 New two-tone hybrids Most have dramatic spotted centers similar to the tango series but shorter Attracts hummingbirds A dwarf addition to the lily looks LILIES ASIATIC Tiny Pearl Double You Tiny Spider P3

28 Usually tall growing with large fragrant flowers Prefers warmer temperatures and good drainage Prefers full to partial sun Attracts hummingbirds LILIES ORIENTAL Hotline Magic Star Double oriental lily P3 P4

29 Forms rapid spreading clumps of mint scented foliage Blooms mid summer Deadhead for reblooming Deer resistant Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds Plant in full to part sun MONARDA (BEE BALM) Cranberry Lace P4

30 RUDBECKIA Little Gold Star Also known as Black Eyed Susan Native and easy to naturalize All have yellow daisy like flowers with dark centers A gardeners favourite for mid to late summer colour Deer resistant Attracts butterflies P4

31 SALVIA Useful for its rich spikes in early summer Plants grow in thick mounds Looks best planted in full sun Flowers are long lasting and plants readily rebloom if deadheaded or sheared back after flowering Deer resistant Can be used as a cut flower Sweet Esmeralda P3

32 SEDUM A very hardy perennial with succulent foliage and colourful terminal flowers Most varieties are heart and drought tolerant, and will grow in almost any soil in a sunny location The shorter ground covers bloom late spring into early summer Attracts butterflies razzleberry Summer glory P3

33 A very low growing rosette-forming succulent plants Very drought and heat tolerant, requiring excellent drainage Works best in miniature gardens, rock gardens, or for assorted patio pottery SEMPERVIVUM Edge of Night Balsii Kambeecho P3

34 Glossy Bronze leaves with pink flowers in the spring Has an upright crown form Disease resistant ROSYBLOOM CRAB 2

35 HONEYBERRY Borealis Known for its rather large fruit Fast growing & high yielding Dark blue-black berries, early ripening & great taste Extremely cold hardy plant Needs cross pollination 3

36 HONEYBERRY Tundra Fast growing, well suited for commercial production Dark blue-black berries are uniform shape but remain firm Extremely cold hardy plants Needs cross pollination 3

37 Striking yellow foliage contrasting with red bark Clusters of creamy white flowers at the end of branches appear in spring Produces white berries in mid summer DOGWOOD Morden Amber 2

38 HYDRANGEA Bella Anna Magenta pink blooms that are constant from summer until fall Features strong stems ensuring blooms stand tall Plant in partial sun to shade Has the ability to bloom on old and new wood 3

39 HYDRANGEA Compact hardy hydrangea from Belgium Has the smallest and most delicate flower petals than any of the hydrangeas Blooms mid summer to fall Little Lamb 3

40 HYDRANGEA Flowers open to a white star that can be up to 4” in width Flowering starts mid summer and lasts until the first hard frost Great planted in sun or part shade in the garden A low maintenance shrub Great Star 4

41 Cross between diablo and darts gold New growth takes on shades of yellow & orange in summer before turning purple in fall Foliage on mature sections of the plant is lime green Annual pruning will make the plant look at its best NINEBARK Amber Jubilee 3

42 NINEBARK Little Devil Deep burgundy foliage that is offset by button- like white-pink flowers in June Useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired Makes for a great background in the garden or a perfect border Disease and pest resistant Plant in full sun to part shade 3

43 SPIREA A smaller naturally dwarf spirea that requires minimal pruning, a more compact variety New leaves start out scarlet red, becoming a dark green then changes to a bronze in fall Plant in full sun Superstar 3

44 A great low growing hedge Plant in full sun Remove faded flower clusters to produce additional blooms Flowers onto new wood, prune in late winter to early spring A dense compact rounded mound with tiny white flowers in late spring Foliage turns to shades or orange, red & purple in fall Attracts butterflies SPIREA Birch leaf 2


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