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Introduction:  My FitnessPal is a very good way to keep balance of your diet. Also it helps know your calorie intake and outake, this helps you manage.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction:  My FitnessPal is a very good way to keep balance of your diet. Also it helps know your calorie intake and outake, this helps you manage."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction:  My FitnessPal is a very good way to keep balance of your diet. Also it helps know your calorie intake and outake, this helps you manage and be cautious about what you eat on a daily basis. It makes you record what you eat and the exersize you do and gives an overall daily calorie intake for the day. It also records you weight to see any difference over a few weeks.

3 My Findings:  I found out that Weetbix was my most recorded food.  Most of the time I would stay just below my recommended daily calorie intake and occasionally I would go over or stay under by huge amounts.  I’ve seen my food intake and its almost the same on a weekday so I gained 1Kg in the 2/3 months we have been doing it.

4 What I found out:  The foods that have most calories were not big meals but in proportion to size, packets of crisps were more calories than sandwiches which contained a lot of ingredients.  Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories This is the amount of grams needed for a calorie in this section of the food pyramid.  Exersizes which involved more movement or faster movements burnt more calories than slower exersizes for double the amount of time.  Jobs that dont require stuff like staying in an office burnt most calories and doing exersize daily is good for your health but if you dont have a good diet exersixe is pointless to you.








12 Footballer’s match day diet: Breakfast: 1)2 Oranges for energy boost with low fat. - 74 2)Toast with jam because its light and high in carbohydrates. - 516 3)Cereal (Bran flakes) – 166 4)Orange juice energy – 120 = 876 Lunch: 1)Pasta & tuna high in carbohydrates – 568 2)Salad – 210 3)Potatoes – 146 = 924 During match: 1)Banana - 103 2)Gatorade its light and full of quick releasing energy – 125 =228 Dinner: 1)Chicken with carrots and gravy – 758 2)Potatoes – 146 3)Salad – 210 = 1,114 Daily total for footballer is 2500-3000 and mine is = 3,142

13 A Day’s Diet: Breakfast Weetabix x2– 134 cal Orange juice – 110 cal Buttered toast x2 –344 cal

14 A Day’s Diet: Lunch Cheese and cucumber sandwich -300 cal Crisps – 168 cal Kit-Kat – 107 cal Banana – 103 cal Apple – 65 cal Orange – 37 cal Orange juice carton -82 cal Coco pops (snack) – 267 cal

15 A Day’s Diet: Dinner Chickpeas with curry and rice - 457 cal Coke - 139 cal

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