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Presentation on theme: "TEMPORARY POSITIONS POLICY EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013 INDIANA UNIVERSITY (formerly known as Hourly Positions)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Affordable Care Act (ACA)  Requires employers to provide health benefits to any 75% (30 hours) or more FTE employee.  Additional Benefit cost would be applied at 43.25% of the hourly wage and would be a significant additional cost University wide.  Failure to offer healthcare to newly eligible employees results in significant financial penalties across the university  Goal is Compliance without increasing healthcare expenses  Current healthcare budget is $212.7 million  Significant changes for part-time employees - July 1, 2013  Limits number of hours worked by Temporary employees

3 Changes in Implementation Date  Delays in some provisions of Affordable Care Act  Through September 28, 2013, number of hours worked is not specifically limited  29 hour rule goes into effect on September 29 (beginning of pay period which includes actual implementation date of October 1, 2013.  Strongly suggest that for full fall semester, set workers’ schedules to comply with 29 hour rule.

4 Temporary Positions (formerly Hourly)  Definition of Temporary employee  Temporary employees have either student or non- student status and are defined as those employees not occupying a budgeted line position (an appointed position) and are temporary, at will employees.  Temporary Regular (HR) positions are intended for those who work up to 999 hours per year (19 hrs. /week)  Temporary with Retirement (HP) are intended for those who work 1,000 – 1,508 hours per year (20 – 29 hrs. /week)

5 Temporary Positions Policy Applies to:  AmeriCorps (HA)  Temp w/retirement (HP)-formerly hourly PERF  Regular (HR)  Student (HS)  Work study (WSU)

6 Policy  Not permitted to work more than 116 hrs. over two consecutive bi-weekly pay periods, all units  Can set limit to 29 hrs. per week for ease of administration or 58 hrs. per bi-weekly pay period  IF not setting limit to 29 hrs. per week, supervisors will need to monitor and adjust excess hours in following bi-weekly pay period  Example: for a temporary employee who works 80 hrs. during a bi-weekly pay period, then he/she is limited to working no more than 36 hours total during the following bi-weekly pay period

7 Alternative  For Summer work only  Temp employee works full time up to 6 consecutive pay periods (12 wks)  Conditions:  6 consecutive pay periods starts beginning May 2014, employee must not have worked for IU in any position during 6 preceding pay periods  The temp employee will be separated at end of 6 pay periods  Cannot work any other part-time position for following 6 consecutive pay periods (12 wks)  Must obtain approval from UHRS

8 Other Limits  Temp employees, except HP, not permitted to work more than 999 hrs. during calendar year (include all aggregated hours)  Employees in Temporary w/Retirement (HP) positions not permitted to work more than 1,508 hrs. during calendar year, starting 2014  If work needs greater than the above limits, establish a new staff position within university policy or hire a second temporary employee

9 Other Limits contd.  Must terminate employee from temp position after not worked any hours during 6 consecutive pay periods  Supervisor must notify HR/Payroll to terminate  Required to record hours worked in synchronous TIME: clock in and out  Adjunct not permitted to hold temp position and vice versa

10 Total Hours Limited in All Jobs Worked at IU  Supervisors ask potential employees if they work other jobs at IUE or other IU campuses.  New Employee Look-Up Tool Available in OneStart  Any IU employee can use tool  Requires potential employee’s university ID or name and birthdate  Handout in packet provides information on how to use.

11 Reminder: Rounding Counts! ACTUAL CLOCK IN TIME :00 :57, :58, :59, :00, :01, :02 :06:03, :04, :05, :06, :07, :08 :12:09, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14 :18:15, :16, :17, :18, :19, :20 :24:21, :22, :23, :24, :25, :26 :30:27, :28, :29, :30, :31, :32 :36:33, :34, :35, :36, :37, :38 :42:39, :40, :41, :42, :43, :44 :48:45, :46, :47, :48, :49, :50 :54 :51, :52, :53, :54, :55, :56 Rounding occurs when an employee clocks in at a few minutes before or after the hour for example: Clock action times, with the exceptions of breaks, are rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour. This means that clock actions will be recorded as occurring at the nearest six minute interval (12:00, 12:06, 12:12, 12:18, etc.) This is Time Rounding which you can see in the chart below:

12 Monitoring  IUIE reports to be developed allowing managers to look up employees’ hours worked in real time  TIME system “pop up messages” to alert employees when close to exceeding the 116 hours, supervisors must be proactive and look for these messages.  Reports are expected to be ready in 2-3 weeks.

13 Recommendations for Easiest Scheduling and Compliance  Schedule no more than 29 hours per week on a consistent basis!  Work Study employees continue to be limited to 20 hours per week or the maximum number of hours awarded by Financial Aid Student has maximum allowed hours based on financial need Department has maximum hours awarded by Financial Aid Department must schedule within these parameters

14 Related Information  Filling Temporary Positions  Establishing Staff Positions  Student Social Security Tax Withholding Exemption FIN-PAY-IV-230 at

15 Additional Contacts  Campus HR office: Nancy 8283Duretta8487 Patti8271Dianne8232  UHRS: 812-855-1286,

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