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Team Napier Edinburgh Zoo May 11 th 2015. Engage… students in unique ways to support them in becoming better global citizens and skilled graduates Empower…

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Presentation on theme: "Team Napier Edinburgh Zoo May 11 th 2015. Engage… students in unique ways to support them in becoming better global citizens and skilled graduates Empower…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Napier Edinburgh Zoo May 11 th 2015

2 Engage… students in unique ways to support them in becoming better global citizens and skilled graduates Empower… students to seek out and leverage the opportunities that best suit them Enrich… the personalised student experience NSA Aims are to…

3 1. Engage with

4 Personal Potential Club Potential Local Impact 2. Empower Students to “Reach their Potential”

5 VBase is… 3. Enrich Students Personalised Student Experience

6 Overview What is Volunteering? Benefits of Volunteering Employers and Graduate Attributes Get that Volunteering Role! Track your Activity Available Support

7 What is Volunteering?


9 Types of Volunteering Personal Interest Academic Interest Strategic Volunteering Club and Society Team Volunteering Duke of Edinburgh

10 Benefits of Volunteering?

11 Personal Benefits of Volunteering Values Recognition: Make a differenceBecome a Global Citizen Skills: Personal SkillsEmployability Skills Academic SkillsTake on a challenge Learn about community Personal Benefits: Gain confidenceMeet people Be part of a communityHave fun!

12 Community Benefits of Volunteering 32% of adults in Edinburgh Volunteer: around 132,000 people 36% of women and 29th of men Edinburgh Volunteers contributes approximately 15.9 MILLION HOURS to Edinburgh communities = £279 MILLION Scottish Volunteers contribute almost 162 MILLION HOURS to Scottish communities = £2.6 BILLION

13 Employers and Volunteering

14 What do employers think about volunteering? *Volunteer Scotland Employer Survey 2014

15 Duke of Edinburgh and Employability

16 Employers Supporting Duke of Edinburgh

17 Get That Volunteering Role!

18 What do I want to do? What are you interested in? Be ambitious! Be flexible! What Skills do you want to improve? Where do you want to volunteer?

19 Finding my Volunteering

20 VBase Charity Partners… just a selection

21 And More…. Team Napier Clubs… just a selection Clubs and Society Activities

22 What skills am I using?

23 Track your Activity

24 Recording Volunteering - VBase Login Create a Profile Create your volunteering role GET VOLUNTEERING Log your hours Log your activities Download your record Apply for Reward

25 Recording Volunteering eDofE NSA Creates your Account Build your DofE Programme GET VOLUNTEERING Record Hours Upload Evidence Volunteering Verified Award and Record received

26 Coaching and Sports Pathways


28 1.Committee Meeting 2.Club Finances 3.Staff Search 4.Contracts 5.Pathway How we support Clubs…

29 1.Promote 2.Signpost 3.Train & Develop 4.Deploy 5.Reward/Recognition 6.Careers Support How we support Students…

30 1.Your club has a mix of recreation and elite athletes… how do you cater for different abilities and levels? 2.Your coach/support staff member is threatening to leave for another organisation, how can you persuade them to stay? 3.Your club has just found out they are losing their coach/support staff member… what steps do you take? 4.You are a student and want to progress as an umpire/referee… how can you do this? Scenario

31 What does this look like for a student?

32 Need more information on developing your club? Contact Mike or Daire Do you want to volunteer, or have a volunteering or employability module next year? Contact VBase to find a placement to match your interests and academics Interested in starting your Duke of Edinburgh award? Contact Andy Anything else? NSA is open through the Summer… NSA Support Available

33 Registering for VBase

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