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Secretary Training Picture?. Creating Agendas Short and efficient Give attendees opportunity to submit agenda items Circulate well in advance Include.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretary Training Picture?. Creating Agendas Short and efficient Give attendees opportunity to submit agenda items Circulate well in advance Include."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretary Training Picture?

2 Creating Agendas Short and efficient Give attendees opportunity to submit agenda items Circulate well in advance Include date, location and time of meeting. Put initials of those discussing the item next to the item Template available online

3 Keeping Minutes You will be responsible for keeping the minutes at all committee meetings Record those attending and apologies Any decisions made must be clearly recorded, as well as any actions that will need to be completed. Use initials to track who said what and who needs to complete actions It is ok to ask someone to clarify in a meeting A copy should be uploaded online and sent to your convenor and Check everyone agrees them in your next meeting.

4 Membership Keep tabs on who is attending sessions In the first sessions, make a register with name and email addresses so you can keep in contact until they join. Work with treasurer to keep an eye on membership numbers A member should only come to 2 sessions for free before signing up All those attending your activities must sign up officially – your responsibility to keep track of this. This is to cover you on our insurance & give income to your society.

5 Affiliations Make sure affiliations are included in the budget An affiliation is anything you need to pay a membership fee to be a part of. (For example the European Law Student Association Society affiliate to ‘ELSA’ – an international organisation – and pay an annual membership fee for this.) Not all societies affiliate to something! Provide the Societies Team with copies of any certificates

6 Accident Report Forms If there are any injuries during a society activity, a first aider must be contacted straight away You must then record it on an Accident Report Form (found on Society Help Pages) Hand this in to VP Student Activities (Ali) within 48 hours of injury THESE ACTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW If these procedures aren’t followed, both the Student’s Union and the individuals could face prosecution, and the Societies Team will take disciplinary action against your society.

7 Booking Tables/Gazebos Go to the SU Reception and complete a booking form up to two weeks in advance All tables and gazebos assigned on a first come - first served basis.

8 Event Forms Can be downloaded from Must be handed into SU reception two weeks in advance! Attach risk assessments – a guide can be downloaded from Once handed into reception, Rae or Olga will review and sign within 48 hours Pick up the signed form from reception and take it to the Estates Helpdesk You will be emailed to confirm whether event has been approved NOTE - music can be played in the squares only between 12.00-2.00 pm and after 5.00pm

9 Food Hygiene 1 Every society should have at least 1 executive member in charge of food hygiene To get a food hygiene qualification you should email – we’ll put you on a list and send out information for online To qualify for a food hygiene qualification you should be a second year executive committee member. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE FOOD WITHOUT COMPLETING THIS QUALIFICATION

10 Food Hygiene 2 The food hygiene qualification last 3 years Online test – takes approx 1-2hours to complete If you do not complete a test in advance of food preparation you cannot serve food If you society allows a course to expire without competition your club fund will be fined £15 per test.

11 Food Hygiene 3 You must complete a ‘Food and Drink Agreement’ This should be submitted a minimum of 5 working days in advance (not on the day!) A list of all ingredients and specific allergens must be displayed when serving/selling food and drink - THIS IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT You must keep food above or below required temperatures – if you don’t, we will need to throw it away! Slow cookers & a bain marie can be borrowed from the Societies Team – email

12 Websites The help section has anything and everything you need to know – if it’s not there, tell us!! Twitter - @SocGuild

13 Taking minutes You will now complete an exercise to practice taking minutes Remember to record: – who attended the meeting – who sends their apologies (can’t attend) – any decisions that are being made – any important information – any actions that need to be taken. – Initial who each point refers to (e.g. W – tells the toys they need a moving partner; ALL – need to find a moving partner) Video 1

14 Example – Toy Story Item 1. Moving day W-Does everyone have a moving buddy? 1 week until moving 2. Plastic Corrosion Awareness Meeting W- Big Success Thank you to Mr Spell for organising 3. Andy’s Party W – Moved to today, probably because of the move. No toys should worry. S – Tries to reassure – believes in W’s opinion R – Concerned about rejection W – Important to remember that toys are ‘here for Andy when he needs them’ Birthday Guests arrive – meeting finishes at 3pm. Actions 1.Moving day ALL to get a moving buddy

15 Contacts Your convenor first! Societies Team – Ali –

16 Any Questions? Ask now Complete an enquiry form – at the front of the room – post into Societies Guild enquiry box in LTB foyer Email us

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