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Behavioral Interviewing and Personality Assessment.

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2 Behavioral Interviewing and Personality Assessment

3 Objectives Understand the methodology of Behavioral Interviewing Distinguish the difference between Traits and Behaviors Understand the differences between Technical skills and Performance skills Examine effective interviewing skills Examine the response pyramid in interviewing Understand the use of Personality Test Define and discuss the use of Personality Assessment in Selection

4 THREE SOURCES OF ERROR Interviewee Interviewer Situation

5 BEHAVIORAL METHODOLOGY Predicts future behavior Seeks specific job related examples Asks open-end questions Avoids using gut feeling

6 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Past performance Future Performance

7 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Traits vs. Behaviors Traits Behaviors VS.

8 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Traits… …are assumptions or perceptions For example: Seemed confused Seemed nervous

9 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Performance Questions Summarize work habits Summarize work behavior Most likely to predict Developed over time

10 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Behaviors… …are what we see or hear. For example: Team Player Problem Solving

11 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Technical Questions Required to perform the job Reflect on real world experiences Based on knowledge, education or training Learned on the job, classroom or overtime

12 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Response Pyramid Qualities, Attributes and Characteristic General information and testimonial evidence Behavioral-based Description


14 Effective Interviewing Skills Build rapport Ask open-ended questions Control the interview Take notes Seek opposing information Probe for information

15 Personality Assessment In Selection

16 Personality Assessment Facts $400 million dollar industry 2,500 test on the market 30% of companies are using test Test range from $15 - $300 Industrial organizational Psychologist (IOP) cost around $3,000 Source: Society of Human Resources Management

17 Personality Assessment Characteristics that define an individuals Determines a person’s pattern of interaction with the environment Characteristics= feelings and behaviors Environment= work conditions and organizational

18 Personality Assessment Personality Traits Labeling and measuring personal characteristics Traits Sociability and need for achievement

19 Personality Measurement Methods Inventories in Personality Assessment Self-Report Questionnaires Projective Techniques

20 Linking the Interview Personality Assessment Linking traits to individuals Questions used to measure personality The right use of personality in the interview

21 Behavioral Assessment in Personality Techniques Structured situations technique Critical-incidents technique

22 Personality Test Recommendations Determine when an job seeker becomes an applicant Have all applicants to the same test under the same standards Keep all EEO records to provide evidence of none adverse impact Hire or consult with a IOP when designing test Focus on work or job requirements Source: Society of Human Resources Management

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