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Student Achievement Pre K-5 Community and Schools Coming Together - be a part of the experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Achievement Pre K-5 Community and Schools Coming Together - be a part of the experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Achievement Pre K-5 Community and Schools Coming Together - be a part of the experience

2 Sandwich C.U.S.D. #430 The interest you show In your investment Pays dividends And makes cents

3 Lynn G. Haskin Elementary PreK-3 Enrollment of 270

4 Prairie View Elementary PreK-3 Enrollment of 270

5 Woodbury Elementary PreK-3 Enrollment of 201

6 Herman E. Dummer Elementary Grades 4-5 Enrollment of 370

7 No Child Left Behind Sandwich School District #430 School Report Card 2010

8 Adequate Yearly Progress & Academic Achievement Targets 2002 2003 40% 2003 2004 40% 2004 2005 47.5% 2005 2006 47.5% 2006 2007 55% 2007 2008 62.5% 2008 2009 70% 2009 2010 77.5% 2010 2011 85% 2011 2012 92.5% 2012 2013 92.5% 2013 2014 100% Target 2013 - 2014

9 Disaggregation of Subgroups Low income status + Students with disabilities + Limited-English proficient + Race/ethnicity 6 groups

10 ISAT and PSAE 2010 Testing Schedule ISAT PSAE Subject Tested 3456789101112**** Reading Mathematics Science Writing

11 State Achievement Scores Sandwich Schools









20 Subgroups Sandwich Schools




24 Assessments and Interventions Sandwich Schools

25 WHAT ASSESSMENTS DO WE USE? Illinois Standard Achievement Test Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests AIMSweb Common Quarterly Assessments Tests and Quizzes

26 WHY DO WE TAKE SO MANY TESTS? Required vs. Optional The Illinois Standards Achievement Test (Reading, math & science) (State-normed) Gates-MacGinitie (Vocabulary and comprehension) (Nationally-normed)

27 WHY DO WE TAKE SO MANY TESTS? AIMSweb (Fluency & comprehension) (Nationally- normed) Common Assessments (based on Power Standards) (Developed by teachers) (Grade level-normed) Tests and quizzes(Classroom level)

28 WHAT DO WE ACTUALLY DO WITH THIS INFORMATION? 1.Determine current academic level of student 2.Provide interventions to struggling students- Response to Intervention (RtI) 3.Track student progress 4.Evaluate validity of assessments and make changes if needed

29 RtI Model Intensive Intervention-5% Targeted Intervention-15% Universal Intervention-80%

30 Building Interventions Shared and Utilized  Lexia  Symphony Math  Michael Hagerty  Harcourt  Orton-Gillingham  Read Naturally  SPIRE  Zoo Phonics  Edmark  Explode the Code  Reading Plus  Quick Reads  DRA 2  Reading A-Z  PALS  Jolly Phonics  Talking Letters  Hooked on Phonics  Scott-Foresman Focus Basals

31 S.P.I.R.E. S.P.I.R.E. focuses on the phonics and phonemic awareness aspects of reading. S.P.I.R.E. is presented to students in small groups of no more than 3 or 4.

32 Harcourt Intervention Each grade level has an intervention kit that goes along with the Harcourt Trophies Reading Series. Students who are struggling with the regular reading series can receive extra support from the intervention kits.

33 DETERMINING CURRENT ACADEMIC LEVEL OF EACH STUDENT One of the most important aspects of an assessment is the insight they give about a student’s level of performance Each assessment is a picture, but several assessments together is an album By looking at this album the educational team (principal, teachers, psychologist, etc) will get an idea of student strengths and weaknesses By using these assessment results, students that need help in an area can be given extra help or additional instruction

34 PROVIDING INTERVENTIONS TO STUGGLING STUDENTS The district maintains a library of interventions that can be used to assist a student in learning These interventions can be in the form of staff, materials or both Some interventions include one-to-one teacher direct instruction, Lexia, Reading Plus, Symphony Math, SPIRE, and Read Naturally Interventions are usually given during the day, but can be provided before or after school

35 TRACKING STUDENT PROGRESS One of the most important parts of an intervention is to check for success Not every student will fit one intervention By gathering data in the fall, winter, and spring, student success can be evaluated over time For some students data may be gathered more often, even weekly The district adopted AIMSweb as our standard tool to track progress

36 EVALUATING THE VALIDITY OF AN ASSESSMENT AND MAKING CHANGES AS NEEDED Not all evaluations meet the needs of every school or district Many times a standard or purchased assessment may not track content that a district finds important In order to make sure students understand what we teach, local assessments are developed and administered to all students at a grade level Student responses are measured as a whole to evaluate teacher instruction, curriculum content, and student understanding Teachers work together to improve their performance, tweak curriculum or assessments, and provide interventions to students

37 BENCHMARKING AND PROGRESS MONITORING AIMSweb is the standard K-8 grade benchmarking and progress monitoring tool All students are assessed Fall, Winter and Spring (benchmarking) Students are assessed in both Math and Reading Students with identified concerns receive intervention and are assessed more often, sometimes every two weeks (progress monitoring) Progress monitoring is used to track progress of the student and effectiveness of the intervention

38 Why are a Common Set of Standards Important? Clarity: designed to help teachers, students, and parents understand what is expected of them to be ready to enter the workforce or college Consistency: levels the playing field so all students will be held to the same rigorous expectations Global Society: internationally benchmarked to high performing countries

39 Evolution not a revolution The transition process begins with local review and discussion No changes will be in place for 2011 Spring ISAT and PSAE assessments. New assessment system in place 2014-2015.

40 For Additional Information Visit Our Students... Prepared for success after high school Our Promise... Leadership, Advocacy, & Support Our Future… Strong communities, competitive workforce


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