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Eric Swanson Global Monitoring and WDI Development Data Group The World Bank.

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1 Eric Swanson Global Monitoring and WDI Development Data Group The World Bank

2 Key Indicators of the Labour Market, 6 th edition, contains a broader set of employment indicators, with an analysis of recent trends for each indicator. Indicators on the volume of employment, including labor force participation and employment-to-population rates, hours of work, underemployment, part-time employment Employment by status and sector Educational attainment Wage and earning indices Labor productivity The KILM also includes a section with country examples of analysis of the MDG employment indicators, and their linkages with other indicators.

3  Proportion of a country’s working-age population actively engaging in the labour market.  Data are available by sex according to six standardized age groups: ◦ 15 years and older ◦ 15 to 24 years ◦ 15 to 64 years ◦ 25 to 54 years ◦ 55 to 64 years ◦ 65 years and older


5  The proportion of labor force unemployed, willing to work, and looking for employment.  In regions where women face stronger employment barriers than men, the economic downturn will exacerbate the gender gap.  In regions with little employment opportunity gender gaps, male-female unemployment rate should converge.


7  Vulnerable Employment is the sum of own- account and contributing family workers. ◦ Less likely to have informal employment arrangements and have less job security and effective social dialogue mechanisms.  The combination of a rise in vulnerable employment and decline in labour productivity is likely to result in an increase in working poverty.










17  Completing the picture: ◦ Estimations for labor force participation and vulnerable employment can be estimated with labour force survey data.

18  Household-survey based model  Advantages: ◦ Do not require macroeconomic model assumptions, ◦ Data can be disaggregated for youths and females, ◦ Does not require large international intervention or support  Disadvantages: ◦ Countries lack survey instrument to capture data ◦ Bias estimates ◦ Lack of comparability over time

19  The ILO Employment Trends Team and The World Bank are mining household-surveys. ◦ Identifying surveys with questions to provide sufficient observations for estimates ◦ Identifying differences between survey variables and international standards ◦ Producing cross- tabulation of poverty with the labour force


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