NURSING CAREER Callie Thornton. CAREER CLUSTER I was in the eighth career cluster, the healthcare practitioners and technical cluster. It’s main focus.

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Presentation on theme: "NURSING CAREER Callie Thornton. CAREER CLUSTER I was in the eighth career cluster, the healthcare practitioners and technical cluster. It’s main focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 NURSING CAREER Callie Thornton

2 CAREER CLUSTER I was in the eighth career cluster, the healthcare practitioners and technical cluster. It’s main focus is medical and physical assistance. My top two careers are:  Registered Nurse  Athletic Trainer

3 RN INTRODUCTION AND NATURE Registered Nurses locate health problems and needs, come up with a plan for nursing care, and take care of medical records. RN’s assist patients and inform patients and family members on the medical situation.

4 REGISTERED NURSE  2012 median pay- $65,470 per year- $31.48 per hour  Entry-Level education- Associate’s degree  Work experience in related occupation- none  On-the-job training- none  Number of jobs (2012)- 2,711,500  Job outlook, (2012-22)- 19% (faster than average)  Employment Change, (2012-22)- 526,800  http://www.careeronestop.org/Videos/CareerandClusterVideos/career-and- cluster-videos.aspx http://www.careeronestop.org/Videos/CareerandClusterVideos/career-and- cluster-videos.aspx

5 HOW TO BE A RN  What Registered Nurses do- provide coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support the patients and their family members  How to become a RN- RN’s usually take one of three education paths: a bachelor’s degree in nursing, an associate’s degree in nursing, or a diploma from an approved nursing program. Registered nurses must also be licensed.

6 THE WORK  Work Environment- hospitals, physicians’ offices, home healthcare services, and nursing care facilities. Others work in correctional facilities, schools, or serve in the military.  Work Schedules- Because patients in hospitals and nursing care facilities need round-the-clock care, nurses in these settings usually work in rotating shifts, covering all 24 hours. They may work nights, weekends, and holidays. They may also be on call.

7 WORKING CONDITIONS  Registered nurses work in hospitals, physician offices, home healthcare services, and nursing homes. Others work in schools, clinics, or serve in the military.  Most RN’s work in well-lit, comforting healthcare businesses. RN’s may also travel to schools, homes, and other sites.  Some nurses may also travel throughout the US and internationally to countries where there is not a lot of medical technicians.

8 BACKUP- ATHLETIC TRAINER  2012 median pay- $42,690 per year-$20.52 per hour  Entry-Level Education- Bachelor’s degree  Work Experience in a related occupation- none  On-the-job training- none  Number of jobs (2012)- 28,900  Job Outlook, (2012-22)- 19%  Employment Change, (2012-22)- 5,400


10 SUMMARY Whatever I end up doing, I want to be able to take care of people. I would love to work in the medical field like many members of my family. I have always wanted to do some sort of job where I can be around people, and not stuck in an office all day.

11 CITATIONS  Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Registered Nurses, on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm (visited March 26, 2014).http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm  Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Athletic Trainers and Exercise Physiologists, on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/athletic-trainers-and-exercise- physiologists.htm (visited March 26, 2014). http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/athletic-trainers-and-exercise- physiologists.htmhttp://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/athletic-trainers-and-exercise- physiologists.htm  Mapping Your Future. Registered Nurse. ONET. Web. March 25, 2014 http://mappingyourfuture.org/planyourcareer/careership/career_summary.cfm?careerID=374&headerImage=_career_sum mary http://mappingyourfuture.org/planyourcareer/careership/career_summary.cfm?careerID=374&headerImage=_career_sum mary  Mapping Your Future. Athletic Trainers. ONET. Web. March 25, 2014 http://mappingyourfuture.org/planyourcareer/careership/career_summary.cfm?careerID=379&headerImage=_career_sum mary http://mappingyourfuture.org/planyourcareer/careership/career_summary.cfm?careerID=379&headerImage=_career_sum mary *Photos  http://shop.barralinstitute.com/IAHP/IAHP-Medallion-Membership http://shop.barralinstitute.com/IAHP/IAHP-Medallion-Membership  http://www.tomcentola.com/media.php?id=31 http://www.tomcentola.com/media.php?id=31  http://www.sgmcltd.com/10/44/2/nursing http://www.sgmcltd.com/10/44/2/nursing

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