The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Daylene Meuschke Barry Gribbons Michelle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Daylene Meuschke Barry Gribbons Michelle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Daylene Meuschke Barry Gribbons Michelle Barton Barbara McNeice-Stallard Strengthening Student Success Conference October 5, 2012 Integrating and Evaluating Planning Efforts Across the Institution

2 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Viewer Discretion Advised The materials you are about to see and activities you are about to participate in have been prepared by four practitioners who have nearly 100 years of combined experience in research and planning. The materials are not a guarantee that your college’s planning processes will be magically transformed overnight but should provide some guidelines on how other colleges have integrated their planning processes in accordance with the ACCJC standards. Please enjoy the show!

3 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Agenda Introduction and Overview of Session Overview of Integrated Planning Integration of Program Review and Budget Strategic Plan Educational Master Plan Implementation Process Challenges Evaluation of Planning Tying it all together

4 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Planning 1. Big Goals: Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) 2. Supporting evidence for BHAGs 3. Specific Objectives for Big Goals 4. Goals and Objectives Drive Budget 5. Include everyone 6. Communicate early and often 7. Action Plans 8. Follow up

5 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges BHAG Activity – Part 1 1. Identify one or two BHAGs for your department/unit/division on campus that you want to accomplish over the next 2-3 years. 2. Why is this is a goal for your department/unit/division (i.e., provide a justification for this goal)? 3. What evidence have you collected to justify this goal? If no evidence has been collected, what evidence needs to be collected? 4. What resources are needed to achieve this goal (staff, budget, coordination with other departments, etc.)? 5. Is this goal documented in any other plans?

6 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Integrated Planning: California Community Colleges Directly connect various planning processes Educational Master Plan Strategic Plan Other District/College Plans (Facilities, Staffing, Technology) Instructional and Support Services Program Plans SLOs Financial Resources Planning (i.e., Budget Development) What are your Big Goals? Where do your Big Goals Live?

7 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Integrated Planning: California Community Colleges Inclusive / Respect Collegial Consultation Effective communication Use Data Evaluate the Process

8 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Integrated Planning: Why? Accreditation Requirement Align Resources with Institutional and Department Priorities Articulates what is important to the college Clarifies how the college operates (resource allocation based on priorities)

9 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Integrated Planning: ACCJC Key Elements Data Driven Mission Implementation Re-evaluate Institutional Goals Broad-based / Collegial Process SLOs Resource Allocation Human Resources Physical Resources Technology Resource Allocation ACCJC Reports 20 college on sanctions because of integrated planning. (ACCJC Spring News, Spring 2012)

10 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Integrated Planning Self- Assessment Identify how your college integrates each of the ACCJC key elements. Cite specific evidence that demonstrates the linkages in your plans (e.g., program review and budget). We’ll take a few minutes after the activity to share some examples from the activity.

11 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Planning Processes: Palomar College

12 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Planning Processes: College of the Canyons

13 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Planning Processes: Mt. San Antonio College

14 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Alignment of Planning Timelines: Skyline College

15 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Alignment of Planning Timelines

16 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Alignment of Planning Timelines: College of the Canyons Note: Program Reviews are on a three year cycle with annual updates.

17 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Department Planning: Major Principles College Mission Department Mission Educational and Facilities Master Plan Objectives, especially from SLOs Strategic Plan Resource Allocation Discretionary Budgets Technology Needs Broad-based Collegial Process Transparency

18 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges College of the Canyons Online Demo

19 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Department Planning: Palomar College Integrated with Divisional Planning Councils as opposed to a separate committee Two/Three year cycle Includes three parts: Analysis (Quantitative, Learning Outcomes Assessment) Planning Resource Allocation Needs Councils review PRPs Budgets requests linked to PRPs Distribution of PRP funds Division Budgets Councils use PRPs to identify divisional planning priorities for consideration in following year’s Institutional Strategic Plan

20 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Department Planning: Mt. San Antonio College Individual units document planning efforts and accomplishments, annually. Deans, Directors, and V.P.s summarize unit PIEs and submit report to e-PIE. Four VPs submit summaries, including resource requests, to Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) IEC works with VPs to summarize annual planning efforts for the President’s Advisory Council (PAC). Summaries from IEC may be translated by PAC into new or revised college goals and strategies for upcoming year PIE serves as the vehicle for aligning College goals and institutional processes for evaluation, planning and resource allocation.

21 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Department Planning: Other Examples Chaffey College ents.htm ents.htm Crafton Hills (2012 RP Group Excellence in Planning Award) _and_Planning/Planning_and_Program_Review.a spx _and_Planning/Planning_and_Program_Review.a spx Tip: Take a look at other colleges that have won awards and/or are not on sanction for lack of integrated planning.

22 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges BHAG Activity – Part 2 Return to your BHAG Activity from the beginning of the session. How is your BHAG integrated with the program review and budget processes?

23 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Strategic Plans: College of the Canyons Organizing and Developing the Strategic Plan External and Internal Data The Rudder: Sets Big Goals Detailed accomplishments and goals drawn exclusively from Department Plans Review Whole Document for Missing Pieces Enter Missing Pieces into Program Reviews

24 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges BHAG Activity: Part 3 Return to your BHAG Activity from the beginning of the session. How is your BHAG integrated with the Strategic Plan process? Is there integration with the program review, budget and strategic plan processes?

25 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Educational and Facilities Master Plans External and Internal Data Major Changes New Centers New Programs Organizational Structures and Processes Department-level detail Data Long-term goals: Pull first draft from Program Review Resource needs: Technology, Facilities, Staff, Other

26 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges BHAG Activity: Part 4 Return to your BHAG Activity from the beginning of the session. How is your BHAG integrated with the Educational Master Plan process? Is there integration with the program review, budget, strategic plan and Educational Master Plan processes?

27 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Implementation Process Establish a plan of action for integrating the planning processes. Identify who will carry out the actions in each process. Determine how progress will be monitored and communicated to the campus community. Establish an evaluation plan. Discuss results from evaluation of the processes and identify ways to improve it. Implement the changes identified from the evaluation process. Repeat process

28 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Implementation Timelines

29 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Implementation Example on Monitoring Progress – Palomar Action Plan

30 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Evaluating Planning Individual Plans: Feedback Loops/Enhancements Master Plan Strategic Plan Other Plans Department Plans Overall Process All Staff: Surveys Subcommittee Review: Retreat / Focus Group Results: Evidence of Improved Student Learning Examples of Evaluation of Planning Processes can be found in your binder.

31 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Evaluating Planning: College of the Canyons Program Review Task Force (annual) Faculty / Staff Survey (annual) College Planning Team (annual)

32 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Evaluating Planning: Mt. San Antonio College Evaluated by employees through an online survey and/or via their department/unit annual program review process Managers evaluate the process annually and it includes their department/units' evaluation of the process Vice Presidents evaluate the process annually and it includes their immediate managers' evaluation of the process. Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) evaluates the process annually and it is included in the Vice President's annual evaluation President's Advisory Council (shared governance) evaluates the process annually based on the IEC report

33 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Examples of Evaluating Planning: Palomar College Evaluates the Integrated Planning, Evaluation, and Resource Allocation Decision-Making Model (IPM) and the Resource Allocation Model (RAM). Annually, the Strategic Planning Council (SPC) completes a formative evaluation and identifies ways to strengthen and improve the IPM. Upon completion of the three-year Strategic Planning cycle, SPC completes a summative evaluation to assess the effectiveness and outcomes of the IPM and RAM. See handout in your notebook for detailed information on the evaluation process.

34 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges BHAG Activity: Part 5-7 Part 5 - How are faculty and staff engaged throughout the planning processes? How is engagement maintained through the processes? Part 6 - How is it implemented? How is effective use of the plans being documented? How is progress being monitored? Part 7 - How are these processes evaluated?

35 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges The Paradox of Consultants Fresh views and ideas Plans must be owned by the College and its Departments

36 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Words of Encouragement Don’t be afraid to fail. In good times and in bad times. It’s a cultural change – stick with it. Budget development Institutional Action Priorities from department plans Developing expertise takes time. Start now because you will need to go through several iterations.

37 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges There is a Silver Lining! You’re developing tools to make the process of integrating planning efficient. It’s a disciplined process drawing from department plans. People feel they have a voice in the planning process, are more engaged, and take ownership of their plans. Integrated planning with budget results in better understanding of resource allocation amongst faculty and staff.

38 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Review of Today’s Discussion and Activities Strategic Plan Sets Direction and Draws Exclusively from Department Plans, even through iterations Master Plan First Draft Draws from Department Plans: Follow up with an interview. Every Budget Request Connected to Department Objective Other District/College Plans Draws from Department Plans Peer Review

39 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Final Activity: Part 8 Reflect on the previous activities. List the next steps with regard to planning for your department, division or the college. What aspects of the planning processes need improvement? What needs to happen to strengthen the integration?

40 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Questions/Concerns?

41 The Planning Working Group An Initiative of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges Contact Daylene Meuschke, Ed.D., Director, Institutional Research College of the Barry Gribbons, Ph.D., Asst. Superintendent/V.P., Institutional Research, Technology and Online Services College of the Michelle Barton, M.S., Director, Institutional Research and Planning and Past President, RP Group Palomar Community College Barbara McNeice-Stallard, M.Sc., Director, Research & Institutional Effectiveness Mt. San Antonio

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