Nicole Mihai, OCE, Program Manager Julie Lukkarila, OCE Business Development Manager December 11 th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicole Mihai, OCE, Program Manager Julie Lukkarila, OCE Business Development Manager December 11 th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicole Mihai, OCE, Program Manager Julie Lukkarila, OCE Business Development Manager December 11 th, 2013

2 page 2 Voucher for Industry Association (VIA) Overview “Made in Ontario” Advanced Manufacturing R&D Challenge Program Overview Partners & Funding Contributions Project Eligibility & Application Process Program Timelines Decision-Making Process Program Contact Information OUTLINE

3 VOUCHER FOR INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (VIA) OVERVIEW page 3 Facilitates collaboration between industry associations, groups of companies and Ontario’s academic institutions VIA projects address sector-wide research and development challenges Project outcomes must include commercialization, increased productivity with significant impact for Ontario ( revenues, jobs) and project partners Companies may use the results to their own commercial advantage Academic partners must have unique capabilities to address the sector challenges VIA has a “whole of government” streamlined approach that enables program partners leverage Provincial and Federal support

4 “MADE IN ONTARIO” ADVANCED MANUFACTURING R&D CHALLENGE page 4 Collaborative Research and Development Program developed by: Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) It supports collaborative projects between Ontario companies and academic research partners with a focus on the Advanced Manufacturing Sector $2 million program, supporting awards for ~5-7 projects for up to two years Projected outcomes: Commercialization of R&D output Significant economic benefit to Ontario, and Development of new commercial opportunity for industry partner

5 PARTNERS AND FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS page 5 OCE will provide up to $100,000 (overhead is eligible). The industry partner must provide cash AND in-kind matching (2:1). NSERC will match the industry cash and in-kind contributions up to $200,000 (not including overhead). SourceCash ContributionIn-kind Contribution Industry Partner$100,000 OCE$100,000N/A NSERC***N/A

6 page 6 EXAMPLE OF CASH DISTRIBUTION NSERC CRD grant will match the cash contribution from industry, less overhead *, up to twice the net industry cash if the in-kind contribution is at least the same as the net industry cash. For industry-college collaborations, NSERC ARD grants match industry’s total cash and/or in-kind contributions. Gross Contribution ($) Institutions Overhead ($) (35% example) Net Contribution ($) NSERC CRD leverage ($) Industry Cash100,00026,00074,000 Industry In-kind100,0000,000100,00074,000 Total Industry200,00026,000174,000148,000

7 INDUSTRY PARTNER ELIGIBILITY page 7 Industry partner eligibility: For profit, Ontario based company (manufacturing operations in Ontario)  Start-ups (incorporated for at least 1 year), SME’s and large companies Industry partner must provide a 2:1 cash and in kind matching requirement Company Assessment – Ideal Industry partner: Exporting, or have the potential to export to the world Prepared to invest in future products and processes (R&D; experimentation; prototyping) Growth oriented Have a vision to be market leaders in their chosen sector

8 PROJECT ELIGIBILITY page 8 Projects with high potential that will lead to novel, profit-generating products and/or processes Must leverage the unique capabilities of the academic environment Meet known customer (or end user) demand or address a significant customer pain-point Research work conducted by the academic institution is not in competition with the private sector Project outcomes must have global export potential from a manufacturing base in Ontario

9 PROJECT ELIGIBILITY page 9 Projects address a significant need within the manufacturing sector Demonstrate close industry-academic collaboration Broad industry applicability and impact (economically and/or environmentally and/or socially) High potential to be commercialized and/or implemented, with good ROI forecast Qualify for support under the NSERC CRD/ARD grants Projects must fall within technology readiness levels TRL1-4


11 APPLICATION PROCESS Two Stages: 1)Submit Expression of Interest Proposal (EOI)  We expect 20-30 EOIs to be submitted 2)Successful EOIs will be invited to submit a full NSERC CRD/ARD application form page 11

12 APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS page 12 Stage 1 - Expression of interest (EOI) Eligible applicants to submit a 5-page EOI and a letter of commitment including the following:  Support for and agreement with the proposal  Reasons for being involved in the collaboration  Anticipated benefits of project outcomes on Ontario economy  Effort required to exploit the results in Ontario  Anticipated interaction of industry personnel with academic team  Cash and in-kind contribution to the research costs  Small companies must include a company profile

13 page 13 EOIs to be submitted to A Review committee comprised of OCE, CME, NSERC and industry experts will evaluate the EOIs and select qualified applicants to go forward to full NSERC proposal APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS

14 page 14 Stage 2 - NSERC Full Application Selected EOIs are invited to submit full application for NSERC grants Initial application draft must have budget information included and a letter of support Following feedback, a final application is submitted: including acceptance of OCE contract terms, along with an IP agreement among all project partners NSERC applications are reviewed by NSERC only APPLICATION PROCESS & STEPS Applicants work with an OCE Business Development Manager throughout the entire application process

15 APPLICATION TIMELINES page 15 DATEAPPLICATION STEPS December 11 th, 2013Call for EOIs February 26 th, 2013EOI deadline submission to OCE May 31 st – April 4 th, 2014 Panel notifies applicants of the EOI results May 16 th, 2014 First draft of NSERC CRD/ARD application is due for invited candidates June 16 th, 2014 Final draft of NSERC CRD/ARD application is due After October 1 st, 2014Project starts

16 page 16 DECISION MAKING PROCESS Projects are evaluated against OCE criteria; preference will be given to EOIs that: Demonstrate close industry-academic R&D collaboration, economic benefit to Ontario and are commercialized in Ontario Demonstrate an innovative approach to solving an important challenge Involve training and development of students Have broad industry applicability and economic/environmental/social impact Have a good strategy plan for implementation of project outcomes Have high potential for a good return on investment

17 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY page 17 OCE does not manage IP rights, the NSERC IP policy takes precedence. NSERC’S Terms of Access to Research Results and IP Access to research results developed wholly or in part using NSERC funds, may include the following arrangements:  Open dissemination with no restrictions;  Non-exclusive licensing;  Exclusive licensing;  Joint ownership;  Partial assignment of ownership; or  Full assignment of ownership.

18 PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION page 18 Business Development ManagerContact Alison Bradley Gillian Jose Julie Raed Steven Thomas


20 page 20 Thank You

21 page 21

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