 AAP Section of Medical Student, Residents and Fellowship Trainees Annual Campaign focused on Advocacy  Provides a framework for YOU to get involved.

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2  AAP Section of Medical Student, Residents and Fellowship Trainees Annual Campaign focused on Advocacy  Provides a framework for YOU to get involved and create an advocacy project of your own  Successful campaigns in the past focused on smoking, vaccines, obesity and voting for kids!

3  More than 1/3 of 4 th graders read so poorly they cannot complete their schoolwork successfully  Children who develop more literacy skills in the preschool years perform better in the primary grades  Reading just 20 minutes per night corresponds to a 10 point increase on literacy tests Source: National Institute for Literacy

4  One in four children grow up without learning how to read  53% of children ages 3-5 are read to daily by a family member  Only 3-5% of children are able to read phonemically by kindergarten

5  62% of parents with a high socioeconomic status read to their children every day  For America’s poorest children, the biggest obstacle to literacy is the scarcity of books and appropriate reading material  85% of juvenile delinquents are functionally illiterate

6  Children who are read to regularly are more likely to: ◦ Know their alphabet ◦ Count higher ◦ Write their own name ◦ Read themselves  Decreased high school drop out rate  Decreased chance of ending up in jail or on welfare

7  Continuity Clinic  Residency Program  Hospital  Community  State  Federal

8  Reinforce literacy at each WCC ◦ Ensure every child receives a book ◦ Learn to assess literacy with Reach Out and Read tools/curriculum ◦ Emphasize importance of Dad reading  Create library resource for parents ◦ How to obtain library card ◦ Story times at local libraries for children

9 Courtesy of Reach Out and Read Use these milestones to educate your parents and encourage them to start reading at an early age

10  Develop a QI project ◦ Assess how often parents read to their children ◦ Assess how long parents read for  Write a prescription for reading 20 min per night ◦ Assess how parents choose books  Give examples of age appropriate books

11  Coordinate volunteers to read to inpatient wards/chronic care centers/dialysis units, etc.  Dedicate a journal club/advocacy group/noon conference to early childhood literacy  Commit to every resident becoming certified with Reach Out and Read ◦ Free online module/video curriculum

12 Present… Redecorate… Support….

13  Present to parent groups at local schools about literacy and it’s importance  Redecorate /renovate a local school or shelter’s library  Support adult literacy classes, ◦ Could publicize, sponsor, provide space

14  Most funding for literacy efforts came from federal appropriations and congressional provisions  Major literacy initiatives are now applying for competitive federal grants to supplement private donations

15  Contact your Congressperson and Senator to have them support the Prescribe A Book Act  Participate in the literacy advocacy day on Capitol Hill  Reach out and Read State Representative ◦ Each state has a rep actively involved in legislative advocacy with projects easy to get involved with

16  April 28 - May 4  Prescribe a TV/screen free day and offer activities to do instead  Encourage each child to pick a day to be screen free  Other important literacy dates can be found on the literacy calendar Sponsored by Campaign for Commercial-free Childhood

17  Get involved ◦ Choose a project/group to commit to as a residency program or come up with your own!  Tell us about it ◦ Each program delegate will communicate with the AAP about the project and it’s success  Get recognized ◦ An overall winner will be chosen and eligible for prizes!

18  1. Committee on Early Childhood ◦ Staff contact: Charlotte Zia, czia@aap.orgczia@aap.org ◦ http://www2.aap.org/visit/cmte15.htm http://www2.aap.org/visit/cmte15.htm  2. Section on Early Education and Child Care ◦ Staff contact: Jeanne VanOrsdal, JVanOrsdal@aap.orgJVanOrsdal@aap.org ◦ http://www.healthychildcare.org/SOEECC.html http://www.healthychildcare.org/SOEECC.html  3. Literacy Toolkit ◦ Accessible via the Committee on Early Childhood webpage and directly at: http://www2.aap.org/literacy/http://www2.aap.org/literacy/

19 1. National Institute for Literacy (2006). The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Available online. http://www.nifl.gov/nifl/facts/ECLS.html. 2. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Center for Education Statistics (1996). National Household Education Study, 1995. Washington DC: Author. 3. National Center for Education Statistics (1993) The Condition of Education. Washington DC: National Center for Education Statistics. 4. Needlman R, Fried L, Morley D, Traylor S, Zuckerman B. Clinic-Based Intervention to Promote Literacy. American Medical Association American Journal of Diseases of Children; 145(881) 1991. 5. http://www.nea.org/grants/13662.htm 6. http://begintoread.com/research/literacystatistics.html 7. http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/Spring05/Layton/facts.html 8. http://www.ala.org/altaff/products_services/booksforbabies/earlyliteracy 9. National Center for Educational Statistics,caliteracy.org 10. http://www.readfaster.com/education_stats.asp

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