by Kathy Gaines Choose a category and point value. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

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Presentation on theme: "by Kathy Gaines Choose a category and point value. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin."— Presentation transcript:


2 by Kathy Gaines

3 Choose a category and point value. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

4 What’s Your Destiny Keys to Searching More Dewey 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points It’s in the Book Do the Dewey

5 This is the classification group where you would find a book about dinosaurs.

6 What are the 300’s?

7 This is the classification group where you would find a book on religion.

8 What are the 200’s?

9 This is the classification group where you would find A book about World War II.

10 What are the 900’s?

11 This is the classification group where you would find a book about tigers.

12 What are the 500’s?

13 This is the classification group where you would find a book of poems.

14 What are the 800’s?

15 This is the kind of search you would use if you know the name of the person who wrote the book.

16 What is an author search?

17 This is the kind of search you would use if you know that you want a book about baseball.

18 What is a subject search?

19 Fic, E, or numbers

20 What are call numbers?

21 This is what you would search if you want to know what the next 39 Clues book to read.

22 What is a series?

23 This is the kind of search you would use if you know the words “cat’s meow” are in the title.

24 What is a keyword search?

25 The letters and numbers on the spine that tell you the location of the book.

26 What is the call number?

27 The part of the book that gives complete information about the author, title, publisher, illustrator, etc. of the book.

28 What is the title page?

29 The back of the title page is called this.

30 What is the verso?

31 The part of the book that lists the chapters and their page numbers.

32 What is the table of contents?

33 The pictures in a book are called this.

34 What are the illustrations?

35 Looking up related subject headings or topics to find more information is called this.

36 What is cross- referencing?

37 This is where you would find the title, author, copyright, number of pages, summary and other information about the book.

38 What is the catalog record?

39 This is the electronic card catalog.

40 What is OPAC or Online Public Access Catalog?

41 You would enter this to search for a book about deer hunting.

42 What is “deer hunting” or “deer and hunting?”

43 This is what you type, if you want to find a book by Rick Riordin.

44 What is Riordan or Riordan, Rick?

45 This is the classification group where you would find a book on how to draw.

46 What are the 700’s?

47 This is the classification group where you would find a book about computers.

48 What are the 000’s?

49 This is the classification group where you would find a book about electricity.

50 What are the 500’s?

51 This is the classification group where you would find a book about raising cows.

52 What are the 600’s?

53 This is the classification group where you would find a book about emotions.

54 What are the 100’s?

55 Make your wager

56 And, +, or, not, -

57 What are Boolean search operators?

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