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Forest Structure and Distribution across the Geographic Range of the Giant Panda Up-scaling from Plots to the Entire Region Jianguo (Jack) Liu (Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Forest Structure and Distribution across the Geographic Range of the Giant Panda Up-scaling from Plots to the Entire Region Jianguo (Jack) Liu (Michigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forest Structure and Distribution across the Geographic Range of the Giant Panda Up-scaling from Plots to the Entire Region Jianguo (Jack) Liu (Michigan State University) Zhiyun Ouyang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Jiaguo Qi (Michigan State University) Andrés Viña (Michigan State University)

2 Historical Range Current Range Giant Panda’s Geographic Range

3 Giant Panda Habitat  Altitudinal range between 1200-3800 m  <45 o slopes  Require forest cover (deciduous & coniferous)  >95% of diet is composed of bamboo

4 Remote Sensing for Panda Habitat Assessment  Limited to provide information on forest cover (usually through non-hierarchical spectral classification algorithms)  Understory bamboo cover has been neglected due to the difficulty in isolating it from forest canopy

5 Objectives  Assess the spatial distribution of forests  Evaluate the structural characteristics of the forests at plot scales  Develop techniques for up-scaling from plots to nature reserves, mountain regions and to the entire panda geographic range

6 Field Data  440 sampling plots:  Forest cover/type  Elevation, slope, aspect  Tree/bamboo stem density & basal area  Tree/bamboo species composition  84 plots exhibited panda signs

7 Qionglai Mountain Region Forest Cover & Panda Habitat Landsat TM + SRTM-DEM

8 Conservation Plans at Regional Scales Xu, et al. 2006. Diversity and Distributions 12: 610-619. Establishment of key (K) areas to locate new nature reserves and linkage (L) areas to connect different nature reserves Qionglai Mountain Region

9 What about information on bamboo distribution ? Hypothesis: Forests with bamboo have particular phenological signatures that can be used to map their distribution across broad geographic regions.

10 Panda Habitat Distribution MODIS Data (250 m / pixel) Viña et al. 2008. Remote Sensing of Environment 112: 2160-2169. Wolong Nature Reserve

11 Suite of Surrogates of Canopy Characteristics fAPAR Viña & Gitelson. 2005. Geophys. Res. Lett. Percent Canopy Cover Gitelson et al. 2002. Remote Sens. Environ. Chlorophyll Content & Green LAI Gitelson et al. 2005. Geophys. Res. Lett. Canopy Moisture Hunt & Rock. 1989. Remote Sens. Environ.

12 MODIS Data (500 m / pixel) Panda Habitat Distribution Current Geographic Range

13 Analyses at Species Level Chao-Sorensen Floristic Similarity Index (Chao et al. 2005. Ecol. Lett.) A Qinling Mountain Region

14 Phenologic Similarity  Principal Coordinates of phenologic similarity (1- euclidean distance) MODIS Data (500 m / pixel)

15 Conclusions  Forests are a very conspicuous land cover type (40-50%)  Areas that are habitat for the giant pandas represent ~25% of the forest areas  Some species associations can be isolated and mapped using their characteristic phenological signatures

16 Next Steps  Continue collecting field and remotely sensed data in all the mountain regions comprising the giant panda geographic range  Perform time series analyses in the entire geographic range to evaluate phenological traits (using high temporal resolution MODIS data) that can be related with different species associations  Evaluate relationships between local spatial heterogeneity and species richness using intermediate (e.g., Landsat) and high spatial resolution data (e.g., IKONOS)

17 Acknowledgements  NASA – Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Program  NASA – Land Cover/Land Use Change Program  National Science Foundation  National Natural Science Foundation of China  Global Land Cover Facility, University of Maryland

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