Reference Books Reference books are those which are consulted for a specific fact or for information on a definite subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Reference Books Reference books are those which are consulted for a specific fact or for information on a definite subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reference Books Reference books are those which are consulted for a specific fact or for information on a definite subject.

2 Encyclopedia Contain basic information about a subject Contain many volumes Arranged alphabetically Indexes and Guide Words Kept up-to-date by new editions or yearbooks

3 Encyclopedia Examples Encyclopedia Britannica The New International Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Americana World Book Encyclopedia Compton’s Pictured Encyclopedia Lincoln Library Our Wonderful World

4 A Set of Encyclopedias A set may contain any number of volumes. What kind of encyclopedia is in the library?

5 Find the Following Letters W A S H R O G Y M Z F B L X D

6 Vol 1 A-C Vol 2 D-F Vol 3 G-Ja Vol 4 Jb-K Vol 5 L-Me Vol 6 Mf-0 Vol 7 P-Ra Vol 8 Rb-S Vol 9 T-V Vol 10 W-Z In which volume would you find Justin Timberlake? In which volume would you find information about the United Nations? In which volume would you find information about Ethiopia?

7 Using an Index What is an index? – The most reliable method of finding information in most reference books. – It lists every subject covered in the encyclopedia (in alphabetical order)

8 Using an Index, Example 1 AMERICAN LITERATURE1-102 Colonial Literature1-102 Midcentury Writers1-107 Realism12-1632 20 th -century Fiction5-756 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION10-1491 13-1801 AMPHIBIAN1-1115 Body Temperature5-632 Frog7-1018 Lung11-1512 Reptile15-2136 Skeleton1-144 Teeth17-2512 Toad18-2565 Main Topic Related ArticlesVolume Number Page Number

9 Using an Index, Example 1 AMERICAN LITERATURE1-102 Colonial Literature1-102 Midcentury Writers1-107 Realism12-1632 20 th -century Fiction5-756 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION10-1491 13-1801 AMPHIBIAN1-1115 Body Temperature5-632 Frog7-1018 Lung11-1512 Reptile15-2136 Skeleton1-144 Teeth17-2512 Toad18-2565

10 Using an Index, Example 2 rock, or rock and roll (mus.) see Music 11:915:2a development of jazz-based: 6:612:3b popular music: 8:161:2a 20:486:2a 15:1121:1b influence on country music: 3:273:1a influence of the blues on: 2:302:3a famous vocalists: 14:114:3a see also rock stars use of rhythm instruments: 24:541:1a stringed instruments: 24:541:1a synthesizers: 3:43:2b Entry Word ‘Rock’ & ‘Rock and Roll’ are musical (mus.) terms Volume Number Page Number Column Number The main entry for ‘Rock’ is listed under ‘Music’ Cross-References (where to look for more information) An encyclopedia index entry for ‘Rock’ might look something like this.

11 Using an Index, Example 2 rock, or rock and roll (mus.) see Music 11:915:2a development of jazz-based: 6:612:3b popular music: 8:161:2a 20:486:2a 15:1121:1b influence on country music: 3:273:1a influence of the blues on: 2:302:3a famous vocalists: 14:114:3a see also rock stars use of rhythm instruments: 24:541:1a stringed instruments: 24:541:1a synthesizers: 3:43:2b

12 Cross References World Book Encyclopedia- ‘Snowstorm’ You wouldn’t find anything, it would direct you to look under ‘Blizzard’ ‘See’ ‘See Also’

13 Key Words How do you know where you should look to find information? Determine specifically what your subject is. For what is Liberty Island of Upper New York known? When was the popular American poet Robert Frost born?

14 Using Guide Words The words located at the top of the pages of an encyclopedia Guide Words tell you the first and last entries on a page so you can determine if your subject is on the page.

15 Using Guide Words rhymeRivera, Diego

16 More Encyclopedia Hints Looks people up under their last names. Most other subjects should be looked up by their first words Spell abbreviations out Books are located by the first words of their titles Don’t look up royal persons by their titles.

17 Would you use an encyclopedia to look up information on the Jonas Brothers? Why or why not?

18 Relevancy How are encyclopedias kept up-to-date New editions – Very expensive to buy a new edition every year Yearbooks – An additional volume; contains updated information about topics that have been updated.

19 Encyclopedia Activities

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