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1 An Online Library of Practice Resources for Interpretation Training in Hong Kong Principal investigator Dr. Chan Ho-yan, Clara Assistant Professor Department.

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Presentation on theme: "1 An Online Library of Practice Resources for Interpretation Training in Hong Kong Principal investigator Dr. Chan Ho-yan, Clara Assistant Professor Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 An Online Library of Practice Resources for Interpretation Training in Hong Kong Principal investigator Dr. Chan Ho-yan, Clara Assistant Professor Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics

2 2 The Project A web-based library of interpreting practice resources for all interpretation students of CityU to practice individually and collaboratively outside the classroom Aims:  enhance their Chinese and English language proficiencies, interpreting skills and general knowledge  foster student autonomy and intrinsic motivation  provide students with greater interest, confidence and flexibility as preparation for actual interpreting  provide evidence that student-centred learning is a more effective approach in interpretation training

3 3 Methodology The project is to be executed by one RA under the strict supervision of PI  assign exercises to students  provide feedback for their work  monitor the online discussion and peer-review The teacher will also discuss the online work with students in class on a regular basis. Students will also be sent questionnaires at the end of the semester. The RA will oversee and maintain the technical procedures of the whole online library throughout the project.

4 4 Methodology (Cont’) The online materials are divided into three categories that are directed at  Language  Interpreting skills  Knowledge Each category consists of obligatory and supplementary resources.

5 5 Expected Outcomes The students can: work constantly towards the development of good proficiency in English and Chinese through the habit of speaking and interpreting practice outside classroom; familiarize themselves with the new interpreting skills that they learn on the classroom, such as concentrated listening, memory and note-taking, and apply them in different situations; learn and use sufficient vocabulary to handle classroom interpretation tasks and actual real life interpretation; understand the tactics used in actual interpreting

6 6 Self-assessment Test: obligatory submission, peer review Online work combined with classroom discussion Questionnaire: language, interpreting skills and knowledge

7 7 How might the outcomes affect teaching and learning and benefit the University as a whole? The online library is to: transform the traditional teacher-centered education mode into a learner-centered one promote students’ learning by creating an online learning community be used in later interpreting classes in CityU develop a teaching methodology that can be used or modified by other interpretation teachers in CityU.

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