The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 The story of Zacchaeus How one man changed.

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2 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 The story of Zacchaeus How one man changed

3 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 Zacchaeus was a tax man, a very small tax man, who lived in the town of Jericho.

4 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 The people did not like Zacchaeus. He was greedy and he took too much money from them.

5 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 One day Jesus came to town and all the people went to see him.

6 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 Zacchaeus was too small to see Jesus, so he climbed a tree.

7 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 Jesus stopped beneath the tree and told Zacchaeus he was coming to tea.

8 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 After tea, Zacchaeus spoke to the people. He was a changed man. ‘If I have taken too much money, I will give back four times what I took. Half of my money I will give to the poor.’

9 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 For the first time, Zacchaeus discovered that it is better to give than receive.

10 The story of Zacchaeus Route B English Age 4-7 ‘Great,’ said Jesus, ‘Today one person has been rescued from wrong.’

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