Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Programme for Aaron & Partners LLP Group Session 1 3 rd June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Programme for Aaron & Partners LLP Group Session 1 3 rd June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Programme for Aaron & Partners LLP Group Session 1 3 rd June 2015

2 Introductions Andy Duxbury

3 Today’s Outline A successful practice Overview of the programme and methodologies Design our group guidelines Introduce the EQ model

4 A Successful Practice What does the term “successful practice” mean to me? What are the potential implications of our recent staff survey on: –our overall performance? –our competitive position?

5 Great Organisations Leaders > Culture > Success

6 Programme Overview

7 Methodology: Group Sessions 1. Self-Awareness 3. Social-Awareness 2. Self-Management 4. Emotionally- Intelligent Leadership Awareness SelfOthers Management Emotional Intelligence Model (EQ) Focus on effective leadership skills

8 Methodology: Individual Sessions One-to-one coaching approach How you think + What you focus on = How you’ll behave Create new awareness, choices & actions Confidential

9 Our Group Guidelines What guidelines should we have so that exploring our leadership together is a safe, constructive and agreeable experience? Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success Henry Ford

10 Nick goes postal...

11 Emotions at work: exercise In pairs, take turns to: Think of a time when your inner concerns got the better of you and led to behaviour that was a bit ‘sub-optimal’ Share the story What were you really concerned about? What was the impact? What have you learnt as a result? Would you do the same again, or something different; and why?

12 Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Model Correlation with leadership and organisational success Starts with self-awareness and builds from there Emotionally-intelligent does not necessarily mean “nice” Capacity vs utilisation research Further reading: Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence, Dulewicz & Higgs; The New Leaders, Daniel Goleman 1. Self-Awareness 3. Social-Awareness 2. Self-Management 4. Emotionally- Intelligent Leadership Awareness SelfOthers Management

13 EQ booster Stab booster randomly with pen Answer these questions about that emotion: I notice I felt X when... The impact of X on me is... Advanced: It’s possible I create X when... X is not something I always admit to because...

14 Testing it Out If there was one thing to do with my leadership and/or my impact on organisational culture that I might want to test out for myself between now and the next group session, it would be:

15 Stay tuned for the next episode... Self- and social- awareness Some of the key personality traits How those traits relate to leadership

16 Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Programme for Aaron & Partners LLP Group Session 1 3 rd June 2015

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