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Endangered Species Study. Quiz Where does it live? F Copy a map from Encarta Encyclopedia, Bookshelf, Encarta Virtual Globe, or from the Internet. F Paste.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Species Study. Quiz Where does it live? F Copy a map from Encarta Encyclopedia, Bookshelf, Encarta Virtual Globe, or from the Internet. F Paste."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Species Study

2 Quiz Where does it live? F Copy a map from Encarta Encyclopedia, Bookshelf, Encarta Virtual Globe, or from the Internet. F Paste the map here F Use the draw tools to circle the area where your species lives

3 Quiz More about the Species F What are some interesting facts about the species? F What does it like to do? F What does it like to eat?

4 Quiz What does it look like?

5 Quiz Why is it endangered?

6 Quiz What can humans do to help?

7 Quiz Online Resources F Encarta Online: Encarta Online:

8 Quiz Quiz Show Game An interesting fact Why is it endangered? Why is its’ habitat threatened? How does it act? What does it need to survive? How can humans help? How have humans interfered? Where can I get more info? Habitat Behavior Survival 102030 Type Name of Your Species Where does it live?

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