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Ultrasound markers of chromosomal abnormalities

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1 Ultrasound markers of chromosomal abnormalities
Prof. Z. Babay

2 General Facts: The general incidence of Down is 1:1000
The risk by maternal age: at the age of :365 at the age of :109 at the age of :32 Risk of recurrence is 1% ( 0.75% higher than maternal age related risk ** In case of parental aneuploidy % risk of Trisomy in offspring

3 Methods available for screening
Maternal age Biochemical---1st trimester---PAPPA&β HCG, Adam12 2nd trimester---Triple & quadriple Test Ultrasound NT + Other markers Fetal DNA

4 Sensitivity of screening
False Positive Rate 5% Detection rate 61% for Down 63% for Trisomy 18 1st trimester (Biochemical) <5% for Down <1% for Trisomy 18 70% for Down 80% for Trisomy 18 2nd trimester (Biochemical) 10% 33% Age alone 8% 82% for Down 78% for Trisomies Ultrasound NT

5 First trimester markers:
Fetal growth: CRL< 7mm indicate 3 times higher risk of Chromosomal abnormality Fetal heart rate: Normal is 100 beats/min at 6 weeks beats /min at 9 weeks A significant increase in heart rate is seen in trisomies

6 Fetal structural malformations: 11-14 weeks
Holoprosencephaly: 3% of trisomy 18 39% of trisomy 13 Facial clefts: 1% of trisomy 21 10% of trisomy 18 2% of triploidy

7 Central cleft palate & lip

8 Fetal Structural malformations:
Micrognathia: 1% of trisomy 21 53% of trisomy 18 9% of trisomy 13 44% of triploidy Cystic Hygroma: 88% of Turners

9 Fetal Structural malformations:
Chest & cardiac malformations: 26% of trisomy 21 52% of trisomy 18 43% of trisomy 13 48% of turners 16% of triploidy

10 Fetal structural malformations:
Malformations of the abdomen: Exomphalos 31% of trisomy 18 17% of trisomy 13 Nasal bone hypoplasia at weeks (<2.5 mm): /3 of trisomy 21 If combined with N.T. –90% sensitivity 3% false positive

11 Fetal Structural abnormality:
Megacystis: Normally the bladder is seen at weeks Megacystis if longitudinal diameter is 6-8mm or bladder / CRL ratio is 13% or more It resolve in 60% of cases 20% risk of chromosomal abnormality

12 Megacystis

13 N.T. Skin fold thickness behind the fetal cervical spine
Due to Venous or lymphatic engorgement Landmarks: Cavum septum pellucidum, Cerebral peduncles, Cerebellar hemispheres Timing: days weeks of pregnancy

14 N.T. Continuation Risk estimate:
3 mm----3 times the incidence by maternal age 4mm times 5mm----28times 6mm----36times

15 Measurement of N.T. CRL between 45-84mm Good sagital section
Fetal head lines with the spine Enlarge the view Measure the widest part of the thickness

16 Measurement of N.T. (cont.)
Measure from the inner border of the horizontal line of the calliper placed on the line that defines the N.T. thickness

17 Cont. The gain should be low in the magnified image
Distinguish between fetal skin & amnion Take more than one measurement

18 N.T.

19 N.T.

20 N.T.

21 N.T. 75-80% of trisomy 21 5-10% normal karyotype ( but could be associated with cardiac defects, diaphragmatic hernia, Exomphalos) If NT is abnormal ---indicate fetal ecchocardiogram

22 Fetal Structural malformation:
Umbilical cord diameter: At weeks Increase in diameter above the 95th centile is associated with abnormal karyotype

23 Umbilical cord pulsatility index:
Trisomy fetus show small muscular artery/villi ratio UAPI increase in trisomy (controversial)

24 Ductus venosus velocimetry:
Absence of or inversion of ductus venosus atrial (ACV) % of abnormal karyotype

25 Second trimester markers:
Nuchal fold: Cut off 5mm---at weeks 6 mm--- at weeks The most sensitive and specific marker in the second trimester Sensitivity 77.8% False positive rate 2%

26 Nuchal fold

27 BPD/FL BPD/FL ratio Its value varies with gestational age
PPV= 1/294 for general population PPV= 1/112 for maternal age >35 1.5 S.D. above the mean of BPD/FL Sensitivity 50% False positive 7%

28 Humerus length: Measured to expected length <0.9 50% sensitivity
6.2% false positive

29 Pyelectasis: Found in 1% of fetuses
Mild--A-P diameter of renal pelvis >4mm at weeks A-P diameter of renal pelvis >5mm at weeks A-P diameter of renal pelvis > 7mm at weeks Moderate-- > A-P diameter of renal pelvis >10 mm + pelvi-calyceal dilatation

30 Pyelectasis: 17% incidence of Down 2% false positive rate
In severe hydronephrosis, multicystic kidneys, renal agenesis---risk of trisomy 18 &13


32 Echogenic intra-cardiac focus:
18% incidence of Down 2 fold increase over the age based risk More significant if Right ventricle is involved

33 Choroid Plexus cyst: Present in 1/3 of trisomy 18
present in 1-2% of normal fetuses If isolated the risk is 1/374 If an additional abnormality is found the risk increase 20 folds

34 Choroid plexus cyst

35 Echogenic bowel(compared to surrounding bone)
Risk of abnormality is 0.5-1% Also seen in meconium ileus, congenital infection, severe IUGR, intra-amniotic bleeding, cystic fibrosis Increase the risk by 3-5 times the maternal age risk

36 Short proximal bones Syndactaly is associated with Triploidy
Sandal gap with Trisomy 21 Polydactaly with Trisomy 13 Overlapping fingers, Rocker bottom feet and talipes with trisomy 18

37 Simian crease

38 Trisomy 18

39 Double pubble 30-40% risk of aneuploidy ( trisomy 13& 18)

40 Minor markers: Wide iliac crest angle >90 degree Brachycephaly
Frontal lobe shortening Abnormal short ear length Flat face Clinodactaly Hypo-plasia of middle phalanx of the 5th digit Sandal gap of great toe Simian crease Small cerebellar diameter

41 Wide iliac crest

42 Mild Ventricolomegaly (10-12 mm)
5% risk of later severe brain abnormality 15% risk of mild problems later The commonest abnormality is trisomy 21, 18, 13 & Triploidy

43 Echogenic intra-cardiac focus
Combination of markers: Score of > –81% detection rate & 4.4% false +ve Score of risk is 1.5/1000 Score Findings 2 Major anomaly Nuchal fold> 6 mm 1 Short femur Short humerus Pylectasis > 4mm Hyper-Echoic bowel Echogenic intra-cardiac focus

44 Absence of any markers conveys 70% reduction in Down Syndrome

45 Final remarks: Detection by ultrasound depend on personal experience
Proper timing of scan

46 Good Day

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