Egyptian Religion.

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1 Egyptian Religion

2 Group 1 What river did Ancient Egypt develop around?
What makes the River unique?

3 Group 2 What type of land is most of Egypt made up of?
If it weren’t for the Nile River, do you think there would have been an Ancient Egypt?

4 Group 3 Explain why Upper and Lower Egypt may be confusing when looking at a map. How did these two regions get their names?

5 Group 4 What natural barriers protected Egypt from invaders? Where was Egypt vulnerable?

6 Where did most of the population in Egypt live?
Group 5 Where did most of the population in Egypt live? What challenges do you think Egypt faced with a growing population?

7 Religion Definition: belief in a supernatural power considered to have control of human destiny -How were humans created? -What is the meaning of life? -What happens when we die?

8 Polytheistic vs. Monotheistic
Polytheism- The belief in many gods. Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic Hindus, Ancient Greece Monotheism- The belief in a singular god. Christianity, Islam, Judaism

9 Gods and Goddesses The Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses Believed in over 2000 different gods They believed that some of these gods lived in the sun, sky, the Nile River, the desert, etc. Often, these gods would take the form of animals or humans or a combination of both

10 Ancient Egyptian Religion
Beliefs: Gods control the forces of nature Gods control life and death Gods identified with certain animals Ka: Life force (spirit) that left the body after death

11 The Afterlife Egyptians believed in life after death
Believed that the dead needed to take things with them that they would need in the afterlife This is why people were often buried with treasure, clothing, and other valuable objects

12 Mummification Preserved the bodies of the dead through mummification
Egyptians believed that once they died, they were sent to the Underworld for their next life

13 Group Presentations You have from now until the end of class to find out as much information about your god as possible and present this info to the class Group 1: Isis Group 2: Horus Group 3: Ra (Re) Group 4: Seth (Set) Group 5: Osiris (Remember to keep presentations to 2 minutes or less!) -What did your god look like? -Who were they related to? -What special powers did they have? -How were they worshipped?

14 Ancient Egyptian Gods Isis- God of protection Queen of all Gods
Wife of Osiris Nile floods bring renewed life

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Horus- God of the sky
He is probably most well-known as the protector of the ruler of Egypt. The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the 'living Horus'. Head of a hawk

16 Ancient Egyptian Gods Re- Sun God
The most important God of Ancient Egypt Represented light, warmth, and growth Head of a falcon

17 Ancient Egyptian Gods Set- God of chaos
Set represented everything that threatened harmony in Egypt Believed to cause a failed harvest

18 Ancient Egyptian Gods Osiris- God of the death and rebirth, and ruler of the underworld Judges the dead The rise and fall of the Nile is believed to be the death and rebirth of Osiris

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