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Individual Liberty Making informed choices Being a good friend Developing self- confidence Taking responsibility for our actions Freedom of speech Being.

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Liberty Making informed choices Being a good friend Developing self- confidence Taking responsibility for our actions Freedom of speech Being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individual Liberty Making informed choices Being a good friend Developing self- confidence Taking responsibility for our actions Freedom of speech Being fair Valuing each other Respecting other’s liberty Recognising individuality Building relationships

2 Individual Liberty Choices: friendships, play equipment, activity in the classroom, behaviour (diamond), school dinners, homework choices Manners: learning behaviour that is acceptable Freedom of speech and having individual voices respected, pupil assemblies, in class Taught: WW2 topic Anti- bullying week Smoking, alcohol and drugs- education for choices

3 The choices we make and the things we do at home are valued and respected. We share our achievements in the Golden Assembly. Year 6 learn about World War 1 and 2 and the fight for liberty. We choose from a range of healthy food at school dinners. School Journey to Windmill Hill PGL Centre gives us opportunities to gain confidence and trust in ourselves. Activities during our anti- bullying week teach us to believe in ourselves and make responsible choices. We learn about the choices we can make in Smoking, alcohol and drugs education. Individual Liberty- Making choices and being ourselves.

4 We learn that our actions have consequences. Good behaviour means going up the diamond and being rewarded. Bad behaviour means sanctions- and no-one wants to go in the red book! We have choices about how to play. The local secondary schools visit the school to help us make choices in Year 6. We have opportunities to learn different musical instruments and to show our learning. We love to learn by role play and dressing up. All classes have dress up days linked to their topics In Reception we choose our activities and play together.

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