Alpha Epsilon Delta The Pre-Professional Co-Ed Health Care Fraternity Virginia Tech Delta Chapter.

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1 Alpha Epsilon Delta The Pre-Professional Co-Ed Health Care Fraternity Virginia Tech Delta Chapter

2 EXECUTIVE BOARD 2012-2013  President: Caroline Young (  Vice President: McKenna Creasey (  Treasurer: Zach Jenkins (  Secretary: Kristen Nymberg (  Member Relations: Nikita Parmar (

3 Leadership  Service  3 Committee Heads (Ashley, Ivonne, Sydney)  Plan all of the organizations service projects  Social  3 Committee Heads (Grace, Shayla, Veronica)  Plan all of the organizations social events  Webmaster  1 Committee Head (Angela)  Designs and updates AED’s website:

4 Leadership  SGA Representative  1 Committee Head (Emily)  Attends meetings outside AED, with SGA, and reports back any information learned  Speaker / Open House  2 Committee Heads (JP, Megan)  Find outside speakers for weekly meetings and organize information about and trips to appropriate open houses  Fundraising  2 Committee Heads (Surabhi, Sunny)  Plan and organize fundraisers for AED  Relay For Life  1 Committee Head (Missy)  Plans and executes our organization’s participation in VT Relay for Life

5 Mission Statement Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Health Pre- professional Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in pre-professional health scholarship, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary, and others. The Society welcomes ALL students engaged in the pursuit of a professional healthcare career. AED offers opportunities for intellectual and professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the college and university community.

6 Membership  Attendance at 8 out of 11 meetings is required. In other words, you are only allowed to miss 3 meetings.  A minimum of 5 service points are required.  Attendance at 3 planned socials.  A minimum GPA of 3.0 Application & Dues  Annual fee: $50  Deadline for Application & Dues is September 16th, 2013

7 Inactive Membership  Inactive membership is for those that cannot attend weekly meetings due to time conflicts with class or work. Thus, inactive membership allows you to be exempt from the Monday night meetings.  In order to be granted inactive status you must bring in a documented excuse that clearly shows why you cannot meet at 7 PM on Monday nights.  You may only be an inactive member for one semester.  Attendance at 5 service events and 3 planned socials is still required.

8 Probation  If the requirements on the previous slide are not met during the course of a single semester of membership, you will be allowed to remain in AED, but on a probationary status. Therefore, you have the following semester (be it Fall or Spring) to complete the requirements that you missed in addition to the normal ones for the current semester.

9 Blacklist   If you do not make-up your probationary points, you will be blacklisted.  Will not be able to continue membership in AED.  Name given to OHPA

10 Pre-Health Advising Ms. Carol Robinson  Pre-Health Advising Sessions: Twice per week in the Smith Career Center - Online registration required, there will be specific sessions for Freshmen/Sophomores and Juniors/Seniors. Check the Office of Pre-Health Advising website frequently for dates and times. Pre-Health Folder: Opened during your undergraduate career - contains your resume, letters of recommendation, copies of your personal statement, a photo, and a list of any medical experiences you have had Campus Interviews: Conducted by the Health Professions Committee in the spring of junior year (March-May)

11 This Week's Speaker: AED Leadership & Emily Wong (Princeton Review)

12 Service Events ALS Fundraiser Thursday, September 19 : Moe’s, 6 pm -10 pm Survey: 18 th Annual Marine 5k Mud Run Saturday, September 21 : Greenhill Park, Salem To sign up: w=article&id=47&Itemid=58 w=article&id=47&Itemid=58 Food Drive – Micah’s Backpack Tuesday, September 24 : Kroger on UCB, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Survey:

13 Social Events  Speed Friending  Saturday, September 14  Survey (closes at midnight on Thursday, September 12):  Kickball  Sunday, September 22  Survey (closes at midnight on Thursday, September 19):  Scavenger Hunt  Saturday, September 28  More information to come!  Tie-Dyeing T-Shirts  Monday, September 30  Litton Reeves Parking lot, before the meeting.  Survey to be provided closer to time.

14 Outside Events  AMSA hosting speaker, Dr. Kiley, in TORG 2150 at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, September 11 th.  Retired Army Surgeon General

15 Attendance Cards  Please Write:  Name  Student ID number  Email  Signature

16 Keep up with AED! Like our Facebook page and Twitter accounts to keep up with all updates and information pertaining to the organization! Also, don’t forget to check the website for a list of all events as well! Facebook: Twitter: @AEDVTech Website:

17 Update on “Tucker” Thank you for your generous One-Delightful Button purchases!

18 Questions?

19 Next Week’s Speaker Dr. Damon Thompson, Dentist VT grad

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