Welcome to Fourth Grade Parent Night

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1 Welcome to Fourth Grade Parent Night

2 General Information Be on time- we start class at 8:45 so children will miss their studies if they are late. Before your child leaves home, they should know how they will return home. You MUST write a note if transportation is different.

3 General Information Dress Code Collared shirt or Lane shirt
Navy Blue, White, Light Pink, Burgundy Pants, skirts, Jumpers, and Shorts Navy or Khaki Jeans on Friday- no frills or designs Skirts, jumpers, and shorts need to be at least to the knee.

4 Language Arts

5 Language Arts AR Goals Students need 110 points to earn AR party and trophy at the end of the year. Students must read 6 AR books on grade level per grading period (TWO books must be chapter books) Students are required to earn 3 AR points per week.

6 Language Arts Homework Must read at home for 30 minutes every night
Reading log Only accepted on Friday. Parents must sign each entry Reading, Spelling, and English homework count as a test grade Book order forms will be coming home soon

7 Language Arts Guided Reading
Daily assignment- must bring book and assignment to class EVERY day. Students are responsible for replacing lost books. Students will receive a grade for readers workshop. The rubric will be coming home soon.

8 Language Arts Spelling Words are given out every Friday.
Spelling test is on Friday.

9 Writing Students will be using the writing process in different genres. Supplies needed: A pronged folder

10 Writing Encourage your child to write often at home.
Write in a journal Write letters or notes Write s Create a list Read a variety of books

11 Math

12 Math Homework Students will have 100 homework points for each grading period. Every missed assignment will be a loss of 5 points. Homework can account for up to 10% of a subject grade. For every third missed assignment, a homework excuse note will go home for parent signature. Homework must be completed every night. This is a review of material covered that day and needs to be reinforced for complete understanding.

13 Math Review Topics New Topics
Place Value, Rounding, Multiplication, Area, Perimeter, Expressions, and Graphing New Topics Long Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, Order of operations, Properties, 3-D Figures, and Coordinate System

14 Math Math 24 Online www.firstinmath.com
Each student will have a username and password. Fourth graders can earn to attend parties throughout the year if grade level goal is reached.

15 Math Students need ONE folder with pockets and prongs or spiral for math. All math related material will be in this one folder- Class notes Class work homework EVERY day students need their math folder and book in class.

16 Social Studies and Science

17 Social Studies and Science
Supplies : -1 composition notebook for Science labs Need 2 folders (with prongs) All Science and Social Studies related material will be in these folders: Class notes Class work homework If desired, 2 spiral notebooks

18 Science Students will learn the Scientific Method for experiments and keep a science notebook to record the data from the experiments Students will learn about The Water Cycle, Weather, The Solar System, Ecosystems, Force & Motion, and Light & Sound. We will have labs at least once a week.. .

19 Science Fair Each student will complete a science fair project in 4th grade. More information will be coming home as it becomes available. To find out more, check out the science fair information page just for parents on the Bibb County School District webpage. Look under the Teaching and Learning Department and click on “Science”.

20 Social Studies Students will learn about the Formation of the United States to the causes of the Civil War through units such as: Native Americans European Exploration Colonization American Revolution Forming a New Nation Westward Expansion

21 How to Excel in Science and Social Studies
Read the notes and handouts daily Create flashcards using index cards Complete homework and projects assigned Read books about the current unit Use the internet to discover more information on the unit of study Participate in class

22 Homework in Science and Social Studies
Students will have 100 homework points for each grading period. Every missed assignment will be a loss of 2 points. Homework can account for up to 10% of a subject grade.

23 Please visit our website at:
More Information Please visit our website at:

24 We look forward to working with your child this year
We look forward to working with your child this year! Thank you for coming!!

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