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A Master Course on-line Operative notes Irkutsk 5 October 2005 Irkutsk GIGP 2005 Agostino Marengo University of Bari Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "A Master Course on-line Operative notes Irkutsk 5 October 2005 Irkutsk GIGP 2005 Agostino Marengo University of Bari Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Master Course on-line Operative notes Irkutsk 5 October 2005 Irkutsk GIGP 2005 Agostino Marengo University of Bari Italy

2 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE2 An “How to” planning example

3 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE3 A Professor can’t…  … wake up in the morning and start planning an e-learning course….  It’ll be a good way to give some tools to students.. But…  It’ll be like the difference between 80’s Informatics and 90’s Information Technology  YOU NEED A DIDACTIC TEAM PROJECT

4 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE4 Deming Lifecycle

5 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE5 What we are talking about  The Learning Model  The Delivery Model  Courses Structure  Calendars of Activities  Scheduling of a single activity

6 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE6 The Learning Model Six points: 1. Pre-assessment: Skills and abilities of the students to maximize the teaching results 2. Contents: course contents, how are defined, how are structured, and what’s the material built on 3. Didactic Project: the way every single course is structured and the recommended didactic path, to maximize student’s learning and cultural growth

7 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE7 The Learning Model 4. Delivery: didactic action… who, when and how didactic path will be developed and proposed 5. Evaluation: how to fix student’s level after the learning process 6. Monitoring: who made what, when and how good… tracking and analysis

8 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE8 The Delivery Model  A combination of 3 models: 1. Classical: the teacher in class, face to face (high level of interaction) 2. Distance learning: an extension of classical model, “just” using technolgy stuffs (CD Rom, Videoconferencing); there can be synchronous and asynchronous phases 3. E-learning: all phases are integrated into a Learning Management System (contents, path, assessments, evaluation, monitoring)

9 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE9 The Delivery Model  The proposed model is an Hybrid Model, adopting the best of those 3 models:  Some classical sessions (F2F): a direct contact  Make CD Rom for every Module/Didactic unit  Learning path on the LMS  Self-evaluation on LMS  Synchronous and asynchronous tools to make group working  Additional activities BLENDEDBLENDED

10 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE10 The Delivery Model  The model needs:  One tutor every 50 students  Every course has similar scheme and structure  Materials are distributed on CD Rom and on LMS  Periodic self-evaluation for each student  Activities and learning monitoring for each student  2 hours a week for synchronous activities teacher/students  Teacher manages asynchronous contacts with students  Traditional evaluation

11 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE11 Courses Structure  Learning Modules: autonomous learning units (like a little book on an argument)  At the end there will be a self-evaluation  Every Module contains some Learning Units  Learning Unit: some related arguments (like a chapter in a book)  Every module includes form 1 to 8 learning units

12 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE12 ECTS vs Learning Units  Every ECTS equals 25 hours student’s working  Usually is: 2 ECTS = 3 LU … (2/3)  Every LU covers 1 week lessons (6 hours lessons)

13 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE13 A typical course structure  Every course has a Didactic Planning Document:  Course name, ECTS, time length  Name and e-mail of teacher, exerciser and tutor  On-line and F2F student receiving  Pre-requirements (skills, abilities and knowledge)  Learning goals  LU highlights  Evaluation rules and minimum requirements  Bibliography and suggested books

14 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE14 A typical course structure  LU structure:  LU track (trace… contents)  LU lectures: Materials and reading  LU Learning Activities, practices and tests  Self-evaluation  P.S.: self.evaluation will be every 2 or 3 LUs, published online on wensday and the corrections/comments will be online on monday

15 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE15 LU tracks  LU name  LU contents (few rows)  LU pre-requirements  LU learning goals  LU Contents outline: refers to the book or Internet web sites, etc  LU Activities, practices and tests (what and how)

16 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE16 LU Lectures  A copy of learning support documents:  Limited book parts (scanned)  Journal papers  Teacher dispenses  Internet downloaded material  All documents in PDF format and indexed  It’s the material LU refers to, in the LU track (Content outline)

17 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE17 LU Learning Activities  Some more close examination materials  Practices proposals  Tests  Case studies  Small projects developing  Small essays  A lot of demonstration examples

18 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE18 LU Self Evaluation  Every 2 or 3 weeks  Single and multiple choice tests  Tracking and corrections  Time limits and how many attempts  Evaluation instruments that fits a good result if we’ll use it constantly

19 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE19 Virtual class  E-mail  Group and general forums (group rooms in which develop projects)  Chat rooms  FAQ session  Tutor shape will be strongly feel from students (he’ll help, encourage and stimulate) Classical or Collaborative Learning??

20 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE20 Top down view…

21 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE21 Calendar of activities  An example: WHENWHENWHATWHAT



24 A. Marengo - ONLINE COURSE24 Meet students Put Materials online E-mail students contacts TestTest Receiving students Self evaluation Self evaluation correction COURSE END

25 Questions? Contacts Agostino Marengo amarengo@dss.uniba.it

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