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Project Title Business Case Your Name Month, Year.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Title Business Case Your Name Month, Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Title Business Case Your Name Month, Year

2 Introduction State the purpose of the business case Explain the steps you will take to address the issue

3 Opportunity Definition Identify the problem Focus on root causes Explain why the problem matters Link to organisational objectives

4 Methodology Primary sources consulted Secondary sources consulted Assumptions / constraints

5 Alternatives Analysis Option 1 – Do nothing Scope Time Costs Direct costs Ownership costs Benefits Direct benefits (outputs) Indirect benefits (outcomes) Risk assessment Option 2 - Title Scope Time Costs Direct costs Ownership costs Benefits Direct benefits (outputs) Indirect benefits (outcomes) Risk assessment

6 Alternatives Analysis Option 3 – Title Scope Time Costs Direct costs Ownership costs Benefits Direct benefits (outputs) Indirect benefits (outcomes) Risk assessment Option 4 - Title Scope Time Costs Direct costs Ownership costs Benefits Direct benefits (outputs) Indirect benefits (outcomes) Risk assessment

7 Conclusion WeightingOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4 Scope Time Cost Benefit Risk Total

8 Recommendations Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

9 Delete this slide To learn how to record voice narration, click herehere See also here and herehere Click here to learn how to save this presentation as a pdfhere

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