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 Learnerships and the Financial Services Charter 

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Presentation on theme: " Learnerships and the Financial Services Charter "— Presentation transcript:

1  Learnerships and the Financial Services Charter 

2 PricewaterhouseCoopers Concept of learnerships “A learnership is a work- based training programme that includes both theory and practical components and leads to a registered qualification” Moves away from simply “clever heads, dumb hands” to a “skilled and employable individual”

3 PricewaterhouseCoopers Why do we need Learnerships Increase the learning culture within the Financial Services Sector Address skills shortages in the sector Provide nationally-recognised sector focused qualifications Focus on outcomes based training

4 PricewaterhouseCoopers Benefits for employer Skilled employees Increased productivity Access to discretionary grants Tax incentives

5 PricewaterhouseCoopers Benefits for learners Access to national qualifications Practical and theoretical learning Recognition for prior learning Better career prospects

6 PricewaterhouseCoopers Learnership areas Sales personnel Information technology Vigilance Compliance Insurance and investment Customer interface Risk management Financial Administration (Back office)

7 PricewaterhouseCoopers Some immediate challenges Creating a sense of urgency of this initiative Aligning the operational requirements of the business with the intent of the Charter. How targets set can be met Managing the conflicts between those employed and those on learnerships Increasing skills development in an ever shrinking sector.

8 PricewaterhouseCoopers Panelists Ms Adrienne Bird Ms Jeanette Hobson Ms Vivienne Delaney Mr Malose Kekana

9 

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