By Dalip Singh, President, AEE Delhi Workshop for Electricity Consumers On 25Apr 2015 at NMA, Sector 62 Noida.

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Presentation on theme: "By Dalip Singh, President, AEE Delhi Workshop for Electricity Consumers On 25Apr 2015 at NMA, Sector 62 Noida."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Dalip Singh, President, AEE Delhi Workshop for Electricity Consumers On 25Apr 2015 at NMA, Sector 62 Noida

2  Electric power generation delicensed  License for transmission, distribution and trading  Central Electricity Authority  Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)  State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs)  Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL)  Distribution Companies (DISCOs) to follow tariff approved by SERCs in billing the consumers  Consumer Grievance Forum

3  Section 61(c) of EA 2003 requires the regulators to be guided by the factors like efficiency and economical use of resources in determination of tariff.  Section 62 (3) empowers regulators to differentiate tariffs based on the consumer's load factor, power factor, total consumption or time of supply.  Section 8.4.1 of Tariff Policy dated 6Jan 2006 stresses on adoption of dual tariff an time differentiated rates of energy to enable flattening of peak demands and implementing energy conservation measures.

4  Fixed Charges for demand  Variable Charges for energy consumed  Incentives for better reactive power mgmt  Incentives for better load management

5  Contacted Demand  Recorded Demand  Billable demand Note: Various SERCs have defined billable demand in different ways. Some SECRs consider contracted demand as the billable while some SERCs lay down a limit of 70-90% of contracted demand as the billable demand, if actual demand is below this level.

6  Metering of energy drawn  Per KWh  Per KVAh

7  Reactive Power is an essential evil in AC power supply systems  High PF is desirable for DISCOM & consumers  High PF is achieved by reactive power mgmt  Rebate for high PF in tariff is direct incentive  Energy billing in KVAh is indirect incentive

8  Demand metering by utility meter is interval data recording at intervals of 15 or 30 min  The demand recorded in the interval having sharpest peak in the month considered to indicate monthly demand  Uniform demand implies higher load factor while widely fluctuating demand with sharp peaks results in low load factor (LF)  LF for tariff purpose is the ratio of total energy and the energy that could have been consumed, had the actual demand been same as the contracted demand  Minimum Billable demand, direct incentive for high LF and TOU(Time of use) rates are used to manage demand

9 S. No. State/UTTOUMBD as % of CD Energy unit LF intervention 1Delhi(SIP)Yes100KVAhNo 2Haryana(HT-Ind)No100KVAhNo 3Rajasthan(HT-2)No75KWhNo 4Uttar Pradesh(HV2) Yes75KVAhYes (Positive) 5Uttarakhand(RTS7- HT) Yes80KVAhYes (negative)

10  LT Supply Consumer Categories: LMV-1 to LMV-10  HT Supply Consumer Categories: HV-1 to HV-4  HV-1: Rs270 per KVA, Rs6.80 per KVAh  HV-2: Rs250 per KVA, Rs6.30per KVAh  MBD=75% of CD for both HV1 and HV2  TOU charges -7.5% (OFF Peak) and 15% (Peak hours)  High Load factor incentives in HV2 Note: Details of UPERC Tariff to be explained by Mr Raghvendra Yadav, Executive Engr, PVVNL

11 Dalip Singh, CEO India EnMS Consulting Pvt Ltd 601, Tradex Tower-2, ACB, Alpha-I Greater Noida-201306(UP) India 0120429132409350846853

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