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Healthcare Human Resource Management Flynn Mathis Jackson Langan

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1 Healthcare Human Resource Management Flynn Mathis Jackson Langan
Training and Development in Healthcare Organizations Chapter 8 PowerPoint Presentation by Tonya L. Elliott, PHR

2 After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:
Learning Objectives After you have read this chapter, you should be able to: Discuss how job performance and training can be integrated Identify how organizational and training strategies are linked Define various learning styles Describe the orientation, training, and staff development requirements of the Joint Commission Explain the unique aspects of healthcare employee development

3 Training & Development
A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational goals An investment in the human capital of the organization that benefits the entire organization longer-term Employee Development Broader in scope Focuses on individuals gaining new capabilities useful for both current and future jobs

4 Nature of Training in Healthcare Organizations
According to: The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) U.S. employers spending at least $60 billion/year on training Average investment per employee: Average firm $ 650 Leading edge firms $1,966 Healthcare industry $ 345

5 Common Types of Healthcare Training
New employee orientation Conducting performance appraisals Personal computer courses Team building Customer service Leadership skills Sexual harassment prevention Selection interviewing Patient safety Operating new equipment Diversity awareness

6 Integration of Job Performance, Training, & Learning
These must be integrated to be effective Steps to linkage between job performance & training: Trainee watch the trainer perform the function in the proper manner Trainee attempts to safely replicate the actions Trainer provides real-time feedback to the trainee Authentic training experiences increase effectiveness Use real organizational problems to advance employee learning Every day operations can be used as learning examples

7 Training as Performance Consulting
Process in which a trainer and the organizational client work together to boost workplace performance Next Steps: Identify & address root causes of performance problems Recognize the interaction of individual and organizational factors Compare actions & accomplishments of high performers with others Desired & actual organizational results Desired & actual employee performance vs.

8 Typical Training Responsibilities
HR Unit Skill-training materials Organizational new employee orientation Coordinates training efforts Off-the-job training Coordinates career plans & employee development Provides input for organizational development Maintains training records Healthcare Managers Departmental new employee orientation Provide technical information Monitor training needs On-the-job training Discuss employees’ growth and future potential Participate in organizational change efforts Determine on-going training needs for their area

9 Legal Issues and Training
EEO Issues Selection for training -- shouldn’t unfairly restrict protected-class members Differences in pay based on training -- if protected-class members have not had access Use of training as basis for promotion decisions -- if protected-class members have not had training Training Contracts Employers protecting the cost and time invested in specialized employee training

10 Strategic Training Strategic Training
-- Efforts that develop individual work competencies -- Can produce ongoing value and competitive advantages for the organization Key Foundations: Training based on organizational plans & HR planning HR involved in organizational change & strategic planning to create supporting training programs Training is a strategic asset

11 The Training Process Figure 8-3

12 Step 1: Assessment of Training Needs
A diagnosis: considers employee and organizational performance issues to determine if training can help Gap analysis Identifies the distance between where an organization is with its employee capabilities and where it needs to be Sources of Training Needs Assessment Organizational Job-based Individual employee

13 Step 2: Training Design Step 2: Training Design
Determining how the assessed needs are to be addressed, considering learning concepts, legal issues, and types of training available Considerations: Determining learner readiness Understand different learning styles Designing training for transfer

14 Step 2: Training Design (cont’d)
Adult Learning Whole learning / Gestalt learning Training broken down into sections after explaining the “bigger picture” of how they fit together Reinforcement ***Based on law of effect*** People repeat behaviors that give positive effects, and avoid behaviors that give negative effects Immediate Confirmation Reinforcement and feedback given as soon as possible after training

15 Step 3: Transfer of Training
2 conditions for effective transfer of training: Trainees must be able to apply it to the job context in which they work Learned material must be maintained over time on the job

16 Types of Training Design
Required & regular training Legal requirements, all employee training Job/technical training Specific to performing tasks Interpersonal and problem-solving training Improve organizational working relationships Developmental and innovative training Long-term focus to enhance individual and organizational capabilities

17 Orientation for New Employees
The planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, co-workers, and the organization Key purposes: Establish a favorable impression Provide organization and job performance information Enhance interpersonal acceptance by co-workers Accelerate new employee’s integration into organization Ensure quicker employee performance & productivity

18 Other Types of Training Design
Encourage Self-Development Resource libraries / learning labs Computer-based training access Professional society meetings / workshops Tuition reimbursement On-going Training & Development Correcting performance or competence deficiencies Training on new technology/techniques/processes Meet safety or regulatory compliance requirements Prepare employees for new duties or opportunities

19 Delivery of Training Internal Training External Training
Informal training Interactions and feedback among employees On-the-job training Planned training, manager teaches/shows employee what to do External Training Outsourcing Using external training firms, consultants, or other entities

20 E-Learning: Training Online
The use of the Internet or an organizational intranet to conduct training online Training Methods That Use Technology: Instructor-led classroom & conference training Distance training / learning Interactive video training Computer-supported simulations Electronic performance support systems

21 Evaluation of Training
Balancing Costs and Benefits of Training Typical Costs Typical Benefits Trainer’s salary and time Trainees’ salaries and time Materials for training Expenses for trainer/trainees Cost of facilities & equipment Lost productivity (opportunity costs) Increase in production Reduction in errors/accidents Reduction in turnover Less supervision necessary Ability to use new capabilities Attitude changes

22 Developing Human Resources
Development An effort to improve employees’ ability to handle a variety of assignments and to cultivate capabilities beyond those required by the current job Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) The assets of individuals Succession Planning Process of identifying a longer-term plan for the orderly replacement of key employees

23 Succession Planning Process:
A Strategic HR Issue Figure 8-7

24 Development Approach: Job-Site Development
Coaching The observation and feedback given to employees by immediate supervisors Committee Assignments / Meetings Job Rotation Process of shifting an employee from job to job “Assistant-To” Staff positions immediately under a manager

25 Development Approach: Off-site Methods
Classroom Courses and Degrees Human Relations Training Prepares supervisors for dealing with “people problems” Leaves of Absence Sabbaticals Paid time off the job to develop and rejuvenate oneself

26 Management Development
Management Development includes a combination of: Effective management = knowledge + judgment Leadership Dealing with change Coaching & advising Controlling operations Providing performance feedback Necessary Capabilities Experience Managerial Modeling

27 Good coaching = observation + suggestions
Management Coaching Good coaching = observation + suggestions Coaching Pointers: Explain appropriate behavior Make clear why actions were taken Accurately state observations Provide possible alternatives / suggestions Follow up / reinforcement Mentoring A relationship in which experienced managers aid individuals in the earlier stages of their careers

28 Employee Development: Academic & Credential Requirements

29 HR Development & Organizational Restructuring
Employee development has changed: Middle management “ladder” in healthcare organization now includes more horizontal rather than upward moves Organizations targeting efforts on core competencies Growth of project-based work

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