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This is your brain….this is your brain on drugs….any questions?

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Presentation on theme: "This is your brain….this is your brain on drugs….any questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is your brain….this is your brain on drugs….any questions?



4 Stimulants: Increase the actions regulated by the nervous system: –Heart rate –Blood pressure –Breathing rate Also increase the release of neurotransmitters at some synapses in the brain!

5 Effects wear off, brain’s supply of neurotransmitters has been depleted causing fatigue and depression

6 Examples: Cocaine- cause sudden release of dopamine producing intense feelings of pleasure and satisfaction –Extremely addicting Another form is “Crack”

7 Depressants: Decrease the rate of functions regulated by the brain: –Slow down heart rate and breathing rate –Lower blood pressure –Relax muscles –Relieve tension Comes individual and they rely on the drug to relieve the anxieties of everyday life.

8 Examples: Opiates – pain-killing drugs Marijuana: –Bad for lungs more so than tobacco smoke –Loss of memory –Inability to concentrate –In males- decreased levels of testosterone Alcohol: –Slows down rate at which CNS functions!




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