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SEHS Option D: Nutrition for sport, exercise and health

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1 SEHS Option D: Nutrition for sport, exercise and health

2 Outline the features of the principal components of the digestive system
Mouth – mechanical digestion and start chemical digestion Esophagus – begins peristalsis Stomach – mechanical digestion and begins chemical digestion of proteins possess rugae – folded interior that increases surface area lumen – open area mucous coating prevents self digestion

3 Cont’d Small intestine – main organ for chemical
digestion (produces monomers from polymers possess – highly folded interior (villi and microvilli) to increase surface area *Large intestines – water absorption and vitamin K production and absorption *Pancreas – produces digestive enzymes (lipase, proteases, disaccharidases) and hormones (insulin, glucagon) Liver – produces bile (mechanical digestion of fat) Gall Bladder – stores bile

4 Identify typical pH values found in various parts of the digestive system

5 Describe the functions of enzymes in the context of macronutrient digestion
What are enzymes? - biological catalysts (speed up catabolic and anabolic reactions) - made of proteins LIPASE Fats  Fatty acids and glycerol carbohydrases Polysaccharides  monosaccharides proteases Proteins  Amino acids

6 Cont’d All enzymes are effected by the temperature and pH of the solution they are in (salivary amylase/pancreatic amylase. Why twice?) Why super high fevers are deadly

7 So why are enzymes sonecessary for digestion
Metabolism can be accelerated by temperature increases….but at what costs? Enzymes allow metabolism to occur at relative low temperatures (98.6)

8 List the digestive enzymes that are responsible for digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins

9 Monosaccharides and amino acids (blood); fat (lymph)
Describe the absorption of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids from the intestinal lumen to the digestive capillary network. brush border brush border Monosaccharides and amino acids (blood); fat (lymph)

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