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¿QUÉ HORA ES? A lesson for first year Spanish students Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of numbers one through thirty to tell time. The.

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Presentation on theme: "¿QUÉ HORA ES? A lesson for first year Spanish students Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of numbers one through thirty to tell time. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¿QUÉ HORA ES? A lesson for first year Spanish students Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of numbers one through thirty to tell time. The students will be able to tell what time it is on a standard clock face using appropriate Spanish grammar. Given a blank clock face, the student will be able to draw in the hands to represent a given time. Technology Used: PowerPoint: Used for Slide Show during lesson. Smart Board: Used for drawing in the clock faces. White board can be substituted. Assessments: Formative: Students will draw the appropriate time on the board and identify the given time on a clock. Summative: ¿QUÉ HORA ES? worksheet demonstrating individual skill identifying time.

2 Los Números A quick review siete=seven ocho=eight nueve=nine diez=ten once=eleven doce=twelve uno=one dos=two tres=three cuatro=four cinco=five seis=six

3 ¿QUÉ HORA ES? This literally means “What hour is it?” The correct response varies depending on the time. For example for times near one o’clock The response begins with “Es la…” For times of two o’clock or greater the response begins with “Son las…” This is because one is singular, and two or more is plural, and in Spanish all verbs must agree in number with their subject. For times near one o’clock, use “una” instead of “uno.” This is because the word “hora” is feminine, and in Spanish, the response must match the gender of the item in question. The rest of the times will use the same words as before. So,“Es la una.” means “It’s one o’clock.” “Son las dos.” means “It’s two o’clock.” “Son las tres.” means “It’s three o’clock. And so on…

4 Son las tres.

5 Son las cinco.

6 Es la una.

7 Son las dos

8 Son las once

9 For telling time at the half hour use “…y media.” This means “and a half.” So “Es la una y media.” means the same thing as “It’s one thirty.” For telling time at fifteen minutes past the hour, use the expression “…y cuarto.” this means “and a quarter.” So “Son las cinco y cuarto.” means “It’s a quarter past five.” (or 5:15 to you digital folks) For telling time at fifteen minutes to the hour, use the expression “…menos cuarto.” This means “minus a quarter.” So “Son las diez menos cuarto.” means “It’s a quarter till ten.” Halves and Quarters

10 Son las seis y media.

11 Son las cuatro y cuarto

12 Son las nueve menos cuarto

13 Son las dos y cuarto

14 Es la una menos cuarto


16 Correctly identify the time indicated by the clock

17 ¿QUÉ HORA ES? Draw the correct time in the blank clock face. Es la una y cuarto. Son las tres y media. Son las once. Son las cinco menos cuarto. Son las diez y media. Son las seis. Son las cuatro menos cuarto. Es la una menos cuarto.

18 Son las nueve menos cuarto ¡Vuelvan ustedes a casa!

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