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Do Now  Write out the following questions in Spanish:  What is your name?  How old are you?  When is your birthday?  How many siblings do you have?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now  Write out the following questions in Spanish:  What is your name?  How old are you?  When is your birthday?  How many siblings do you have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now  Write out the following questions in Spanish:  What is your name?  How old are you?  When is your birthday?  How many siblings do you have?  Where do you live?  Where are you from?

2 El Tiempo & Las Preguntas

3 El tiempo  Telling time in Spanish can be tricky; think of it as a five-step equation: _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ Son/Es + las/la + hora + y/menos + minuto  La hora: feminine (so hours are in feminine form- ex: 1 PM  Es la una)  El minuto: masculine (so minutes are in masculine form- ex: 1:01 PM: Es la una y uno)

4 El tiempo  “Son las” for times that are plural (2-12)  “Es la” is for times that are singular (1)  For example, if we want to say it is 2:05 PM....  Son + las + dos + y + cinco  We use son + las because it is 2, a plural time  We say dos because it’s the hour  We say cinco because it’s the minute

5 El tiempo  “Son las” for times that are plural (2-12)  “Es la” is for times that are singular (1)  For example, if we want to say it is 1:10 PM....  Es + la + una + y + diez  We use es + la because it is 1, a singular time  We say una because it’s the hour (and it’s feminine)  We say diez because it’s the minute

6 El tiempo: using “Y”  For times that are from :00 to :30, we use the word “Y” to connect the time equation  Instead of saying quince, we use “cuarto” which means 15 for time purposes  Ex: 3:15  Son las tres y cuarto  Instead of saying treinta, we use “media” which means 30 for time purposes  Ex: 6:30  Son las seis y media

7 El tiempo  PRACTICE: Write out the following times in Spanish. Use your notes on numbers!  1:25  3:16  5:04  11:21 Here is the equation if you need it: _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ Son/Es + las/la + hora + y/menos + minuto

8 El tiempo  For times that are from :31 to :59, we use the word “MENOS” to connect the time equation  When we use menos, we have to change the numbers around because we subtract from the NEXT hour.  If we wanted to say it was 2:45, we would really be saying it was 3 o’clock minus 15 minutes.  Ex: 2:45  Son las TRES MENOS CUARTO

9 El tiempo  PRACTICE: Write out the following times in Spanish. Use your notes on numbers!  1:48  7:53  9:37  TRICKY: 12:50 Here is the equation if you need it: _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ Son/Es + las/la + hora + y/menos + minuto

10 El tiempo: más información  If we want to say what time an event is at, we say “es+a+la(s)+time”  This is a literal translation so try to think of it that way  Ex: The party is at 11:30  Ex: La fiesta ES A LAS ONCE Y MEDIA  If it is at an hour on the dot…  en punto (on the dot)  Son las tres en punto (It’s 3 on the dot)  Ex: The class is at 8  Ex: La clase ES A LAS OCHO EN PUNTO

11 El tiempo: más información  Depending on the time of day, we could add:  de la mañana (in the morning)  Son las siete de la mañana (It’s 7 in the morning)  de la tarde (in the afternoon)  Son las dos de la tarde (It’s 2 in the afternoon)  de la noche (in the evening)  Son las once de la noche (It’s 11 in the evening)

12 Más Práctica  Look at the first page of your worksheet. Copy down all times and write down a full expression in Spanish that corresponds to the time.  For the last five, write out a full expression that includes if it’s in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening

13 Preguntas  ¿Qué?  What?  ¿Por qué?  Why?  ¿Cuándo?  When?  ¿Dónde?  Where?  ¿Cómo?  How?  ¿Quién? ¿Quiénes?  Who? Who (plural)?  ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles?  Which? Which (plural)?  ¿Cuánto?  How much?  ¿Cuántos? ¿Cuántas?  How many?

14 Escribiendo Preguntas (Writing questions)  Writing questions in Spanish is different than in English because we don’t use some question words in English like “Do” or “Does”  These words are IMPLIED in our questions  Ex: Do you have a brother?  ¿Tú tienes un hermano?  When we put a normal sentence into a question it turns the statement into a question.  Ex: Tú eres alta.  You are tall.  Ex: ¿Tú eres alta?  Are you tall?  Ex: Ella habla español.  She speaks Spanish.  Ex: ¿Ella habla español?  Does she speak Spanish?

15 Preguntas  With some questions we will use our main question words (i.e. Who, What, Where, When, etc.)  Most questions are phrased similarly in English & Spanish  Ex: ¿Qué estudias?  What do you study?  Ex: ¿Por qué te gusta nadar?  Why do you like to swim?  Ex: ¿Quién es tu maestra?  Who is your teacher?

16 Preguntas  Practice writing your own questions using the second page of the worksheet. Replace the underlined words with a relevant question word.  Write out the question AND the answer  Ex: Hay doce alumnos en la clase.  Meaning: There are twelve kids in the class.  The question should be: How many kids are in the class?  ¿Cuántos alumnos hay en la clase?

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