EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 EUROCODE 2 – Design of.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 EUROCODE 2 – Design of."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 EUROCODE 2 – Design of concrete structures Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini Politecnico di Torino

2 2 EN1992-1-1 EN1992-1-2 EN1992-2 EN1992-3 EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino EN1992

3 3 A complete system of codes for the design of concrete structures EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

4 4 EN1990 EN1991 EN1997 EN1998 To be used toghether with

5 5EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Bridges designed by use of Eurocodes

6 6EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pinerolo Bridge (Turin) Moving scaffolding continuous beam

7 Static scheme General dimensions

8 8EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Completed bridge

9 9EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Completed bridge

10 10EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Completed bridge

11 11EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Reinforcement cage of the pier

12 12EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Detail of reinforcement cage at the foot of the pier

13 13EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Scaffolding realization

14 14EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Moving scaffolding

15 15EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Scaffolding near bearing

16 16EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Reinforcement just before concreting

17 17EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Construction joint between casting i and i+1 before concreting

18 18EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Construction joint between casting i and i+1 after concreting

19 19EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Tensioning tendons at the beginning of the deck

20 20EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Cutting tendons strands after tensioning in the coupler

21 21EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Bars connecting the deck to the earth-containment wall

22 22EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

23 23EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Phase 4: Day 45 - Concreting of span P1 – P2 Day 58 - tensioning of tendons “I” and removal of scaffolding

24 24EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Phase 10: Day 89 - Concreting of span P2 – P3 Day 102 - tensioning of tendons “I” and removal of scaffolding Pier P2 Pier P3 24.5m8.5m

25 25EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino SEISMIC DESIGN OF BRIDGES Hysteretic damping bearings application: Highway in Algeria

26 26EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino General dimensions

27 27EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Construction by launching girder

28 28EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

29 29EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Hysteretic damping bearings scheme

30 30EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Longitudinal damper

31 31EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Transverse damper Top view Front view Assonometric view Longitudinal axis of the bridge

32 32EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Finite element model – non linear analysis

33 33EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Finite element model – non linear analysis

34 34EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms

35 35EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms

36 36EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms

37 37EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms spectrum X direction (horizontal)

38 38EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms spectrum Y direction (horizontal)

39 39EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms spectrum Z direction (vertical)

40 40EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms Longitudinal (abutment C1) damper displacements Time [s] Displacement [m]

41 41EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms Longitudinal (abutment C1) damper reaction Time [s] Force [kN]

42 42EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms Longitudinal (abutment C1) damper reaction vs. displacement Displacement [m] Force [kN]

43 43EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms Transverse Pier P1 damper displacements Time [s] Displacement [m]

44 44EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms Transverse Pier P1 damper reaction Time [s] Force [kN]

45 45EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms Transverse Pier P1 damper reaction vs. displacement Force [kN]

46 46EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Piers dimensions and orientation of the internal actions

47 47EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P1 (25m tall) reinforcement (base section)

48 48EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

49 49EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

50 50EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

51 51EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

52 52EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

53 53EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

54 54EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino SEISMIC DESIGN OF BRIDGES Lead-rubber bearings application: Highway in Sicily

55 55EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino General dimensions

56 56EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Two solutions:

57 57EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Hysteretic damping Bearings

58 58EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Lead rubber bearings

59 59EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Finite element model – non linear analysis x y

60 60EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms

61 61EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms

62 62EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms

63 63EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms spectrum X direction (horizontal)

64 64EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms spectrum Y direction (horizontal)

65 65EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms spectrum Z direction (vertical)

66 66EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms – Lead Rubber Bearings Pier P2 longitudinal damper displacements Time [s] Displacement [m]

67 67EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 longitudinal damper reaction Time [s] Force [kN] 1 st Accelerograms – Lead Rubber Bearings

68 68EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 longitudinal damper reaction vs. displacement Displacement [m] Force [kN] 1 st Accelerograms – Lead Rubber Bearings

69 69EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 transverse damper displacements Displacement [m] 1 st Accelerograms – Lead Rubber Bearings Time [s]

70 70EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 transverse damper reaction Time [s] Force [kN] 1 st Accelerograms – Lead Rubber Bearings

71 71EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 transverse damper reaction vs. displacement Displacement [m] Force [kN] 1 st Accelerograms – Lead Rubber Bearings

72 72EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino 1 st Accelerograms – Hysteretic Damper Bearings Pier P2 transverse damper displacements Time [s] Displacement [m]

73 73EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 transverse damper reaction Time [s] Force [kN] 1 st Accelerograms – Hysteretic Damper Bearings

74 74EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P2 transverse damper reaction vs. displacement Displacement [m] Force [kN] 1 st Accelerograms – Hysteretic Damper Bearings

75 75EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P1 (53m tall) reinforcement Upper half (front view and vertical section)

76 76EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P1 (53m tall) reinforcement (section B-B)

77 77EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P1 (53m tall) reinforcement Lower half (front view and vertical section)

78 78EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Pier P1 (53m tall) reinforcement Base (front view and vertical section)

79 79EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

80 80EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Use of linear finite elements in design 2 D (plate, slab, shell) Rules in EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-2 3 D No rules available in EN 1992’s Design rules in Model Code 2010

81 81EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Messina bridge foundations

82 82EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

83 83EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

84 84EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Massive construction Strict interaction between design and execution Design should consider Thermal effects during hardening Construction sequence Mix design choice

85 85EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Coupled non linear thermo-mechanical analysis Careful qualification of mix Mechanical tests Adiabatic tests Early age

86 86EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

87 87EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

88 88EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

89 89EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino Cracking for hydration heat within 3 days from casting Minimum reinforcement for early age cracking Tensile strength 30% - 40% of that one to 28 days

90 90 Thank you for the kind attention EUROCODES - Background and Applications – Moscow 9-10 December 2010 Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Mancini - DISTR - Politecnico di Torino

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