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Poster Presentation. Scientific Communication Journal articles Conferences –Talks (short and long) –Posters.

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Presentation on theme: "Poster Presentation. Scientific Communication Journal articles Conferences –Talks (short and long) –Posters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster Presentation

2 Scientific Communication Journal articles Conferences –Talks (short and long) –Posters

3 Context of Posters Convey information Concise Presenter is available to answer questions

4 Types of Posters Experimental research Information and review

5 What is a Poster? Text and figures Roughly 1.5 x 1m –56 x 34 inches Legible from a distance Two basic styles –Collection of individual sheets of paper –One large page

6 Style 1 text figure display board

7 Style 2 display board figure text

8 Issues to Consider Legibility Organization Appropriate type and amount of detail

9 Legibility Font size –Readable from a distance White space –Is the poster too cluttered?

10 Organization Sequential information –Top-to-bottom and left-to-right Columns –Three or four Text Figures

11 Poster Layout & Organization figure text figure text figure fig. figure text title text title text title text figure

12 The Use of Text Size Headers Content Font –Serif (Times) –Sans-serif (Helvitica)

13 Detail Be concise Point form Bullets Relevant figures Referencing and citation

14 Construction and Design Outline “Pencil and paper” Draft copy Edit and proofread

15 Referencing Yes, you do need to reference sources Can use embedded or endnotes Can give full or abbreviated References –Smith, J. & Hanks, D. (2001). Buy that stuff! Journal of Buying, 6(3), 11-14. –Smith, J. & Hanks, D. (2001). J. Buy., 6, 11-14.

16 Grading Likert scale –Very poor, Poor, Good, Very good, Excellent Legibility –Readibility, appropriate amount of material, visibility of images, etc. Organization –Design, sequencing of material, logical flow, etc. Content –Appropriate content, structure of argument, referencing, etc.

17 Student Evaluation Each of you will be given three posters you have to evaluate on the day you aren’t presenting Same grading criteria as me My evaluation = 75% of grade Student evaluation = 25% of grade 15% penalty to own poster for failing to complete required evaluations

18 On-line Documentation Helpdesk: Large Format Printing and Design – Helpdesk Knowledbase – =9&sub=3 Print driver Using PowerPoint to make poster Sending and printing Troubleshooting

19 PowerPoint Fairly powerful graphic design platform Set size in page setup WISIWIG








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