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2 DYSMENORRHEA WHAT IS DYSMENORRHEA? Painful menstruation WHAT IS ITS INCIDENCE? 50-75 % WHAT ARE THE TWO MAIN CATEGORIES? 1- Primary  painful menstruation without associated pelvic disease 2-Secndary  painful menstruation caused by pelvic pathology

3 DYSMENORRHEA HOW TO EVALUATE A PATIENT WITH DYSMENORRHEA? 1-History 2-Physical examination  should be completely Normal in Pt with 1ry dysmen, however if evaluated during the pain uterus & cx will be mildly tender 3-Investigations  not required if Hx & physical examination are consistent with 1ry dysm *U/S Allow the physician to *HSG confirm presence or *Laparoscopy absence of pelvic disease *Hystroscopy *D&c


5 PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA Usually begins few hrs before or with the onset of menstruation then gradually decrease +ve family Hx The pain is crampy/ colicky, in the lower abdomen most intense in the midline lasts for 12-72 hr Started with ovulatory cycles 6-12 M after menarche Associated symptoms -Back pain & pain in the upper thighs 60% -Nausea /vomitting 90% -Diarrhea 60% -Fatigue / malaise 85% -Headache (tension or migraine) 45% -Dizziness, nervousness, fainting  in sever cases

6 1ry DYSMENORRHEA WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF 1RY DYSMEN ? -Prostaglandin (PG F2α) release from endometrial cells  uterine smooth muscle contraction, increased intra uterine pressure & some degree of uterine ischemia -PG production ↑ during the 1 st 48-72 hrs of menses -PG may also cause hypersensitization of pain terminals to physical & chemical stimuli -Behavioral,cultural & psychological factors influence the Pt reaction to pain

7 1ry DYSMENORRHEA WHAT IS THE TREATMENT OF 1RY DYSMEN? 1-NSAID  1 st line  80% effective *Propionic a derivatives  Ibuprofen Naproxen *Fenamates  Mefenamic acid “ Ponstan ” 2-ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES  90% effective If NSAID are not effective or contraindicated 3-FOLLOW UP  Some Pt may require combining both drugs  Consider 2ry Dysm if no improvement with therapy

8 1ry DYSMENORRHEA WHAT IS THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF THESE DRUGS? 1- NSAID Inhibits prostaglandin production Antagonistic action at the receptor “ Ponstan ” Should be used with the start of pain regularly for 2- 3 days 2- ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES  endometrial thickness  PG through inhibition of ovulation & change the hormonal status to that of the early proliferative phase (which has the lowest level of PG)

9 1ry DYSMENORRHEA WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF NSAID? Gastric irritation Nausea GIT ulceration ↑ Bleeding time Nephrotoxicity Fenamates  blurred vision, headache & dizziness Bronchospasm in Pt with bronchial asthma Hypersensitivity reaction Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

10 TREATMENT OF 1RY DYSMENORRHEA WHAT CAN BE DONE TO IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVNESS OF NSAID? -Changing the type of inhibitor -Starting the medication 24 hrs before the onset of cramps & continued for 2-3 days after the flow has started WHAT ELSE MAY BE HELPFUL TO IMPROVE 1RY DYSMENORRHEA ? -To continue normal activities -Gentle abdominal massage -Local heat - Regular exercise -Avoid stress, lack of sleep & caffeine

11 1ry DYSMENORRHEA HOW TO MANAGE A PT WHO CONTINUES TO HAVE PROBLEM ? Investigations to R/O 2ry dysmenorrhea If results are normal - Codeine may be helpful under close supervision to avoid addiction -Acupuncture


13 2RY DYSMENORRHEA Hx -Older patients with onset of symptoms several years after menarche -Recurrent pelvic infections -IUCD -Recent pelvic surgery -Heavy periods -Irregular cycles Physical examination May help in Dx by finding abnormalities that point to a pelvic disease

14 CAUSES OF 2RY DYSMENORRHEA Endometriosis Endometritis Adhesions Mullerian anomalies Adenomyosis Endometrial polyp Submucous fibroid Cx stenosis Pelvic congestion Conditioned behavior Stress & tension

15 2RY DYSMENORRHEA HOW TO EVALUATE PT WITH 2RY DYSMEN ? CBC ESR Cultures for std U/S HSG  if intruterine scarring or fibroid is suspected Laparoscopy Hysteroscopy D&C TREATMENT OF 2RY DYSMENORRHEA Treat the cause

16 2RY DYSMENORRHEA CX STENOSIS Cx stenosis  ↑ Intrauterine pressure during menses  Retrograde menstruation  endometriosis Cx stenosis -Congenital -2ry to cervical injury  *electrocautery *cryocautery *conization *infection Scanty menstrual flow & sever cramping through out the menstrual cycle

17 CX STENOSIS Dx Internal os scarred & impossible to pass uterine sound or even very thin probe Rx -D&C -The problem frequently recurs  repeat procedure -Vaginal delivery afford morelasting cure Pt with large endocervical polyp will have the same presentation

18 ENDOMETRIOSIS Endometriosis  Ectopic endometrial tissue Adenomyosis  Endometrial tissue in the myometrium Hx  Sever dysmenorrhea Infertility Dysparunea Pelvic examination Evidence of endometriosis in vagina or cx Tenderness Thickening / nodules of rectovaginal septum or uterosacral ligament Ovarian (chocolate) cyst

19 ENDOMETRIOSIS Dx -Laparoscopy or laparotomy -Direct biopsy of vaginal or cx lesion Rx To supress menstruation by medication Cauterization of endometriotic spots Analgesics

20 PELVIC INFECTION & ADHESIONS PID & Pelvic abscess  adhesions  pelvic pain Hx  Acute episodes of pain begins with menses & continues Pain may involve the entire abdomen Examination -Sever tenderness on palpation of the uterus & cx motion (cx excitation) -Purulent cx discharge Associated findings -Fever - ↑↑ WBC & ESR

21 PELVIC INFECTION & ADHESIONS Infections due to other conditions such as Appendicitis & IUCD  Create similar response Pain due congestion, edema & adhesions due to the inflammatory process Rx  Appropriate antibiotics Surgical  release of adhesions TAH BSO

22 PELVIC CONGESTION SYNDROME Engorgement of the pelvic vasculature Pain  Burning or throbbing Worse at night Worse after standing for a long time Examination Vasocongestion of the vagina & cx Uterine enlargement & tenderness Dx  Laparoscopy  Congestion of the uterus  Varicosities of broad ligament & pelvic side wall veins Rx  Medroxyprogestrone acetate TAH BSO


24 PMS WHAT IS PMS ? A group of physical, emotional & behavioral symptoms that occur in the 2 nd half (luteal phase) of the menstrual cycle often interfere with work & personal relationships followed by a period entirely free of symptoms starting with menstruation WHAT THE INCIDENCE OF PMS ? 40%  Significantly affected at one time or another 2-3%  Sever symptoms with impact on their work & lifestyle 5% by the American psychiatric association definition

25 PMS WHAT SYMPTOMS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH PMS? PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS -Bloated feeling -Wt gain -Breast pain & tenderness -Skin disorders “ acne ” -Hot flushes -Headache -Pelvic pain -Changes in bowel habits -Joint or muscle pain -edema

26 EMOTIONAL / PSYCHOLOGIC SYMPTOMS OF PMS Irritability Aggression Tension Anxiety Depression /  interest in the usual activities Lethargy Insomnia or hypersomnia Change in appetite  overeating or food craving Crying Change in lipido Thirst Loss of concentration Poor coordination, Clumsiness, accidents

27 ETIOLOGY DO WE KNOW WHAT CAUSES PMS ? No, many theories have been postulated, most of them have to-do with various hormonal alterations Vit B6 deficiency Multifactorial psychoendocrine disoreder Alterations in the serotoninergic neuronal mechanism in the CNS (serotonin deficiency) Ovulation / progestrone production are important in this syndrome  Drugs that inhibit ovulation  relief of PMS symptoms Antiprogestrone RU486  No relief

28 ETIOLOGY Abnormal response of the CNS to the normal fluctuations of estrogen & progestrone during the menstrual cycle Administration of estrogen & progestrone to women with PMS whose ovaries were suppressed with GnRH agonist analogues  development of PMS symptoms

29 BIOPYCHOSOCIAL MODEL Hormonal changes of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, that is the ↑↑ estradiol & progestrone act as a trigger to stimulate the development of PMS symptoms in women who are biologically, socially & psychologically predisposed to develop PMS Biological explanation  abnormal response of the CNS to the hormonal changes could be related to serotonin or γ-aminobutyric acid Social explanation  mimicking the behavior of other important females in her life, social expectations or pressure from others Psychological explanation  rejection of the female role or that PMS could be a variation of other common affective disorder

30 EVALUATION Pt should keep a diary of her symptoms through- out 2-3 menstrual cycles  then the physician should review these symptoms with the Pt to determine what seems to be causing her the most difficulty Complete Hx & physical examination to R/O any medical problem

31 DX DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR THE PMDD (PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders Requires 5 of the following -Depressed mode -Anexiety -Labile mode -Irritability -Change in appetite - Lethargy -Sleep disturbance -Out of control -Lack of interest -Physical sympt *Occur in the week before menses in most menstrual cycles *Disappear few days after the onset of menses *Impair social, occupational function or the ability to interact with others

32 TREATMENT 1- SUPPORTIVE Counseling & education  the physician should reassure the Pt that her symptoms are real & can be treated The goal is to provide the Pt with greater control over her life Life style changes such as exercise & dietary modifications 2-MEDICATIONS The selection of medications should be tailored to the Pt main symptoms

33 LIFE STYLE CHANGES Adequate rest & sleep Aerobic exercise  20-30 min 3-7 times/wk  -↑ β-endorphins in the brain -Distract the women from her emotional feelings Healthy diet  Avoid fasting Frequent small meals ↑ Complex carbohydrates  Simple sugars, Salt & Caffeine Avoid fat free diet High protein diet

34 MEDICAL THERAPY SYMPTOMATIC Rx 1- Bloating & feeling of fluid retention  Diuretics (spironolactone) 2-Cramping, back pain, heat intolerance  Antiprostaglandines 3-Breast tenderness  Bromocriptine 4-Depression, anxiety, irritability  Alprazolam 0.25 mg bd SSRI  Fluoxetine (Prozac) 5-20 mg/D (D20-28)

35 MEDICAL THERAPY SUPPRESSION OF OVULATION 1-Danazol 200 mg QID D 20-28 2-Oral Contraceptives 3-Medroxyprogestrone acetate 10 mg BID/TID contiuously MISCILANEOUS Rx 1-Micronized progestrone 100mg AM 200mg PM D 20-28 2-Multiple Vitamines 3- Pyridoxine B6  50 mg/ day or B-complex 4-Ca Carbonate 1200mg/D 5-Prime rose oil  γ linolenic acid


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