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1 p t correlations versus relative azimuth of D-Dbar pairs as a sensitive probe for thermalization Tsiledakis Georgios University of Heidelberg 417 th WE-Heraeus-Seminar,June 25 - 28 2008, Bad Honnef
2 Outline Introduction Primordial c-cbar (D-Dbar) correlations for p-p collisions at 14 TeV The Average Momentum Correlator Contribution of transverse radial/elliptic flow Primordial B-Bbar p t correlations Charm Production in ALICE D-e p t correlations e+ - e- p t correlations from D, B decays Conclusions
3 Introduction Total quark mass (MeV) X. Zhu, M. Bleicher, K.Schweda, H. Stoecker, N. Xu et al., PLB 647 (2007) 366. 1)Higgs mass: electro-weak symmetry breaking. (current quark mass) 2)QCD mass: Chiral symmetry breaking. (constituent quark mass) éStrong interactions do not affect heavy-quark masses. éImportant tool for studying properties of the hot/dense medium at RHIC and LHC. éTest pQCD predictions at RHIC and LHC.
4 Low Energy D-Dbar Meson Pair Correlations (D-Dbar) = (D) – (Dbar) E791 : Eur. Phys. J. direct C1 (1999) 4 WA92 : Phys. Lett. B385 (1996) 487 NA32 : PLB257 (1991) 519, PLB302 (1993) 112, PLB353 (1995) 547 Correlation variable studied: 10 3 /N * dN/d( ) At low energies, D-Dbar production correlated! Pythia describes these correlations! How about LHC energies? For many more details, see: C. Lourenço & H. K. Wöhri, Phys. Rep. 433 (2006) 127. D Dbar
5 Charm correlations at LHC In p+p : c-cbar are correlated Flavor creation: back to back Gluon splitting: forward Flavor excitation: flat In Pb+Pb : Correlations vanish frequent interactions among partons ! probe light-quark thermalization !
6 PYTHIA Settings PYTHIA (v.6_406) 500000 p-p events at √s = 14 TeV 1 pair c-cbar/event no tracking, 100 % efficiency No rapidity cut Fragmentation Pv = 0.75 (default) p p c c D D ALICE PPR vol. II, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 32 (2006) 1295-2040
7 D+ D*+ D0 D*0 Ds+ D*s+ Primordial D –no decay Fragmentation of charm quarks into D mesons Counts PID N(D 0 ) : N(D + ) : N(D* 0 ) : N(D* + ) = 1 : 1 : 3 : 3 c-cbar D 0 + D 0 bar (61 %) D + + D - (19 %) D s + + D s - (12 %) c + + c - bar (8 %) Large fraction of c goes to D 0 mesons Measure D 0 -D 0 bar correlations!
8 Primordial D-Dbar angular correlations FC away side correlation FE + GS flat Rather weak dependence No p t cut Enhanced correlations FC back to back GS forward FE flat Strong p t dependence Correlations sensitive to p t region Study p t correlations versus (DDbar) Azimuthal correlations survive fragmentation
9 p t (GeV/c) x(p t ) Inclusive p t distribution D Cumulant p t variable x Primordial D-Dbar p t correlations Incl. p t -distr. Cumulant x(p t ) 2-dim plot (x(p t )1, x(p t )2) for D-Dbar respectively Is uniform when no correlations are present
10 D-Dbar p t correlations – at full p t correlations are dominated by large p t effects (along the diagonal at x x ) Same event Mixed event
11 D-Dbar p t correlations – angular dependence Gluon Spitting Flavor Creation
12 Measurement of p T Fluctuations using the Average Momentum Correlator To quantify dynamical p T fluctuations –We define the quantity. –It is a covariance and an integral of 2-body correlations. –It equals zero in the absence of dynamical fluctuations –Defined to be positive for correlation and negative for anti- correlation. S. Voloshin. V. Koch. H. Ritter, PRC60 (1999) / 2 where p t,i for D p t,j for Dbar N k =1
13 Average Momentum Correlator - same event analysis p t (DDbar)~30 GeV/c At full : = 0.1995 +/- 0.006 (GeV/c) 2 or p t ~30 % Counts CERES at SPS has measured ~1% fluctuations for charged particles = 22.71+/- 0.32 (MeV/c) 2 (GeV/c) 2
14 Average Momentum Correlator – angular dependence Enhanced correlations Only FC produces correlations at Distinction of the baseline at middle – flat to 0 Average Momentum Correlator is a sensitive measure of back to back correlations Signal Background At full : ~ 0.20 (GeV/c) 2 or p t ~30 %
15 Transverse radial flow contribution ptDptD p t Dbar ptDptD p t f = m = 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 E. Cuautle and G. Paic hep-ph/0604246 v2 24 May 2006 Assume a fireball created in a coll. from PYTHIA Expansion produces additional momentum p t f Attribute to each p t a randomized position Add the radial flow component vectorially p t (GeV/c) Counts
16 Transverse radial flow contribution on Radial flow: = 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 Stronger flow introduces anti-correlations around = 180 o 10000 events for = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 500k events for = 0 D Dbar D f f
17 Elliptic flow contribution We evaluate the elliptic flow expressed in units of (GeV/c) 2 We introduce the measure f i,j We calculate the average momentum correlator for DDbar pairs that have flow 10% and 90% Introduces a cos(2 ) modulation
18 realistic amount of elliptic flow does not change correlations ! Elliptic flow contribution on
19 Full rapidity (500000 events) Mid-rapidity (200000 events) Primordial D-Dbar angular correlations at mid-rapidity NLO dominant at LHC Weak D-Dbar correlation in Measurement of medium modification of this correlation in heavy ion collisions is challenging FC away side correlation FE flat in GS forward Use of p t correlator
20 Average Momentum Correlator for D-Dbar at mid-rapidity At full : = 0.549+/-0.017 (GeV/c) 2 or p t ~40 % Stronger signal at mid-rapidity Full rapidity (500000 events) Mid-rapidity (200000 events)
21 Charm Production in ALICE using D 0 K - + ALICE has a barrel system with high precision vertexing, PID and electron identification (| | < 0.9) and a forward muon spectrometer ( : 2.5–4.0), down to low p t. Charm production can be studied: In the electronic and muonic channels D eX ( X) In several hadronic decay channels: D 0 K , D ± K D 0 K , D s KK , D s D* D 0 , c pK ALICE PPR II, J. Phys. 32 (2006) 1295 TPC: main tracking device ITS: high spatial resolution TRD: good electron PID (high pion rejection) ToF: extend PID to large p t 10 9 p-p events Nccbar/event = 0.16 (PPR2) c-cbar D 0 (61 %) D 0 (4 %) Eff.(acceptance, reconstruction, selection eff.) ~ 0.005 S/B ~ 10% #Events with both D 0 -D 0 bar < 10 Looking at semileptonic decays
22 Charmed e+/e- correlations p t D (GeV/c) p t e- (GeV/c) D e- Study e+/e- p t correlations at the electronic channel D e + X BR ~ 15% from D +/-, ~7% from D 0 At low p t the correlation is lost (< 0.5 GeV/c) At p t > 1 GeV/c survives Need to apply a p t cut: 10% e with p t > 1 GeV/c 1% e with p t > 2 GeV/c To account the BG from Dalitz, conversions, B semileptonic decays…
23 Angular correlation of D-e from D e + X No p t cut p t > 1 GeV/c No p t cut p t > 1 GeV/c Semileptonic-decay e are strongly p t correlated with parent D e+/e- from D-Dbar decay preserve the original D-Dbar angular correlation to a large extent
24 D-e p t correlation K D 0 —>e- + X Full rapidity Mid-rapidity No p t cut D-e p t correlations survive charm decay
25 Charmed e+/e- p t correlations Full rapidity Mid-rapidity Mid-rapidity with p t > 0.5 GeV/c Mid-rapidity with p t > 1 GeV/c e+ - e- p t correlations at p t > 1 GeV/c survive charm decay e+ + X D 0 —>e- + X
26 PYTHIA processes for charm/beauty generation Fraction of each process/All processes f + f’ f + f’ g + g f + fbar f + g f + g g + g g + g GS dominant for D-Dbar FC dominant for B-Bbar FE is flat D-Dbar B-Bbar p t (GeV/c)
27 Primordial B-Bbar angular correlations At full : = 2.97 +/- 0.18 (GeV/c) 2 or p t ~55 % GS flat in dN/d but strong in small using the Average Momentum Correlator FC back to back The Average Momentum Correlator is very sensitive to different PYTHIA processes for beauty generation
28 e+/e- correlations from B decays p t e- (GeV/c) p t > 1 GeV/c e+/e- from B decays are strongly p t correlated at small and large Need to study background B D e p t B (GeV/c) e+ + X B 0 —>e- + X
29 Conclusions In p+p, heavy q-qbar production is correlated The Average Momentum Correlator is a sensitive measure Correlations survive hadronization e + - e - p t correlations at p t > 1GeV/c survive charm/beauty decay need TRD for electron ID! need full simulations within ALICE study changes in correlations and address light quark thermalization at LHC e D 0 —>e- ~ 0.2 (GeV/c) 2 for D-Dbar
30 Backup slides
31 Measure of mean p T fluctuations Normalized dynamical fluctuation M pT : variance of M p T dist. p 2 T : variance of inclusive p T dist. : mean multiplicity p T : inclusive (event-averaged) mean p T = 0 for purely statistical fluctuation > 0(< 0) with positive/negative two- particle correlation or dynamical EbyE fluctuation pTpT Dimensionless measure Proportional to mean covariance of all particle pairs / event Robust under change of multiplicity due to changes in beam energy and acceptance
32 c-cbar angular correlations PYTHIA production No p t cut Away side correlation = (c) – (cbar)
33 D-Dbar p t correlations - Mixed event analysis Full Uniform populated – no correlations
34 Gluon splitting Full D-Dbar p t correlations - Same event analysis High p T correlations at small
35 Flavor excitation Full D-Dbar p t correlations - Same event analysis Rather flat
36 Pair creation Full D-Dbar p t correlations - Same event analysis High p T correlations at big
37 Average Momentum Correlator for same/mixed events Mixed events Same events GeV 2 Counts
38 Correlation strength for primordial D0 and D0 from D* Generate D0, D+/-, Ds (no resonances) with Pv=1 (0.75 default) Generate D* (only resonances) with Pv=0 and decay them… correlations survive resonance decay 50000
39 No flow 10% elliptic flow 90% elliptic flow Elliptic flow contribution on dN/d
40 Radial flow contribution on dN/d = 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 With increasing near-side/away-side peaks are enhanced 10000
41 Charm Production in ALICE ALICE has a barrel system with high precision vertexing, PID and electron identification (| | < 0.9) and a forward muon spectrometer ( : 2.5–4.0), down to low p T. Charm production can be studied: In the electronic and muonic channels D eX ( X) In several hadronic decay channels: D 0 K , D ± K D 0 K , D s KK , D s D* D 0 , c pK ALICE PPR II, J. Phys. 32 (2006) 1295 D0 K- + the cleanest channel pair of opposite-charge tracks with large impact parameters good pointing of reconstructed D0 momentum to the primary vertex TPC: main tracking device ITS: high spatial resolution TRD: good electron PID (high pion rejection) ToF: extend PID to large p T
42 Full rapidity (500000 events) Mid-rapidity (200000 events) p t for D-Dbar at full and mid-rapidity
43 Mid-rapidity (200000 events) Full rapidity (100000 events) Fraction of each process/All processes p t (GeV/c)
44 Number of charmed electrons 10 9 p-p events Nccbar/event = 0.16 (PPR2) c-cbar D0 (61%) c-cbar D+/- (20%) D e + X (15% from D+/-, 7% from D0) 10% e with p t > 1 GeV/c #events with e+/e- from D0 = 0.16*0.61 2 *0.07 2 *10 9 ~ 300000 At p t > 1 GeV = 3000 #events with e+/e- from D+/- = 0.16*0.20 2 *0.15 2 *10 9 ~ 144000 At p t > 1 GeV = 1440 ~ 4500 clean e+/e- pairs with pt > 1 GeV at full rapidity
45 e+ - e- D-e
46 D-Dbar B-Bbar At full : = 2.97 +/- 0.18 (GeV/c) 2 or p t ~55 % At full : = 0.2 +/- 0.006 (GeV/c) 2 or p t ~30 % Counts (GeV/c) 2
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