Client Side Scripting BICS546. Client-Side vs Server-Side Scripting Client-side scripting: –The browser requests a page. –The server sends the page to.

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Presentation on theme: "Client Side Scripting BICS546. Client-Side vs Server-Side Scripting Client-side scripting: –The browser requests a page. –The server sends the page to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Client Side Scripting BICS546

2 Client-Side vs Server-Side Scripting Client-side scripting: –The browser requests a page. –The server sends the page to the browser. –The browser sends the page to the script engine. –The script engine executes the script. Server-side scripting: –The browser requests a page. –The server sends the page to the engine. –The script engine executes the script. –The server sends the page to the browser. –The browser renders the page.

3 HTTP Protocol (.Net p82) HTTP Request –Request line: HTTP method, file name, and HTTP version. –HTTP Header: acceptable file types, browser type, etc. –HTTP Body: data sent to the browser. HTTP Response –Response line: HTTP version, status code. –HTTP header: server info, info about data being sent. –HTTP Body: HTML code

4 HTML Introduction Heading section –,,,, etc. Body section –,, to,, –Formatting:,,, –Comment: –List –Image –Table:, : a new row in table, : a new cell in a table row. –Form:,,,

5 Webpage Editor FrontPage demo Microsoft Script Editor

6 META Tag The meta tag allows you to provide additional information about the page that is not visible in the browser: – Redirection: – “3” is number of seconds. Demo using FrontPage


8 FORM Tag Form attribute: –Action: Specify the URL of a program on a server or an email address to which a form’s data will be submitted. –Method: Get: the form’s data is appended to the URL specified by the Action attribute as a QueryString. Post: A preferred method for database processing. Form’s data is sent in the HTTP body. –Name: Form’s name –Target: Specified a window in which results returned from the server appear.

9 QueryString A QueryString is a set of name=value pairs appended to a target URL. It can be used to pass information from one webpage to another. To create a QueryString: –Add a question mark (?) immediately after a URL. –Followed by name=value pairs separated by ampersands (&). Example:

10 Creating a QueryString User typed URL As part of a URL specified in an anchor tag. Via a form sent to the server with the GET method.

11 SCRIPT Tag HTML and Vbscript are not case-sensitive; Javascript is case-sensitive, each statement ends in a semicolon (;).

12 Script Example <!-- statements -->

13 Hello World document.write (" Hello world ");

14 Variable Declaraton JS:var intrate, term, amount; VB:dim intrate, term, amount Data Type: –Variant - a variable’s data type is determined when it is initialized to its first value. Variable scope: –Local: Variables declared in a function or procedure. –Global: Variables declared in the heading section, but not in a function or procedure.

15 Special Characters in JavaScript Escape characters Special characters: –Carriage return: \r“Welcome “ & “\r” & cName –Backslash: \\ “c:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\home.htm” –New line: \n –Double quotation mark: \” –Single quotation mark: \’ –Tab space: \t

16 Special Characters in VBScript VB uses CHR function to return special characters. CHR(number of ANSI character code) –Carriage return: chr(11) –Backslash: chr(92) –New line: chr(10) –Double quotation: chr(34) –Single quotation: chr(39) –Tab: chr(9)

17 Arrays JS: var arrayName = new Array(array size); var Pet = new Array(2); Pet[0]=“dog”; Pet[1]=“cat”; Pet[2]=“bird”; VB: dim arrayName(array size) Dim Pet(2) Pet(0)=“dog” Pet(1)=“cat” Pet(2)=“bird”

18 Comments JS: –Single-line comment: // –Multiple-line comments: /* … */ VB: single quotation mark ‘

19 Operators Arithmetic operators: –JS: +, -, *, /, Math.pow(x,y), etc. Math is an object with many methods such as round(x), random(), sqrt(x), ceil(x), floor(x), etc. –JS: Prefix operator: ++VarName, --VarName Postfix operator: varName++, varName-- –VB:+. -, *, /, ^ Comparison operators: –JS: = =, !=,, = –VB: =, <>,, = Logical operators: –JS: &&, ||, ! –VB: AND, OR, NOT

20 IF Then Statements JS:if (condition) { statements; } else { statements; } VB:if (condition) then statements else statements end if

21 Case Statements JS: Switch Case Statement switch(varable name) { case value1: statements; break; case value2: statements; break; … default: statements; break; } VB: Select Case statement

22 Loop Structures JS: 1.while (condition) { statements; } 2. do{ statements; } while (condition) 3.for (var I = 0; I<5;I=I+1){ statements; }

23 JavaScript Build-In Objects and Methods Math object String object: In JS, a string variable is an object and can be created by: –varName = “Smith” –varName = new String(“Smith”) String object methods: – bold, fontcolor, fontsize, toLowerCase, toUpperCase – anchor (create a bookmark), link (create a link) –Substring, split (split a string into an array)

24 Examples of Using String’s Methods var test = “Click Here”; var website =;; var test = “one, two, three”; var newArray = test.split(“,”); Note: split is useful in parsing a queryString.

25 JavaScript’s Conversion Functions toString() example: Price=5; Qty=10; Amount=Price*Qty; Document.write (Amount.toString()); Eval strVar = “5”; numVar = eval(strVar)

26 JavaScript Functions Defining functions – function functionName(arg1,..,argN){ Statements; return return value; –} Note: 1. The arguments are optional. 2. The return statement is optional. A function is not required to return a value.

27 VBScript Functions Defining functions: –Function functionName(arg1,..,argN) Statements functionName=returnValue –End Function –Note: Unlike VB, a function is not required to return a value.

28 Document Object Model

29 Window Object The Window object represents a Web browser window. We use the properties and methods of a Window object to control browser window.

30 Window Object Properties: –window.status, window.defaultstatus –window.document, window.history, window.location. – Methods: – (“url”, “name”, Options) Options: menubar=no, status=no, toolbar=no, etc. –window.close –window.alert(“string”) –window.prompt(“string”) –Window.confirm() –window.prompt(“string”, “default string”) –window.focus(), window.blur() :set/remove focus –Window.setTimeout(“statements”, milliseconds)

31 Document Object The document object represents the actual web page within the window. Properties: –background, bgColor, fgColor, title, url, lastModified, domain, referrer, cookie, linkColor, etc. Ex. document.bgColor=“silver”; Methods: –Document.write (“string”) –, close Demo (docProp.htm, testDoc.htm)

32 Navigator Object The navigator object provides information about the browser. Properties: –Navigator.appName:browser name –Navigator.appCodeName: browser code name –Navigator.appVersion –Navigator.platform: the operating system in use.

33 Location Object Allows you to change to a new web page from within a script code. Properties: –Host, hostname, pathname –Href: full URL address –Search: A URL’s queryString Methods: – location.reload() – location.replace(); replace current page and old page’s entry in the history. To open a page:location.href = “URL”

34 History Object Maintain a history list of all the documents that have been opened during current session. Methods: – history.back() – history.forward() – history.go(): ex. History.go(-2)

35 HTML Tags and Events Link : click, mouseOver, mouseOut Image : abort(loading is interrupted), error, load. Area : mouseOver, mouseOut Body : blur, error, focus, load, unload Frameset: blur, error, focus, load, unload Frame: blur, focus Form: submit, reset Textbox, Text area: blur, focus, change, select Button, Radio button, check box: click List: blur, focus, change

36 Event Handler Event handler name: on + event name –Ex. onClick Three ways of writing handler: –1. Within the tag –2. Event function: onCLick=“clickHandler()” –3. Event procedure as in VB. Sub button1_onCLick()

37 Form Object Form Input/Select object: –Textbox, radio button, check box, drop-down list box, text area, push button, submit button, reset button. Event-Handler: –onBlur (lose focus), onCHange, onClick, onFocus, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onLoad (when a document is loaded), onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onReset(when click the reset button), onResize(when window is resized), onSubmit. Refer an input object in a form: – document.formname.inputobjName.Value Demo: showFormData.htm

38 Forms Collection The forms collection is a collection of form objects within the document object. To retrieve a form’s`property: –document.form[index].property Base 0 index –Document.

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