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DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 1 Kai Schweda Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the STAR collaboration Recent results from STAR at RHIC.

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1 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 1 Kai Schweda Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the STAR collaboration Recent results from STAR at RHIC  Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, A+A  Spin structure of the nucleon, p+p  Ultra-peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions 

2 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 2 Outline  Introduction  The STAR detector at RHIC  High-p t phenomena – probe the medium  Collective dynamics – bulk properties  Conclusions / Outlook

3 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 3 QCD on the Lattice Lattice calculations predict T C ~ (170  15) MeV 1) Large increase in  !  Large increase in Ndof: Hadrons vs. partons 2) T C ~ 170 MeV robust! Z. Fodor et al, JHEP 0203:014(02) C.R. Allton et al, hep-lat/0204010 F. Karsch, Nucl. Phys. A698, 199c(02).

4 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 4 Heavy Ion Collisions 1) Initial condition:2) System evolves:3) Bulk freeze-out: - baryon transfer- parton/hadron expansion- hadronic dof - E T production- interaction cease - Partonic dof T th, Time  Plot: Steffen A. Bass, Duke University

5 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 5 The STAR Collaboration  400 Collaborators, 49 Institutions, 9 Countries

6 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 6 The STAR Detector

7 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 7 Au + Au Collisions at RHIC STAR Central Event (real-time Level 3)

8 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 8 Centrality Definition Au + Au @ 130 GeV |  | < 0.75 K.H. Ackermann et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 402 More central collisions No direct measure of impact parameter Use track multiplicity to define collision centrality

9 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 9 Particle Identification Reconstruct multi-strange resonances in 2  acceptance of STAR!

10 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 10 Partons lose energy due to interactions with the medium J.D. Bjorken, FERMILAB-Pub-82/59-THY (1982). Energy loss is a measure of the gluon density X.N. Wang and M. Gyulassy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1480 (1992). Partonic Energy Loss  measure a) leading hadrons (inclusive) b) leading di-hadron correlations (back to back) hadrons leading particle suppressed q q Quenched dijets

11 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 11 R AA : binary-scaled Au+Au / p+p 1.0 More central collisions p+p-reference: UA1, C. Albajar et al., NPB 335 (1990) 261. R AA ~ unity for peripheral collisions, at p T > 2GeV/c R AA < unity, decreasing with centrality  ‘jet quenching’? R AA

12 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 12 R AA for Identified Particles  p T = 2-6GeV/c: K 0,  show different behavior!  Meson / Baryon effect ?  Mass effect ?

13 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 13 Jets in High Energy Collisions p+p  dijet Central Au+Au Event Find this …………………………………… in here

14 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 14  How to Find Jets    Correlation with respect to leading particle (>4 GeV/c) Consider only particles above 2 GeV/c jet-cone at    0 ? back to back jet-cone at     ? Px (GeV/c) Py (GeV/c) -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Parton Jet

15 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 15 Azimuthal Correlations 1)‘jet cone’ at   = 0 2)Strong back to back correlations in peripheral Au+Au collisions 3)Suppression of back to back correlations in central collisions  ‘jet-quenching’? C. Adler et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 082302 (2003). 

16 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 16 High-p T Particle Production @ RHIC Naïve Surface emission? ?  Suppression of inclusive particle production (a)  Suppression of back-to-back correlations in most central Au+Au collision (b) Consistent with jet quenching scenario: frequent interactions medium opaque to fast partons

17 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 17 Pressure, Flow, … Thermodynamic identity  – entropy p – pressure U – energy V – volume  = k B T, thermal energy per dof In A+A collisions, interactions among constituents and density distribution lead to: pressure gradient  collective flow  number of degrees of freedom (dof)  Equation of State (EOS)  accumulative – partonic + hadronic

18 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 18 (anti-)Protons From RHIC (anti-)Protons From RHIC 130 GeV Au + Au Collisions, STAR Preliminary More central collisions 1)In central collisions, m t distributions become more convex  collective flow ! 2) Within |y| are flat  boost invariant !

19 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 19 Transverse Collective Flow At p T ~ 2-3 GeV/c, yields approach each other. Heavier mass particles show stronger collective flow effects ! At what stage does the collectivity develop at RHIC?

20 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 20 dN/dp t Distributions Two-parameter fit describes yields of , K, p,  T th = 90  10 MeV = 0.55  0.08 c ] [(GeV/ 2 2 c) -1 dy dp N d T   K (dE/dx) p  K (kink) T th =107±8 [MeV] =0.55±0.08 [c] n=0.65±0.09  2 /dof=106/90 STAR central data, preliminary solid lines: fit range

21 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 21  Stronger transverse flow at RHIC:  T = 0.55(c)  More explosive expansion ! Kinetic Freeze-out Systematic T fo

22 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 22 T versus Plane 1)In central collisions, , K, p,  (group-I) are different from multi-strange baryons  and  group-II . 2)In peripheral collisions, group-I moves towards the local minimum of group-II.  Multi-strange particles seem to freeze-out earlier than , K, p,  !  Measure  and  to possibly access partonic stage !

23 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 23 Conclusions  Moderately high transverse momentum - frequent interactions at RHIC  Low transverse momentum - strong collective motion at RHIC  collectivity among quarks/gluons or hadrons?

24 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 24 Outlook  Discover partonic collectivity: spectra and v 2 of  s  D  c J / ...

25 DPG spring meeting, Tübingen, March 2003 25

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