Characteristics of Good Human- Computer Dialogues Howell Istance.

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1 Characteristics of Good Human- Computer Dialogues Howell Istance

2 Overview n Types of dialogues n Message passing in dialogues n Initiative in dialogues n Characteristics of “Good Dialogues” u Consistency u Support u Feedback u Minimal input u Flexibility

3 Types of Dialogues n Message passing model Dialogue is viewed as an exchange of messages of different types between the human and the computer, rather like a human-human dialogue. n Object-oriented model Dialogue allows the user to manipulate objects represented in the computer, and the computer responds by showing the current state of the objects. F interface objects - windows, buttons etc. F application objects - paragraph, appointment, customer order etc.

4 Message passing in dialogues SYSTEMSYSTEM Input Output control data prompt data status error help

5 Message passing in dialogues n Inputcontroluser directs way in which dialogue will proceed datadata supplied by user n Outputpromptrequest for user input datadata from application following user request statusacknowledgment that something has happened errorprocessing cannot continue helpadditional information to user

6 Messages in human- human dialogue (long period of phone ringing....) British Rail enquiries. Can I help you? Yes, I want to check an arrival time please. For which train sir? The 14.05 from Leicester to London. On which day? Saturday. There is no 14.05 on Saturdays. Oh. When are the trains on Saturday? There’s the 14.30, the 15.15 and the 16.00. How about the 14.30? That gets in at 15.50.

7 Messages in human- human dialogue (status) (prompt) (input control) (prompt) (input data) (prompt) (input data) (error) (input control) (help) (input data) (output data) (long period of phone ringing....) British Rail enquiries. Can I help you? Yes, I want to check an arrival time please. For which train sir? The 14.05 from Leicester to London. On which day? Saturday. There is no 14.05 on Saturdays. Oh. When are the trains on Saturday? There’s the 14.30, the 15.15 and the 16.00. How about the 14.30? That gets in at 15.50.

8 Initiative and dialogue styles n Computer initiates dialogue u Question and answer (interview analogy) u Menu (menu analogy) u Hypertext or embedded icons (can be seen as a type of menu) u Form fill (paper form analogy ) n User initiates dialogue u Command (parade ground analogy) n Mixed mode dialogues u Very common situation u Uses several of the above styles e.g. form-fill dialogues with scrollable menus to provide input

9 Characteristics of good dialogues n Consistency n Appropriate User Support u navigation information u instructions u error messages u provision of help n Adequate feedback from system n Minimal user input n Flexibility n Good visual appearance n Close match to tasks of user

10 Characteristics of good dialogues n Consistency n Appropriate User Support u navigation information u instructions u error messages u provision of help n Adequate feedback from system n Minimal user input n Flexibility n Good visual appearance n Close match to tasks of user General

11 Characteristics of good dialogues n Consistency n Appropriate User Support u navigation information u instructions u error messages u provision of help n Adequate feedback from system n Minimal user input n Flexibility n Good visual appearance n Close match to tasks of user General Application specific

12 Consistency n what is about car design which lets people transfer driving skills between different makes of car? n keeping key design features consistent (type of steering control, arrangement of pedals, operation of gears) n still permits individual styling of cars n consistency doesn't mean all cars look the same n list 4 features associated with the 'drivability' of graphical interfaces

13 Consistency n Commands u usage of command names u standard key bindings e.g. ESC always cancels previous command F1 always displays help screen u syntax n Format for data entry n Layout u consistent use of screen areas so the user knows where to look for instructions, error messages and status information. n Information coding u colour u highlighting



16 23.3434.4323.5656.7612.2312.73 45.7638.2263.7856.6614.5311.53 46.7732.7862.8856.6615.7611.87 44.3233.6062.8655.3115.2112.31 23.3434.4323.5656.7612.2312.73 45.7638.2263.7856.6614.5311.53 46.7732.7862.8856.6615.7611.87 44.3233.6062.8655.3115.2112.31 23.3434.4323.5656.7612.2312.73 45.7638.2863.7856.6614.5311.53 46.7732.7862.8856.6615.7611.87 Screen from Currency Trading Information System

17 23.3434.4323.5656.7612.2312.73 45.7638.2263.7856.6614.5311.53 46.7732.7862.8856.6615.7611.87 44.3233.6062.8655.3115.2112.31 23.3434.4323.5656.7612.2312.73 45.7638.2263.7856.6614.5311.53 46.7732.7862.8856.6615.7611.87 44.3233.6062.8655.3115.2112.31 23.3434.4323.5656.7612.2312.73 45.7638.2263.7856.6614.5311.53 46.7732.7862.8856.6615.7611.87 Another Screen from Same Currency Trading Information System

18 Consistency n Inconsistency is reduced by: u definition of and adherence to agreed style and standards u use of software structures which encourage global definition of interface characteristics

19 Appropriate user support n HELP messages u important to recognise different types of help; u should be available when required and context-specific; u can the user get help about what responses are possible at a given point in a dialogue. n ERROR messages u should explain what is wrong and what corrective action is required; u should use ‘jargon’ familiar to the user; u often this support is poorly designed in terms of what information is given to the user.

20 Feedback from the system n Every action the user makes should produce a perceptible response. n Response time for feedback should be appropriate to the type of user action: u e.g. response to keystroke - instantaneous; response to command input - may take longer. n Current object should be highlighted: u window; u icon or graphic object. n Provide ‘system busy’ feedback if time will exceed a few seconds or is unpredictable.

21 Feedback from the system n Provide indication of how many transactions remain, for example as a bar chart or as a percentage. n The intention is to reduce user uncertainty that the system has: u received the last input, u is currently doing something about it, u or is waiting for the next input.

22 Minimal user input n Balance between number of keystrokes or mouse movements/clicks and memory load. n Reducing keying errors increases speed of data entry. n Allow selection from a list rather than typing in a value (recognise rather than recall). n Edit a command that has produced an error rather than retyping the command. n Do not request input of information which can be derived automatically or which has been entered previously. n Use default values.

23 Flexibility n Measure of how well a dialogue can cater for different levels of user skill. n Provide alternative means of achieving the same goal which match different models of how the interface works. u e.g. word selection: cursor to start of word and double click, click and drag, click and shift-click. u e.g. word deletion: word highlighted and Control +X key, select ‘Cut’ menu option, backspace.

24 Flexibility n Adapt to the skill level of the user by: u providing accelerators: allow user to answer ahead, provide key bindings for menu options; u providing macro facility; u accepting abbreviations for command words; u accepting synonyms (alternative names); u allowing user to choose level of instructions or help.

25 Heuristics (after Shneiderman) n strive for consistency n enable frequent users to use shortcuts n offer informative feedback n design dialogues to yield closure n offer simple error handling n permit easy reversal of actions n support internal locus of control n reduce short term memory load

26 Heuristics (after Neilsen) n use simple and natural dialogue n speak the users language n minimize user memory load n be consistent n provide feedback n provide clearly marked exits n provide shortcuts n provide good error messages n prevent errors

27 Windows Interface Guidelines n directness n user in control n consistency n forgiveness n feedback n aesthetics n simplicity set of general principles for interface design in Microsoft's software development documentation

28 Directness (after Microsoft) n allow users to directly manipulate software representations of information. n users should see how the actions they take affect the objects on the screen. n Visibility of information and choices also reduce the user's mental workload. n Users can recognize a command easier than they can recall its syntax.

29 User in control (after Microsoft) n user initiates actions, not the computer or software n use techniques to automate tasks, but implement them in a way that allows the user to chose or control the automation. n users must be able to personalize aspects of the interface, such as color, fonts, or other options

30 Consistency (after Microsoft) n allows users to transfer existing knowledge to new tasks and focus more on tasks because they need not spend time trying to remember the differences in interaction. n makes the interface familiar and predictable. by providing a sense of stability n important through all aspects of the interface, names of commands, visual presentation of information, and operational behavior.

31 Forgiveness (after Microsoft) n Users like to explore an interface and often learn by trial and error. n An effective interface allows for interactive discovery. n It provides only appropriate sets of choices and warns users about potential situations where they may damage the system or data, or better, makes actions reversible or recoverable.

32 Feedback (after Microsoft) n Always provide feedback for a user's actions. n Visual, and sometimes audio, cues should be presented with every user interaction to confirm that the software is responding to the user's input and to communicate details that distinguish the nature of the action.

33 Aesthetics (after Microsoft) n visual design is an important part of a software's interface. n important to remember that every visual element that appears on the screen potentially competes for the user's attention. n Provide a pleasant environment that clearly contributes to the user's understanding of the information presented.

34 Simplicity (after Microsoft) n An interface should be simple (not simplistic), easy to learn, and easy to use. n It must also provide access to all functionality provided by an application. n Maximizing functionality and maintaining simplicity work against each other in the interface. n An effective design balances these objectives.

35 Summary n Human-computer dialogues can be viewed as an exchange of messages or the user changing the state of application objects. n Dialogues can be designed to assist the user through: u Consistency u Support u Feedback u Minimal input u Flexibility n Several similar lists of good design principles

36 For next week.... n Make sure you have read Preece, Chapter 13.

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