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Arab-Israeli conflicts 351 Spath. Israel/Palestine.

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Presentation on theme: "Arab-Israeli conflicts 351 Spath. Israel/Palestine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arab-Israeli conflicts 351 Spath

2 Israel/Palestine

3 Maps pre-1948 conflicts Yishuv1948 Israel1947 UN Partition Plan

4 Egypt, Sinai, Strait of Tiran

5 1956 & 1967 Wars


7 Results Israel restored its image as a strong and independent state. Israel was now three times bigger than it had been in 1966. The pan-Arab ideas of Nasser were losing legitimacy. He took a great hit to his prestige Israel now had the security risk of an extra 1 million Arab people inside its own borders. About 1/3 million Arabs fled to Jordan- where they were easy prey to PLO recruiters. The status of the new territories was problematic. Should the residents get citizen status? Could you have an Israeli/Arab Palestinian? Did Israel really want all the land- especially that with inherent ownership problems (eg the Gaza Strip)? Israel launched a huge settlement plan- to occupy the land won with people loyal to Israel.

8 Israel before and after the six-day war 1967.

9 1973 Yom Kippur War

10 Egyptian soldiers cross the canal by boat

11 The Golan Heights. With seeming success of Egyptian army, Syria invaded Israel from the North over the Golan Heights.

12 1982 invasion of Lebanon

13 Sabra & Shatila…

14 Israel/Palestine: Peace Process

15 Parties involved in the peace process On the Israeli side: – Doves: Labor, Mapam & Arab parties – Hawks: Likud, Gush Emunim & Nationalist parties – Flip-floppers: Shas – Kadima - unilateral On the Palestinian side: – Compromisers: The Palestinian National Authority – Purists: Hamas & Islamic Jihad The United States: see October 23 rd lecture Other: EU, UN, Russia

16 Overview of the peace process By the 1991 Madrid Conference: – Intifada – Gulf War – Demise of Soviet Union – Labor government in Israel 1991-93: – The issue of settlements – Rabin’s election 1993: Oslo I Agreement: – Mutual recognition between PLO & Israel – 5-year program for Palestinian autonomy

17 Overview of the peace process--cont 1994: Return of Arafat to the Occupied Territories 1994: Israel-Jordan peace agreement 1995: Oslo II agreement 1995-2000: Breakdown: – Assassination of Rabin – Israeli practices against spirit & letter of accord – Arafat’s monopolization of power – Increased popularity and violent activity of Hamas 2000-: Reversal – Election of Sharon – Second Intifada – Reinvasion of PNA territories


19 West Bank & Gaza


21 Palestinian strategies for liberation Palestinian reliance on neighbors Palestinian self-reliance—PLO Using neighbors’ territories—Jordan and Lebanon Internal resistance—the two Intifada’s (1987-91, 2000-) From rock throwing to suicide bombing Shaking off Israeli domination: settlements, walls, confiscations & destruction, “special” taxation, roadblocks, prisons & detention, trade, feelings of inferiority, informers and fatalism. Negotiations

22 Conceptual issues… Exclusivist (rejectionist) and Accommodationist -- competing claims of 2 peoples to exclusive right of national self- determination and sovereignty on same piece of land  single-state (exclusivist b/c undermine other)  exclusivist-accommodationist trend (LT) Violent and non-violent (diplomatic vs. militaristic strategies for resolution) Positive and Negative peace -- Negative  absence of war or direct violence -- Positive  transformation of society w/ principles of equality, social justice, & nonviolence

23 Some of the issues… A bi-national state or a two-state solution? Fixed, agreed-upon borders Status of East Jerusalem Jewish Settlements (land/growth) Resource allocation (i.e. water issues) How sovereign should the Palestinian state be? Fate of Palestinian refugees (compensation/return) Economic viability of Israel and Palestine

24 Some scenarios presented previously… Two states for two people Greater Israel (Palestinian transfer v. Palestinians as citizens) Greater Palestine (P. state w/ Jews as citizens) Partial autonomy – Palestine controls civic affairs & internal security of its territories, Israel administers external security and controls land & resources Return to pre-Oslo situation – Israeli occupation Binational state on land of Palestine and Israel

25 Wood carvers in Deheisheh Refugee Camp Har Homa Settlement Israeli Only Highway leading to settlement

26 Separation Barrier

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