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How many of you would like to live on the coast? Yes No.

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2 How many of you would like to live on the coast? Yes No

3 What the Coast Has to Offer Water Employment Recreation Nice weather Waterborne commerce Energy and Mineral production

4 What the Coast Has to Offer Because of the many positives of living off of the coast, many people live there. Too many people!! There is not enough room for both the people and the environment. There is an increase in population density in all areas of the United States but the Coastal Counties are shown to have many more persons per square mile.

5 No Room for the Environment? Population Pressure has caused: Air Pollution Water Pollution Habitat Loss Over fishing Rising Sea Level Global Warming

6 No Room for the People? Population Pressure has caused risk of: Poverty stricken areas Disease High demand and consumption High crime rates Combating Infections

7 The areas of the nation most concentrated with people are those along the coast. This is like if more than half of the students in the classroom decided to sit in the first 5 desks. This is like adding 3-4 more students to the classroom This is like having one class with 150 students while the rest only have about 30 students. The areas around the coast have a very offset population pattern because of the number of people that desire to live there.

8 Coastal population pressure does not just occur here in the United States. But all over the world as well.

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