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Week 6: Cell Morphology Wright stain RBC morphology Anisocytosis

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Presentation on theme: "Week 6: Cell Morphology Wright stain RBC morphology Anisocytosis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 6: Cell Morphology Wright stain RBC morphology Anisocytosis
Poikilocytosis WBC morphology WBC differentials Artifacts

2 Wright Stain Romanowsky stain family Polychromatic
Absolute methanol fixative Methylene blue - basophilic components Eosin - acidophilic components

3 Smear Making Essential in morphology Wedge method Thickness and length




7 Key Features Size Nuclear shape Chromatin features
Granules and other inclusions Color

8 Leukocytes Granulocytes: have specific granules Non-granulocytes
Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil Non-granulocytes Lymphocyte Monocyte

9 Granulocytes Eosinophil Large orange granules <2% in circulation
Usually bilobed Increased in allergy, parasites

10 Granulocytes Basophil Large black-purple granules
<1% in circulation Increased in allergy, CML

11 Granulocytes Segmented Neutrophil Band Small purple granules
54-62% in circulation Coarse chromatin Increased in bacterial infection Band No nuclear filament 3-5% in circulation

12 Non-Granulocytes Lymphocyte Relatively small Round or oval nucleus
Smudged chromatin Basophilic cytoplasm Increased in viral infection % (more in children)

13 Non-Granulocytes Monocyte Relatively large
Grey cytoplasm with vacuoles Irregular nucleus Linear chromatin Increased in chronic infection 3 - 7%

14 Platelets Cytoplasmic fragments of large megakaryocyte
2-3 mm in diameter with granules Promotes clot formation 8-20 per oil immersion field 150, ,000/mL

15 Erythrocyte Morphology
Normal: biconcave disc of 7.5 mm diameter Has central pallor (1/3 of diameter) on smear No inclusions


17 Good Area to Evaluate Morphology

18 Anisocytosis: Variation in Size
Microcytes Macrocytes

19 Poikilocytosis: Abnormal Shape
Target Cells Hypochromic

20 Poikilocytosis Schistocyte Sickle Cell

21 Poikilocytosis Teardrop Cell Spherocyte

22 Poikilocytosis Elliptocyte Stomatocyte

23 RBC Inclusions, etc. Polychromasia Howell-Jolly Bodies

24 RBC Inclusions Cabot Ring Basophilic Stippling

25 RBC Inclusions, etc. Malaria Rouleaux

26 Too Thick Too Alkaline Too Thin Too Acidic

27 Unacceptable Slides

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