PUT TITLE HERE Student Success 2011 Summer Program NAME OF YOUR MODULE HERE DAY 2 Student Success 2011 Summer Program Facilitating Learning Teams using.

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Presentation on theme: "PUT TITLE HERE Student Success 2011 Summer Program NAME OF YOUR MODULE HERE DAY 2 Student Success 2011 Summer Program Facilitating Learning Teams using."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUT TITLE HERE Student Success 2011 Summer Program NAME OF YOUR MODULE HERE DAY 2 Student Success 2011 Summer Program Facilitating Learning Teams using a Professional Learning Cycle 1

2 2 Agenda Day 2 Minds On Overview Three Heads Facilitation – Guided Viewing Action Facilitating the Professional Learning Cycle  OBSERVE  REFLECT Consolidation  Challenges, Assumptions and Next Steps 2 Day 1 Minds On  Group Profile (Wall Chart)  Agenda, Purpose, Learning Goals and Context  Walk About  Opportunities and Challenges Action  Facilitation Skills and Knowledge Base  Facilitating the Professional Learning Cycle  PLAN  ACT Consolidation Making Connections

3 Learning Preferences Preference Prefers learning/demonstrating learning : Visualthrough diagrams, maps, charts… Aural/Auditoryby hearing or speaking Reading/Writingthrough the written word Kinestheticthrough experience, simulation, authentic videos… 3

4 Three Heads Like-preference groups: 1.Join with 2 others who have the same VARK preference(s) 2.Identify the top 3 or 4 key ideas in yesterday’s session 3.Figure out a way to share these with the large group using your common learning preference. 4

5 Stations: Supporting Implementation Select a topic of interest for viewing: Building Capacity Leadership Facilitation View – with a focus on the Thinking Routine questions Share - with others at that viewing station Thinking Routine: ‘See-Think-Explore’ What did you see? What do you think? What related ideas would you like to explore? 5 Option A: for sessions that include administrators who are supporting learning teams in their schools

6 Stations: Guided Viewing - Facilitation Select - a quote from Handout 11. View – with a focus on your chosen quote Share - with 2 or three others who selected the same quote 6 Option B: for sessions with board and school level facilitators Handout 11

7 7 Agenda Day 2 Minds On Overview Three Heads Facilitation – Guided ViewingAction Facilitating the Professional Learning Cycle  OBSERVE  REFLECT Consolidation  Challenges, Assumptions and Next Steps 7 Day 1 Minds On  Group Profile (Wall Chart)  Agenda, Purpose, Learning Goals and Context  Walk About  Opportunities and Challenges Action  Facilitation Skills and Knowledge Base  Facilitating the Professional Learning Cycle  PLAN  ACT Consolidation Making Connections

8 Between ACT and OBSERVE What happens between the scheduled learning cycle meetings for ACT and OBSERVE? For example: What is the facilitator doing? What is the Administrator doing What is the teacher doing? 8

9 OBSERVE 9 Sharing instructional practice to monitor student learning and enhance educator learning 9 9

10 OBSERVE Video Prior to viewing, read the OBSERVE description in your notes organizer. 10

11 Guided Viewing - OBSERVE 11 Jot your observations on the Guided Viewing handout based on the prompts provided. Handout 12

12 Student Work “One of the most powerful ways to ensure that any (learning team) stays focused – whether within or across schools – is by making sure that it is anchored by actual student work.” p. 76 “Having actual student work is at the center of the collaborative inquiry exercise. It creates the opportunity for evidence-driven, focused professional learning conversations.” p. 76 Katz, Earl, Jaafar, 2009 (Corwin) 12

13 ACT – Four Corners 1.Select a question of interest. 2.Join the corner group for that question. 3.Divide into groups of 4 or 5 at the corner – each group has a piece of chart paper. 4.Follow the facilitation instructions on the next slide. 13 OBSERVE – Four Corners/Carousel Handout 12

14 Using Facilitation Knowledge and Skills The facilitator: Helps the team select a (1) Standard and (2) a Move or Norm that they think will be important to the success of this activity Ensures that the group understands the Standard/Move-Norm Facilitates the group’s work through the Corner activity. Ontario Ministry of Education, SS/L-18ITEB 2010 Differentiated Instruction Summer Program14 Identify a facilitator for your Corner group. 14

15 ACT – Four Corners Corner Groups of 5 or less 1.Brainstorm responses - on chart paper. 2.As a group, move to each of the other questions, examine and add or comment as needed. 3.Return to original Corner, examine comments of others, summarize and share key points. 15 OBSERVE – Four Corners/Carousel Handout 12

16 Collaborative Inquiry Continuum For a team on which you were a member or that you have facilitated, which ‘shared practice’ description best matches your team’s work? 16 HANDOUT 3 16

17 Facilitation Debrief 1.To what extent (rarely – sometimes – most of the time) was the group able to demonstrate the select: Standard Move or Norm 2.What challenges arose? As a group, decide on and share a way to address the challenge. 17

18 Instructional Strategies Check 1.What strategies were used to: Focus viewing Generate ideas Stimulate thinking 2.How was instruction differentiated? 3.Note strategies used on the Strategy Bank handout. 18 Handout 5

19 Making Connections Individually, take time to add notes and ideas to your Learning Cycle Organizer and to your Facilitation Mind Map 19

20 REFLECT 20 Examining evidence to reflect on student and educator learning 20

21 Between OBSERVE and REFLECT What happens between the scheduled learning cycle meetings for OBSERVE and REFLECT? For example: What is the facilitator doing? What is the administrator doing What is the teacher doing? 21

22 Guided Viewing: REFLECT 22 Prior to viewing, read the REFLECT description in your notes organizer.

23 Guided Viewing: REFLECT 23 Jot your observations on the Guided Viewing handout based on the prompts provided. Analysis Interpretation Next Steps Handout 13

24 After Viewing: After Viewing: REFLECT Table Groups Discuss responses to the analysis, Interpretation and Next Steps prompts. Share with the larger group. 24

25 Reflect: Discussion Questions Triads or Quads (Like-Role) Select a question of interest to discuss and be prepared to share a few points from your discussion with the larger group. 1.How would you help members of your learning team determine what they have learned and, based on student learning needs, their next steps for professional learning? 2.What would need to be in place to support a team to reflect in this way? 3.What would need to have occurred in the previous learning cycle phases for this type of reflection to occur. 25

26 Reflect Share a few points from your discussion with the larger group. 26

27 Collaborative Inquiry Continuum For a team on which you were a member or that you have facilitated, which ‘Individual and Group Reflection’ description best matches your team’s work? 27 HANDOUT 3 27

28 Facilitation Your group had no formal facilitator: 1.What facilitative standards, skills, and ways of working together did your group collectively demonstrate? 2.In what ways, if any, might a facilitator have contributed to the functioning of the group? 28

29 Instructional Strategies Check 1.What strategies were used to: Focus viewing Stimulate thinking Foster engagement 2.How was instruction differentiated? 3.Note strategies used on the Strategy Bank handout 29 Handout 5

30 Making Connections Individually, take time to add notes and ideas to your Learning Cycle Organizer and to your Facilitation Mind Map 30

31 31 Agenda Day 2 Minds On Overview Three Heads Facilitation – Guided Viewing Action Facilitating the Professional Learning Cycle  OBSERVE  REFLECT Consolidation  Challenges, Assumptions and Next Steps 31 Day 1 Minds On  Group Profile (Wall Chart)  Agenda, Purpose, Learning Goals and Context  Walk About  Opportunities and Challenges Action  Facilitation Skills and Knowledge Base  Facilitating the Professional Learning Cycle  PLAN  ACT Consolidation Making Connections

32 32 Consolidation - Challenges Examine your session notes and update the Challenge board. As a full group, sort and classify the challenges. Create groups based on a category of interest. 32

33 Using Facilitation Knowledge and Skills The facilitator assists the group with: Standards 1 and 2 and using skills such as pausing, paraphrasing and inquiring. Ontario Ministry of Education, SS/L-18ITEB 2010 Differentiated Instruction Summer Program33 Identify a facilitator for your interest group. 33

34 Assumptions and Next Steps 1.Identify, and post on chart paper, any assumptions related to the category. 2.Clarify /analyse the assumptions. (e.g., supporting evidence? always the case? challenges within the challenge?) 3.Determine whether the challenge can be addressed through facilitation. 4.What next steps can be taken to address the challenge? 34

35 Challenges Share a few points from your discussion with the larger group… inviting input as needed. 35

36 Facilitation Debrief 1.Why are skills such as pausing, paraphrasing and inquiring important to discussions? 2.To what extent did the group adhere to Standards 1 and 2? 36

37 Top Ten List 1.Examine notes, Mind Map and Strategy Bank. 2.As a Table Group, develop a Top Ten list of ideas and strategies that will be the most useful in facilitation work. 3.Share the top three with the large group. 37

38 38 anne.clifton@ontario.ca karen.greenham@ontario.ca linda.staudt@ontario.ca shawna.eby@ontario.ca jane.ashley@ontario.ca 38

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