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GRADING PLANS. SO WHAT? What do grades mean Who uses them Different perspectives on grading *from text if not in class*

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2 SO WHAT? What do grades mean Who uses them Different perspectives on grading *from text if not in class*

3 Approaches to Grading Criterion-referenced (percentage or contract) Norm-referenced (ranked)

4 Things to Consider School policies and practices Effort Attitude Participation Illness Late work What counts

5 Good Grading Plans Start at beginning of year/semester Students know criteria Valid and Reliable data/assessments Summative vs Formative Achievement focus Meaningful Inputs

6 TWO BASIC METHODS PERCENTAGE SYSTEM –Identify categories –Find Means per category –Weight categories –VERY FLEXIBLE –Math “intensive”

7 TWO BASIC METHODS POINT METHOD – identify what is included –assign points for all assignments –add points at end –NOT FLEXIBLE –Math “easy”

8 PERCENTAGE SYSTEM Identify what categories will be included Determine weight for each category Summative > Formative Turn grades into % Find mean for each category Multiply weight by mean % Add categories

9 EXAMPLE – 4 th Grade Math Learning logs/journals (daily) (F) Independent practice (daily) (F) Paper Unit tests (@ 3) (S) Performance tests (weekly) (S) Unit project (@ 3) (S) Cooperative Group Work (@2/week) (F)

10 Example cont’d (9) Performance Tests - 30% Direct, authentic, most often of S (3) Unit projects – 25% Direct, authentic, less isolated skills than test (3) Unit Tests – 20% Overall unit test, connects to benchmakrs

11 Example Cont’d Cooperative Group Work – 10% Have to convince peers you can do it Learning logs/journals (daily) (F) – 10% Reflective component to learning Independent practice (daily) (F) – 5 % Primarily isolated skills – check that it gets done but not relevant toward grade

12 YOUR FINAL Given assessments, create a % method grading plan Given a grading plan and grades, calculate grades From text & class – you will have to make a recommendation about what type of grading (standard of comparison) AND what should be included as part of a grade

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