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Sustainable Funding What different sources of funding can you think of?

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Funding What different sources of funding can you think of?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Sustainable Funding


4 What different sources of funding can you think of?

5 Stable: A diverse mix of funding sources Suitable: Appropriate for the organisation Sufficient: Costs are understood and covered

6 Donor Funder Purchaser Consumer ASKINGEARNING Gift Economy Grant Funding Structured Market Open Market

7 …an octopus organisation …or a train

8 Individual donors

9 1. Identify 2. Research 3. Donor Motivation 5. Engagement 6. Ask 7. Thank 4. Plan 8. Stewardship

10 »Logo Your Organisation Staff FantasyVols Suppliers Board Donors Patrons

11 Social Recognition Mutual Benefit AffinityPhilanthropy

12 Priority Grid –Prioritising prospects

13 Commissioning

14 What is commissioning

15 Identifies Need for service Informs Voluntary sector organisation Public body Fund Service delivered by voluntary sector organisation Grants Public body Identifies Need for service Put contract to tender Voluntary sector organisation Bid Service delivered by voluntary sector organisation Contracts

16 Central government The NHS and local Primary Care Trusts Local Authorities The UK Police and Fire Services Universities and colleges


18 Trading and Social Enterprise

19 What is social enterprise

20 Key points Social enterprise is a new word for something that has existed for hundreds of years There is no legal definition of a social enterprise

21 Through what they produce How they produce goods or services Through how they use their profits

22 Why do it?

23 Examples

24 Merging mission and money Requires (grant) funding Makes money On mission Off mission Proceed with caution! Situation for majority of organisations Prime target Stay out!!


26 WRC Development Team Women’s Resource Centre, Ground Floor East, 33-41 Dallington Street, London EC1V 0BB 0207 324 3031

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