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Centennial Curriculum Model One. Where are we now? Most courses must have all GE Strands!

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1 Centennial Curriculum Model One

2 Where are we now? Most courses must have all GE Strands!

3 Faculty Senate Approved General Education Framework: The Four Areas Foundational Content (FC) Critical Capacities and Skills (CCS) Personal & Social Responsibilities (PSR) Interconnecting Perspectives (IP)

4 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) 38 Cr. 40 Cr. Both Satisfy  GERTA

5 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) Both Satisfy  GERTA 38 Cr. 40 Cr.

6 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) 38 Cr. 40 Cr. Both Satisfy  GERTA

7 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) 38 Cr. 40 Cr. Both Satisfy  GERTA

8 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) 38 Cr. 40 Cr. Both Satisfy  GERTA

9 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) 38 Cr. 40 Cr. Both Satisfy  GERTA

10 OldNew GE 1 Communications GE 2 History GE 3 Humanities GE 4 Wellness GE 5 Mathematics GE 6 Science GE 7 Social Science Core CoursesDetails FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) 38 Cr. 40 Cr. Both Satisfy  GERTA

11 Core CoursesDetailsip1 FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) (history) Electives (wellness) required:2 satisfied:0 Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) IP1 “understandin g of diversity, both globally and within the United States” 2 courses required

12 Core CoursesDetailsip1 FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) World Civilizations 211(history)1 Electives (wellness) required:2 satisfied:1 Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) IP1 “understandin g of diversity, both globally and within the United States” 2 courses required

13 Core CoursesDetailsccs1ccs2ccs3ccs4psr1psr2psr3ip1ip2 FC1 (humanities) FC2 (lab science) FC3 (social science) World Civilizations 211(history)1 Electives (wellness) Additional Contributions Social Science 28311 Required INT(fye INT) Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing) Eng 110(com/writing) Eng 120(com/writing) Required222211121 Satisfied12

14 Core CoursesDetailsccs1ccs2ccs3ccs4psr1psr2psr3ip1ip2 FC1 Spanish 101(humanities) Philosophy 102(humanities)1 FC2 Biology 110(lab science)11 Chemistry 110(lab science)11 FC3 (social science) World Civilizations 211(history)1 Electives (wellness) Additional Contributions Social Science 28311 Required INT(fye INT)1 Mathematics(math) Com 110(com/writing)1 Eng 110(com/writing)1 Eng 120(com/writing) Required222211121 Satisfied12111121 Student / Advisor Checklist

15 Catalog Listing HIST 211 CCS2 IP1 3.0

16 Catalog Listing HIST 211 CCS2 IP1 3.0 Sponsoring Department Catalog Number Areas 2, 3, and 4 (up to two columns) Credits

17 Requesting Approval

18 Overview GEN ED committee reviews selected portfolios and reports back to faculty Faculty propose courses and identify “columns” Curriculum Committee approves courses Students save work examples to electronic portfolios

19 Centennial Curriculum Model One

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