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CBC Automotive n Operation n Service n Diagnosis Battery.

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Presentation on theme: "CBC Automotive n Operation n Service n Diagnosis Battery."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBC Automotive n Operation n Service n Diagnosis Battery

2 CBC Automotive Battery n Source of Energy n Reserve while running n Stabilizer P - 115

3 CBC Automotive Battery n Converts chemical energy into electrical energy

4 CBC Automotive Cells n # of cells n Cell voltage n How cells are connected P - 118

5 CBC Automotive Chemistry n During charging and discharging

6 CBC Automotive Charged n + = Pb O2 n - = Pb n Solution = H2 SO4

7 CBC Automotive Discharging n + = PbSO4 n - = PbSO4 n Solution = H2O P - 77 lab

8 CBC Automotive n Why do batteries freeze?

9 CBC Automotive Reversing the cycle again

10 CBC Automotive Battery Gassing n During discharge n During charge

11 CBC Automotive Batteries do blow up

12 CBC Automotive Precautions n when jumping a battery n when using a charger n when disconnecting a cable n when using any flame source

13 CBC Automotive Construction P - 117

14 CBC Automotive n Positive plate n Negitive plate n Seperator n Grid

15 CBC Automotive Conventional Battery P - 116

16 CBC Automotive Maintenance Free P - 121

17 CBC Automotive Low maintenance P - 122

18 CBC Automotive Hybrid and Recombination P - 123 and 124

19 CBC Automotive Temperature Charge Plate area Impurites Gassing

20 CBC Automotive Causes of battery failure

21 CBC Automotive Failure n Elecrolyte level n Overcharging n Undercharging n Corrosion n Cycling n Temperature n Vibration

22 CBC Automotive State of charge testing

23 CBC Automotive Hydrometer with float with balls

24 CBC Automotive Open Circuit Voltage Test n Sealed batteries P - 74

25 CBC Automotive Before load testing

26 CBC Automotive Before load testing you must know what the battery is, or should be rated at

27 CBC Automotive Rattings n Ampure-hour rating n Cold cranking rating n Reserve capacity rating n Watt hour rating P - 125 - lab

28 CBC Automotive Battery Size Selection

29 CBC Automotive P - 75 lab

30 CBC Automotive Demo

31 CBC Automotive

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